L.A Noire - Discussion Thread

Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

^Yeah just one. The first one.

PS: Guys who haven't started the game yet, do NOT read the spoiler!

Ended up killing the guy after chasing him for a while. :(

Just curious but when they mean incapacitate, do they mean to shoot him and kill him or just injure him? Asking this because the suspect caught hold of a hostage towards the end of the chase and when I tried shooting in his arms/legs, he still managed to leave the hostage but still killed the lady.

One minor niggle - the save points. If I were to leave in the midst of the mission, I'll have to start the case from scratch. Now that's a bit too much.
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Gannu said:
Ended up killing the guy after chasing him for a while. :(

Just curious but when they mean incapacitate, do they mean to shoot him and kill him or just injure him? Asking this because the suspect caught hold of a hostage towards the end of the chase and when I tried shooting in his arms/legs, he still managed to leave the hostage but still killed the lady.
You can't disarm them at all. I had to re-try the mission nearly 6 times, only to realise, I wasn't going anywhere with shooting his arm or leg. Most of the Street Crimes end up that way, except for the ones which involve car chases.

Gannu said:
One minor niggle - the save points. If I were to leave in the midst of the mission, I'll have to start the case from scratch. Now that's a bit too much.
You have checkpoint saves, right? I could see the saving symbol at the bottom, whenever I drove to a new location to investigate a case. Although, the ideal way to play this game is to complete every case at a stretch. The anticipation of "what happens next" is just too hard to resist. :p
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Ethan_Hunt said:
You can't disarm them at all. I had to re-try the mission nearly 6 times, only to realise, I wasn't going anywhere with shooting his arm or leg. Most of the Street Crimes end up that way, except for the ones which involve car chases.
Ah so you need to kill them aye? So I think I did it right. I thought there was a way to incapacitate them in a different way. :ashamed:

Ethan_Hunt said:
The anticipation of "what happens next" is just too hard to resist. :p

Yeah true that. The concluding case before I crashed yesterday 'The Fallen Idol' was just too lengthy, my roomie slept off while watching it on my bed. :lol:

After staring at the display while passing by, he got interested in the game and started watching me play it. :p
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Completed 'The Quarter Moon Murders' case and quite frankly, this was the most underwhelming and boring case till now. The final bit was good, but overall the case sucked. Any-hoo, got promoted to the Vice department. Now this would be a fun ride. Too bad we don't get the pre-order bonus 'The Naked City' case, which is a part of the Vice cases. :(

Also Gannu, I can confirm visiting landmarks doesn't grant you an intuition point. I viewed nearly 10 landmarks while completing this last case and it didn't even add a single intuition point. Like I said before, viewing these landmarks leads to a +5 experience point boost.
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Ethan_Hunt said:
Also Gannu, I can confirm visiting landmarks doesn't grant you an intuition point. I viewed nearly 10 landmarks while completing this last case and it didn't even add a single intuition point. Like I said before, viewing these landmarks leads to a +5 experience point boost.
Yeah I can confirm that as well. Got a bunch of them yesterday and it just boosted the experience points by +5. :(

Completed 4 homicide cases yesterday and a bunch of street crimes. Some of the street crimes reminded me of the stranger missions in Red Dead Redemption. Very very interesting, hilarious and short at the same time.

Did any of you guys come across one street crime wherein you need to save a guy who is about to attempt suicide by falling off a high-rise tower?

Our man scales the building, then climbs atop the tower and suddenly the wannabe gives up. Cole's reaction (do not recall what he said exactly) was too damn funny! :lol:

So 'The Red Lipstick Murder' case went just fine and so did the rest of them viz. 'The White Shoe Slaying' and 'The Silk Stocking Murder'. But I was completely flummoxed at the ending of the 'The Golden Butterfly' case! Fcuk I knew who was the real killer but out of my BS state of mind I chose the wrong one! :facepalm:

I knew the odds were favoring Eli Rooney because the guy definitely looked suspicious at the first sight when he lurks around the parking lot staring at those kids and later we have a showdown with him after the chase concludes from the school. The janitor also warns of this guy. Although Moller lies a couple of times when interrogated I knew he wasn't the one who killed his wife. I charged him on the basis of those overalls which had the H.M. initials. :( Captain thrashed both of us!

Nvm. Looking forward to 'The Studio Secretary Murder' case today. :) Reached Rank 11.
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Gannu said:
Did any of you guys come across one street crime wherein you need to save a guy who is about to attempt suicide by falling off a high-rise tower?

Our man scales the building, then climbs atop the tower and suddenly the wannabe gives up. Cole's reaction (do not recall what he said exactly) was too damn funny! :lol:

Yep the 'Death Plunge' street crime was quite unexpected. I thought we could have saved him by firing a warning shot or something, but the moron jumped. :p

Gannu said:
So 'The Red Lipstick Murder' case went just fine and so did the rest of them viz. 'The White Shoe Slaying' and 'The Silk Stocking Murder'. But I was completely flummoxed at the ending of the 'The Golden Butterfly' case! Fcuk I knew who was the real killer but out of my BS state of mind I chose the wrong one! :facepalm:

I knew the odds were favoring Eli Rooney because the guy definitely looked suspicious at the first sight when he lurks around the parking lot staring at those kids and later we have a showdown with him after the chase concludes from the school. The janitor also warns of this guy. Although Moller lies a couple of times when interrogated I knew he wasn't the one who killed his wife. I charged him on the basis of those overalls which had the H.M. initials. :( Captain thrashed both of us!

This is what me and Dinesh were discussing on the earlier page.

Eli was a pervert, but he definitely didn't have anything to do with Deidre's murder. Hugo was trying to burn the evidence, so his case was a bit weak. Not to mention, a whole bunch of other evidence pointing towards him. At the end of the investigation, I had to charge one of them and I chose Hugo. The Captain busted our balls and got a report at the end which said "While Hugo Moller stares down a murder charge, Michelle Moller contemplates life as an orphan." :(

Donelly wanted Eli to be charged, because he had a strong hatred towards him for some reason. Anyway, I found out, none of this would matter as there is a much bigger surprise coming towards our way in 'The Quarter Moon Murders' case. Everything would be revealed in it.
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Yeah if the case ends if we charge Moller, we get the same report. I felt for that kid. :(

So this is how it is progressing. And all the first three homicide cases had naked women with the text written using the lipstick and the initials B.D. I think this guy is something like our Trinity killer in Dexter whose M.O. is to murder a lady on the bathtub first. This might be a similar one I am guessing.

The plot thickens! :eek:hyeah:
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

A full-fledged DLC could be possible, provided Team Bondi is keen on releasing a stand-alone DLC. Rockstar knew how to cash in on it's games, post their success. If this game really makes it big, then there is a good chance of a stand-alone DLC coming out. Else, they might just make a GOTY edition with all the smaller DLC's bundled on the disc itself.
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Completed 'The Quarter Moon Murder' case and the first case of the Vice desk 'The Black Caesar'. The first one was pretty boring, lengthy and it took me sometime to figure out the correct locations of the clues from the map. But the twist in the ending was pretty good!

I shot Mason pretty quickly. Almost as soon as the chase began! Any idea where this chase might continue to? Does it end at the Catacombs itself?

I miss Galloway though. He was a better partner than Earle from Vice. Earle behaves like a jerk sometimes!

I quite did not like the regenerative health system within this game. It is pretty obvious no human can survive shots from a gun and further continue chasing the suspect with the wounds. Moreover Phelps is always accompanied by a partner. It could have been better if there were something like the partner helping Phelps when he is wounded. Say with painkiller shots. Another gripe is when Phelps can climb down a ladder or a pipe, he quickly slides down. This would definitely result in him burning his hands because he goes around investigating with barebone hands without any gloves. Just something that struck my mind yesterday. :p
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Gannu said:
I shot Mason pretty quickly. Almost as soon as the chase began! Any idea where this chase might continue to? Does it end at the Catacombs itself?

That level ends in the Catacombs itself. I sneaked my way till the time Mason couldn't go any further, was forced to take cover & take a shot at me. :p

Gannu said:
I miss Galloway though. He was a better partner than Earle from Vice. Earle behaves like a jerk sometimes!

I'm quite the opposite. I enjoy Roy more than Galloway. He is more direct, puts out a tough guy act & is hilarious. :D

Gannu said:
I quite did not like the regenerative health system within this game. It is pretty obvious no human can survive shots from a gun and further continue chasing the suspect with the wounds. Moreover Phelps is always accompanied by a partner. It could have been better if there were something like the partner helping Phelps when he is wounded. Say with painkiller shots.

Considering how most of the main cases only leads to chases and investigations and how only street crimes has more action, I think the regenerative health system made some sense. Also, the combat hardly lasts for not more than 10 minutes, even less at times. I'm sure they weren't aiming for realism here. Else like Andy pointed out earlier, Phelps should have worn gloves while investigating the crime scene. Heck there's unlimited ammo. How easy did they want to make the combat?

I wish the side missions were longer in length and were more varied. All we do is reach the crime scene, pew-pew-pew and someone is sent packing off in a body-bag. Come on! :p
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Ethan_Hunt said:
I'm sure they weren't aiming for realism here.
I meant if they could go that far to get the perfect lip-sync and mo-cap for every other character with 32 HD cameras and so forth, I think they might have as well thought of the latex gloves and the non-regenerative health system. :p

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Done with the cases of the Vice desk and got demoted to the Arson desk. :ashamed:

The ending for the last case on the Vice desk - Manifest Destiny, was shocking! Cole gets kicked out of house and he happily knocks at Elsa's door again. I was like WTF! :O When this bugger was frequenting the club I knew he must be upto something with that lady but never knew it would run into an extra marital affair and being discovered by the press later.

Investigating the first case from the Arson desk was pretty good. The clues were easier to find and interviewing the suspects were very easy. Although I think there could be an alternate ending for this case a la The Golden Butterfly. I think I'll redo that case later once I am done with the game completely. Haven't progressed much on the Street Crimes front. Completed around 18 of them.
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Completed the game today morning. Total time clocked 21 hour 5 minutes and 16 seconds. :D

The last 2 cases were brilliant and not to mention the finale concluded properly. I now understand why we had to go through all of those war flashbacks. Everything finally made sense. I collected all the 13 newspapers, but still have about 6 more 'Street Crimes' missions left to complete. I tried to resume the game post credits, but it still sends me back to my old checkpoint of the last case. WTF? Where's the free-roam mode? How do I complete the un-attended street crime cases now? :S

The game was awesome. I wouldn't say a GOTY winner, but it's definitely was a very enriching and memorable experience. Great job Team Bondi. Hope to see a big-ass DLC for this game.

PS: Stay back for a post-credits scene in the game. :)
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Ethan_Hunt said:
I tried to resume the game post credits, but it still sends me back to my old checkpoint of the last case. WTF? Where's the free-roam mode? How do I complete the un-attended street crime cases now? :S
This was something I had in my mind and wanted to ask before. Good that you posted the feedback now. So does it mean we cannot attempt the street crimes anymore? :( I've just completed around 18 of them and I've already completed a case from the Arson desk. Some of the street crimes were very good albeit short.
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

I'm sure there is someway to resume the game in free-roam mode and complete the remaining tasks. I might have selected the wrong option. We can complete all the the other tasks, after the game's completion to either, achieve 100% goal, or just do the one which you need. I'll look around the Internet to see if there's any answer. Did you happen to find/view any film reel yet? That's the only additional task which I hadn't focused on, nor came across during my play-through.

EDIT: Found the answer for free-roam mode; Main Menu, select "Streets of L.A.". Let me check that, while Witcher 2 installs. :)

EDIT 2: Found the location. It's under; Main Menu - Cases - Traffic desk - Streets of L.A. Bad news for the 360 people is it would ask for a disc switch. :mad:
Re: L.A Noire Thread [Xbox 360/PS3]

Film reels, yes a couple of them. There is absolutely no clue to find them other than roam around the city and locate a golden colored reel placed atop some desk or some scaffolding in a construction site. Couldn't be bothered about them since they do not boost our experience points. Finding all of them rewards us with a trophy. Meh! :p

Hoping to finish the main storyline by tonight! :D