Letsbuy.com Deals and Coupons

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rahulmishra_15 said:
Purchased : Omron BP/ Heartbeat Level Indicator HEM 7200 from letsbuy using 500 off coupon thanks to niteshkhatri.
it was shipped the very next day by bluedart.the packing was excellent & the product is also great.

overall my assessment of letsbuy is: its great for products which are available with them but unreliable for preorders(i am yet to recv. my ps3 game..la noire which i had preordered on may 15th..it was released in India on 20th may)
How good is this product? I see a lot of Omron devices there. How to decide which one to pick?
Hi.. Does Anyone have a Flat 100Rs off coupon ? I wanna use it to buy the Philips earphone. Please PM me if anyone have it.
Why people want to buy crap earphones . Just because they are of 150 and you can them for 50 does not mean that you buy them .
xtremevicky said:
Why people want to buy crap earphones . Just because they are of 150 and you can them for 50 does not mean that you buy them .
Well I bought the philips earphone for 20 Rs. just for future use... :P even though they may not be good in quality, I can use them when my sony earphones are misplaced.... :)

local one's at my place are atleast more or equal to 20 Rs.....
I have one 500 off 2000 , given to me by virus32win , did not buy the item that i got this coupon for , so PM me if anyone needs it.

Edit: Given to bandaid
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