Letsbuy.com Deals and Coupons

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Same Toshiba laptop. but this time the price is 18.5k. Ordered for a friend in tvm.

Got mine, show off soon
m-jeri said:

Same Toshiba laptop. but this time the price is 18.5k. Ordered for a friend in tvm.

Got mine, show off soon

Great. Ya waiting for show off.:)

M also considering getting one more . this time toshiba one , hows it ?

Most prolly today. :D.


Do what @raks said.

Its the 18.5k one. 15" screen. not the 14" one. I myself bought 3 pieces.

One for my lady friend. she wants for browsing, chatting, Doing some VC++ work. More than enough. 18.3k via ebay. Last month
One for someone special for me. This i have with me now. 16.8k. with 1200 off from 18k. Last week.
One for a friends friend. No idea what he wants for. :S. 16808/-. with 1680 off from 18.5k. Today.

The build qlty of the laptop is very good mates.The all matte black finish is good. I like it better than my expensive 15R. Screen Is also better i think.
Ports are less.
techpal said:
Hows Expressit.in? Letsbuy shipped my laptop thru it.:(

I got my moto defy from them. It had arrived at my area branch but they said they will deliver it next day so i just went there and picked up myself. But it was COD so i was least worried.
Aladdin said:
I got my moto defy from them. It had arrived at my area branch but they said they will deliver it next day so i just went there and picked up myself. But it was COD so i was least worried.

OK thanks:) mine is too COD so no need to worry.
Otaku said:
Are portable HDD prices at LSB the best after coupons? I want to buy 1 TB portable, preferably Seagate/WD.

As far as I have researched after using RCOMLB1 coupon, they hv the best rates.
m0h1t said:
Cool, let us know if it went through successfully..

Successfully placed my order for a defy! :)

14.2k (Thanks m-jeri for the coupon)
Transaction was successful using a citibank card and the emi option.
Hope to get it soon, and fingers crossed, a red lens one :)
Spy king said:
Successfully placed my order for a defy! :)

14.2k (Thanks m-jeri for the coupon)

Transaction was successful using a citibank card and the emi option.

Hope to get it soon, and fingers crossed, a red lens one :)

Thanks for the update.
gouriin said:

Get the Sony one it has a better screen, plastics and speakers. I had a look at both in local store, the Acer has much lousy build and the Sony build seems much ahead.
i have purchased 10% coupon worth 2950 for 500rs from desidime for GS2 but now friend backed out

anyone interested can PM me

EDIT : jeri bhai PMed u for a FREE coupon :D
vercetti said:
^^dude...that's a refundable coupon...make a purchase and give backthe coupons and u get ur money back
it was purchase from a desidime user and he wont except back

its a 10% coupon for this i need to purchase some thing in the range of 20k+ but i dont have to buy anything as such
sanjiv said:
Get the Sony one it has a better screen, plastics and speakers. I had a look at both in local store, the Acer has much lousy build and the Sony build seems much ahead.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will go with Sony then....
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