Need For Speed Carbon

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The problem is they're just rushing into it. They're just looking to make money. That's their only objective. They need to take some time and make some major changes like they used to with each version ...
Well .. only nvidia cards are supposed to suffer from poor fps , infact some lower high end ATi cards beat the high end nvidia cards in terms of performance ... Anyway , i like the new gameplay , but i seriously hate the graphics ... though i get playable fps (40+ , falls to around 30 only at times , but never below) .. i still am pissed ...

Anyway .. check out the screenshots :

And some more here ..
hope the issue is resolved with some kind of driver update for nvidia cards ... or releasing a patch for carbon
Hope so .. the v1.3 patch did help a bit with NFS MW with my old 6600GT ... but not a very drastic improvement .. .. but even then .. anything over 45 fps constant is darn fine ...
I completely agree with Rave. Played the full version today and i have to say im not impressed. But ill reserve my final opinion till i get further in the game. Graphics arent that important, its gameplay that i care more about. The game looks alright if you ask me. And Performance is fine too, it runs nicely on my X1800 GTO with 4X AA and AF(thru options menu) and all other settings on full @ 1024X768.
the demo sucked big time and that is what i can say for it. Apart from the frames which sucked on everyone's rig including mine, the handling was HORRIBLE and I found MW graphics better than this. the game has highly disappointed me
undertaker said:
The full version of the game is not bad at all, the demo sucked coz of low res textures as I mentioned in another thread and performance is quite okay for me , 35+ at all times on a 7900GT@550/775, and A64@2.52, 2GB G.Skill

I am ofcoz talking about the full version here man

and Darky, yeah i need some Ati card ASAP, i just cant stand this IQ no more, and not talking about NFSC alone here
inspite of these bugs, there is added to the gameplay no doubt. the cars handling is a little simulated rather than arcady like MW, mostly I experienced it on turns where proper throttle management does feel the difference. The drift, above all, is a different ball game. havent drifted much yet but whatever 3-4 i did were great experience, atleast for me.

Overall i guess the Gameplay is a lil better imo, the gfx part is same as MW with at all no betterment. Rather inferior to daylight scenery of MW. Lets wait for EA to patch it for the operational glitches, i guess the games gonna catch up. After all, the gfx aren't that fascinating enough after ur really into 30-35% of the game & start to enjoy it, but yes gameplay value makes u stick to the game.
as i said b4 this game sux.

2ndly. mw was anyday million times better than the crappy 1 track game ug1 & ug2 where the car was so crappy it felt like its ice skating on the surface.

overall there are only 2 good nfs game in the series. nfs2se & nfs porshe.
If the grapix are so pathetic then why the hell did they stop making it work on Gf4 Mxs.....Although all the NFS games were more or less the same, it was always fun to drive in new environments....But I won't be able to play NFSC...coz of my stupid Graphic card ( Mx440)......Damn!!
running at 1024 x 768 and I get abt 25-30 FPS at 4xAA and 8x AF.

That is the least of my problems though.... .I cant get the damn game to exit properly. I need to all sorts of things to get to task manager and then end the game.

And the graphics seem exactly same as NFS UG 2 !! Wy the fvk isnt it running properly then ??

Handling is just as I expected.... impossible to play with the joystick (no fcking option to turn off Force feedback) and with the keyboard, the controls suck.

They somehow seem better than NFS MW (but that is probably because I am still in the beginning of the game).

But one thing.... I pwn in drifts :D :D

The storyline seems interesting though....and Emmanuelle is pretty hot.

The faces of the characters look amazingly real.
the girl looks more like a school teacher, first time i din't like a NFS chick.
maran was really hot in MW.

& yes i can't turn rumble off, thats a little problem cos hands sweat too much with vibration at longer stretches.
But since it is only nvidia being pwned, I hope we can expect some sort of performance boost with new drivers ??
Nikhil said:
But since it is only nvidia being pwned, I hope we can expect some sort of performance boost with new drivers ??

I certainly hope so .... any difference in the benchmarks/fps with the full version?? ... I'm stuck with 7600GT :(
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