Nokia N8 Thread

dhruvrock2000 said:
Is it ? I am comparing it with my iPod 5G and i dont have any issue...

Oh wait... dude you have to press the earphones in a bit , till there is a click. Many people have this issue as they dont lock in the earphone completely. Give it a shot..
sorry i completely disagree with that earphones pushing in part ...@dhruvrock i know u ur trying hard to promote the n8 but just take someones 3gs and try it ..same song full volume on both phones with any earphones .. u will immediately notice the diff .. and the diff is huge . its a very very big deal breaker !!!
dhruvrock2000 said:
Is it ? I am comparing it with my iPod 5G and i dont have any issue...

Oh wait... dude you have to press the earphones in a bit , till there is a click. Many people have this issue as they dont lock in the earphone completely. Give it a shot..
What he said.. i have been listening to music for more than 1 hour and it sounds good even on the stock ear phones. I will be getting a RE2 today, though i do not own any apple music players i will test it with Sansa clip and N8 and let you know.

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khanvis2009 said:
sorry i completely disagree with that earphones pushing in part ...@dhruvrock i know u ur trying hard to promote the n8 but just take someones 3gs and try it ..same song full volume on both phones with any earphones .. u will immediately notice the diff .. and the diff is huge . its a very very big deal breaker !!!
Why would someone have to promote a product. He is talking about it because he likes his phone and you are not talking about it coz you like your iphone better than N8, as simple as that.
fire said:
What he said.. i have been listening to music for more than 1 hour and it sounds good even on the stock ear phones. I will be getting a RE2 today, though i do not own any apple music players i will test it with Sansa clip and N8 and let you know.

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Why would someone have to promote a product. He is talking about it because he likes his phone and you are not talking about it coz you like your iphone better than N8, as simple as that.

i am not promoting the iphone .. i use a blackberry fyi .. as i mentioned in my post u dont have to be a nokia or an apple fanboy to check this .. the diff is immediately noticeable .. now the reason i say druvrock is promoting the n8 is cause he got a review unit from nokia much b4 anyone and all his posts make it look like the n8 is the best ever !! i wouldnt be surprised even one bit if he said that he is paid by nokia to promote the phone cause i think he is .. another member sarcastically pointed that out as well on this thread .

this is not a nokia vs apple arguement .. i am just asking him to test it witha 3gs cause i accidentally tested it with someone's iphone and noticed the diff .
khanvis2009 said:
i am not promoting the iphone .. i use a blackberry fyi .. as i mentioned in my post u dont have to be a nokia or an apple fanboy to check this .. the diff is immediately noticeable .. now the reason i say druvrock is promoting the n8 is cause he got a review unit from nokia much b4 anyone and all his posts make it look like the n8 is the best ever !! i wouldnt be surprised even one bit if he said that he is paid by nokia to promote the phone cause i think he is .. another member sarcastically pointed that out as well on this thread .

this is not a nokia vs apple arguement .. i am just asking him to test it witha 3gs cause i accidentally tested it with someone's iphone and noticed the diff .

Well i do not want to get into someone else's war. or which is better argument either.

Moving on i just found out that the internet radio made for S60 V5 works well for N8, just an information if someone is looking for one before the official N8 version comes out.

There is one small thing i found out, the menu physical key, when back lit, in silver colored N8 does not in least bit look white but rather like white that has become dirty after a year of use. Do not know if it is just my piece or common for all silver N8s.
a peculiar thing i noticed while using the n8, if u press the menu key > menu screen appers > tap the exit option to EXIT the menu screen > check open apps ....Voila! The menu screen is open.

Now many might not notice this but this is pretty annoying, and harsh on the battery as well.
I do support the idea that dear ol' Dhruv been ranting abt nokia n8 as the saviour of the world in an annoying manner now. Offlate it has become quite irritating as well. (how many posts he has in here already? If not support/help, its abt the enthusiasm for its purchase. )
the phone is not a tank, the review unit in my hand already has a dent on the upper part due to a fall and i dread the scratch.
This phone is not a piece of cr*p but aint a show stealer either. Anybody who is looking for a piece of h/w which ll do the things it should (like playing the popular file formats) should pick it up,but certainly not something to be going nuts about.
Even I was skeptical about Dhruv's posts. It gives me the feeling that he is blatantly promoting the phone. I have still not decided on purchasing it because of this. Would want to see some real reviews from others first.


No offense but this is how it is.
khanvis2009 said:
i am not promoting the iphone .. i use a blackberry fyi .. as i mentioned in my post u dont have to be a nokia or an apple fanboy to check this .. the diff is immediately noticeable .. now the reason i say druvrock is promoting the n8 is cause he got a review unit from nokia much b4 anyone and all his posts make it look like the n8 is the best ever !! i wouldnt be surprised even one bit if he said that he is paid by nokia to promote the phone cause i think he is .. another member sarcastically pointed that out as well on this thread .

this is not a nokia vs apple arguement .. i am just asking him to test it witha 3gs cause i accidentally tested it with someone's iphone and noticed the diff .
I do not do paid reviews and i have bought my N8. Thats all i am going to say on this. Do not judge my credibility when you dont even know me. What i stated was my opinion , i did not find an issue i never said that it had the most amazing quality of audio output. I infact use Rockbox on my iPod for Flac playback coz that is certainly better sounding. However, the output is certainly not crap.

If you would have noticed, i was suggesting a solution and merely asking you sthn because i have seen people have that problem. I never accused you of anything.

So please do think twice before making any accusations in the future.


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Alright guys i think i will step out of this thread now... yes i was enthusiastic about the phone because i really do like it , guess it makes people think i'm promoting the device. Oh and for the record, its definitely not all roses with the phone. Software bugs aplenty , slowdowns still do appear. So ... take it whatever way you want.

@spacescreamer : I've had one fall from the first floor with not even a scratch.. so :/

And as i said above, all this is from my own unit. I have BOUGHT one ,no longer have a review unit and am not paid by Nokia.
nobody is accusing u .of anything... just dont promote the phone with eyes shut .. there r some big time software and hardware issues in the phone .. its not me mate , if u read the comments above other members too feel the same about ur comments on the n8
Yes i know there are problems... Lets start off with a few i've noticed

1. The lack of portrait qwerty (coming in FW update)

2. Mail Client shifts back to mail list instead of continuing loading when multitasking

3. The web browser (do i need to say more about it ? Rendering is decent but its sooo slow)

4. Slowdowns in the menu... yup they do happen

5. Social Client is crap... thank god for Gravity

6. In built social sharing is crap .... Pixel Pipe should be bundled in

BUT ...

For ... ME , the positives outweigh these and this being Symbian, there is an alternative to almost anything. This is not for someone who downloads hundreds of apps on their phone. No the Ovi Store does not afford you such luxuries YET , but whatever essentials you need are available and that is sufficient for ME.

Isn't this an opinions thread ???
^He isnt promoting the phones with eyes shut, If someone doesnt have a problem with the phone do you expect him to deliberately post imaginary problems?

He's posted videos too, and there wasnt any problem them..
Spacescreamer said:
a peculiar thing i noticed while using the n8, if u press the menu key > menu screen appers > tap the exit option to EXIT the menu screen > check open apps ....Voila! The menu screen is open.

Now many might not notice this but this is pretty annoying, and harsh on the battery as well.

Checked this with mine and you are correct even after exiting the menu its still open in task manager. Though i noticed it only after u pointed to it. :D

Annoying, yes, Not sure about the "harsh on the battery" part though.
Apart from what i found while my reviews here is what I was told about N8 by someone who knows his tech stuff but is not a geek. His phone history in the last few months has been C6 < N8 < Galaxy S

One day after using Nokia C6: It's a sh*t phone. I can't even properly browse websites on it. Interface is so bad. Is this how they smartphones nowadays. I want to sell it.

One day after using N8: Wow this is such a nice phone. Sturdy and amazing interface. it's fast. Fine, there are some glitches but compared to my C6, it's a huge change. I love it.

One day after using Galaxy S: What Nokia is smoking nowadays? They hope to challenge phones like Galaxy S with N8. N8 is a nice phone but Nokia is still living in 2008. Android is miles ahead in interface, internet, features, apps... the experience on Galaxy S is butter smooth. It's the smartphone to get.

I believe, this sums N8 perfectly. A wonderful phone from Nokia, but the world has stepped up the game. The competition is not N97 but iPhone, Android, and soon to be, Windows Phone 7. For people who have used flagship Android phone or iPhone will realize how much N8 is lacking. But someone who is coming from a low-end smartphone or a Nokia phone, will find N8 to be an "amazing phone".
khanvis2009 said:
sorry i completely disagree with that earphones pushing in part ...@dhruvrock i know u ur trying hard to promote the n8 but just take someones 3gs and try it ..same song full volume on both phones with any earphones .. u will immediately notice the diff .. and the diff is huge . its a very very big deal breaker !!!
iPhone/iPod Touch both have pretty mediocre audio quality. My previous Nokia 5800 was worse than that despite being branded as a Music phone. Not sure how N8 fares in comparison. As the plugging in the ear phones properly, it was a issue on 5800 as well. You need to plug it completely, other wise you would get anomalies like low volume, distortion and rarely audio in only one ear (rare because it would happen only if the pin has not been pushing in even decently enough). I think the other two things happen probably because of internal shorting.
Well.... This thread is turning ugly...... :(

To be frank, I had PMed dhruvrock2000 about his opinion about the N8..... I got satisfactory explanations along with a 'go buy' recommendation.

I had even asked him about the C7..... He told me that he was not in position to comment precisely coz he hadn't tested the phone personally. Pretty frank IMHO.

So you see, he 'promoted' the N8 coz he had 1st hand experience with it & found it to be a good phone. On the other hand, he abstained form 'promoting' the C7 as he hadn't tested it personally. Isn't that fair enough??

If Nokia were paying him for 'promoting' their phones, he would have blindly promoted the C7 as well......

And neway, when did the Constitution of India get amended..... dropping Article 19 : Freedom of Speech.....??? Lolzzz :D

At the same time, I don't say the khanvis2009 is wrong.... the N8 may not be actually as good as the 3GS in terms of audio performance..... Personal opinion.....
Even that doesn't mean that Apple is paying khanvis2009 for promoting the now defunct 3GS.....!!! Lol :p

And yes, khanvis2009 is currently using a Blackberry Torch and not a 3GS..... :clap:

So, let's keep this thread to healthy discussions about the N8...... PEACE.....!!!
hatter said:
I believe, this sums N8 perfectly. A wonderful phone from Nokia, but the world has stepped up the game. The competition is not N97 but iPhone, Android, and soon to be, Windows Phone 7. For people who have used flagship Android phone or iPhone will realize how much N8 is lacking. But someone who is coming from a low-end smartphone or a Nokia phone, will find N8 to be an "amazing phone".

Heh, i guess i was till yesterday a low-end smartphone(N95), if it can be even called that, user. I did have a look at both N8,Galaxy S before i bought N8. I have to admit galaxy S has a damn nice UI feel. But i am not the kind of person who walks around holding the mobile in hand. GS was a little too big that i had some pains in stuffing it into my jeans pocket and then i had to be extra careful while sitting down with it in my jeans pocket. Furthermore it looked a lot like iphone replica whose design i dint like much(personal opinion of course). If only GS had the form factor of N8, i would have gone for that. Since this is my 1st touch screen phone and it does what i expected it to do, it is indeed an "amazing phone" for me :D.

Moving on does anyone know if an X-plore version is out there for symbian 3?

dhruvrock2000 said:
Discounting the better camera, the E72 has a newer OS (v3 FP2) Great keyboard and free navigation as well. Though tbh , i think you should save a few bucks and go in for the E5. Thats a pretty good phone too...
But isnt the E5 around 12K?And idk if my dad will be comfortable with they new standby screens, between the e71 and e72 which one would you pick ( dont consider the camera)

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Guys, check this out. HD games for the N8 Gameloft HD Games for Nokia N8 | SymbianTweet
I've used the N8 and to say the truth other than the Cam there is nothing much in the phone that i like. The build quality of the phone is gr8 and feels good to hold in hand. But if anyone is expecting a gr8 UI experience wrt N97, then be warned, you will be disappointed big time.