Overwatch open beta

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Guys, it has no similarity to LOL or Smite or DOTA. Those are MOBAs where you have lanes and creeps and have to destroy an Ancient/Base, towers etc. The game that is comparable to these MOBAs is Battleborn.

Like mentioned earlier in the thread, Overwatch is more similar to TF2 and other multiplayer shooter games. Two of the modes are directly same as TF2: Payload and KoTH. The other two are hybrids. Only thing different from TF2 is that hero roster is more expanded and more well defined. Heroes have specific skills and their roles/skills cannot be changed by equipping specific items like in TF2.
So this might be more similar to brink and dirty bomb.

Sorry, I never played those two games. So, dont know how they work. I would suggest you check out some PC gameplay footage of a full game to get a better idea. Games are pretty short, usually lasting around 10-15 mins.
@krugur I checked out some videos yesterday and felt its fun. If you think its good, may be we both can try our hands together? Its a team game so working together will help - just like old time :P
If any new players want some help getting started, add me - Ashr#21453.

I'll either answer your questions or play with you in game and show you the ropes. It's really easy to pick up though. I played with 2 friends on launch who never got a chance to try the beta, and one of them was playing an FPS for the first time. Within an hour or so, she found a hero she could actually contribute with.

For example, Lucio, a healer character just needs to stand near his allies and have them in sight. No aim required. He heals passively by playing soothing music.
Any Indian Overwatch players who want to team up for some casual gaming please PM me!

I bought this game online for $40. Hoping to have lots of fun :)
This game is frustrating as hell. Going Solo in Causal matches, I always end up with crappy team who don't care about objective or bother to listen. The response has always been "playing for fun" etc and frankly i see no fun on a losing streak.

Season 2 Comp, went solo and got rekt in every game. Series of losses at placement matches got a 2200SR and now went all the way down to 1500SR. :(
Winning a Comp match has become a rare thing for me. I'm no Pro but never played this bad in any online FPS game.
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... I'm no Pro but never played this bad in any online FPS game.
Welcome to the world of online fps. The same thing for matchmaking in CS:Go too.
Best to find a group of friends to play with and join together with them.
Atleast looses will not feel so bad.
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