Merc 2: The crappiest game ever. No tutorials... Nothing...
Switch said:Merc 2: The crappiest game ever. No tutorials... Nothing...
dsarosh said:Ajex, some of those SS look like they are real photo, great graphics.
BBBB = Boosterdsarosh said:Does anyone remember the 4 adrenalin power ups in UT2004.
I remember speed (forward forward forward forward) and berserk (forward back forward back) but I cant remember the other 2
ajex said:thats the wonder of crysis ... believe it or not ..iam running the game on the third mode "good performance"... the other modes were good visuals , best visuals and best performance ... @ 1440x900 4x AF ... FPS over 40 all the time ... so i think the multiplayer is more tweaked or it may be the smaller maps doing the trick ... coz any stutter in a multi game is really annoying