Prince of Persia: Game Impressions

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sahilshah1987 said:
dinesh some guys were reporting this game also has frame drop problem is it true ?:S

I had frame drops only in one boss fight for about half a minute.. Beaten I think 5 bosses so far, the problem was there only once. Rest of the time, anywhere between 50 - 65 fps at max quality :hap2:
deep_nx said:
i wudnt buy it even if it was for 400 bux

i wud rather go buy a DVD of "KHUDA GAWAH" (starring Amithab bachan )

KHUDA GAWAH a.k.a Prince of persia in HINDI

:P ;)

How many games of the same series have you played..?
techster said:
I had frame drops only in one boss fight for about half a minute.. Beaten I think 5 bosses so far, the problem was there only once. Rest of the time, anywhere between 50 - 65 fps at max quality :hap2:

That's the best part about this game. Very smooth (40+ frames) on my AMD 939 rig - Opty 175 @ 2.9G and the 4850 at 730 / 1130. And talk about a stable game - No issues whatever !! This game has taken the series to a whole new level - All questions about moving away from the trilogy have been answered by how good the game is. Am gonna buy this come what may especially after I decided to support F***star for GTA IV :@
Freaky said:
That's the best part about this game. Very smooth (40+ frames) on my AMD 939 rig - Opty 175 @ 2.9G and the 4850 at 730 / 1130. And talk about a stable game - No issues whatever !! This game has taken the series to a whole new level - All questions about moving away from the trilogy have been answered by how good the game is. Am gonna buy this come what may especially after I decided to support F***star for GTA IV :@
very ritely said !

i am playin @ 1920*1200 with 4x aa

getting constant 50-60 FPS and the max it dips to is 46...

its a nicely optimised game.

try plyin with the xbox360 controller... u wont wana miss those rudder shocks when prince jumps/beats the crap out of the enemy..

even though i am playin the ahem version... i want to buy the game to just support the Developers for creating such a masterpiece.

u guys also buy if u can :) so that games like this keep on comin for PC :)
Dinesh_Malhotra said:
very ritely said !

i am playin @ 1920*1200 with 4x aa

getting constant 50-60 FPS and the max it dips to is 46...

its a nicely optimised game.

try plyin with the xbox360 controller... u wont wana miss those rudder shocks when prince jumps/beats the crap out of the enemy..

even though i am playin the ahem version... i want to buy the game to just support the Developers for creating such a masterpiece.

u guys also buy if u can :) so that games like this keep on comin for PC :)

I hate the X360 controller :P Can't seem to remember the keys however hard I try :rofl: Agreed it would be great when the Prince does his sword attacks and you feel the rumble :D
rocky_pratik said:
i downloaded the game yesterday and today i was playing it and Yes there are frame drop problem

:( :(

Maybe you should ask for your money back.

Oh wait you stole it. So quit b**ching.
Completed the game last night. Absolutely wonderful experience. The last level was different and a great experience. Keep it up Ubisoft. Gonna buy this one for sure !! :)
Freaky said:
Completed the game last night. Absolutely wonderful experience. The last level was different and a great experience. Keep it up Ubisoft. Gonna buy this one for sure !! :)

Ha nice.. I've still got 5-6 fertile grounds to heal :(

By the way I heard PoP is retailing for 1200 bucks.. That effectively puts it off my shopping list lol.. A little steep for just a single player game methinks.. :P
vishalrao said:
Like ars technica reports, Ubisoft intentionally want the game to get pirated so they can claim DRM is necessary :D

See PC Prince of Persia contains no DRM. It's a trap!

I bet they've priced it so high to encourage low sales and high piracy as a future marketing/justification tactic...

Probably because they can make another disaster like Splinter Cell : Chaos Theory which, despite being good drew lot of flak for its Starforce protection :rofl:

techster said:
Ha nice.. I've still got 5-6 fertile grounds to heal :(

By the way I heard PoP is retailing for 1200 bucks.. That effectively puts it off my shopping list lol.. A little steep for just a single player game methinks.. :P

The original trilogy is available for 700 now. I'll wait and buy it when the lower priced ones hit the market :P

Btw, done with the Warrior ? :P
Freaky said:
The original trilogy is available for 700 now. I'll wait and buy it when the lower priced ones hit the market :P

Btw, done with the Warrior ? :P

Yeah :)

Is there going to be a trilogy? I think Ubisoft might put this to rest because of poor sales.
Dudes, this game rocks!! no shitty graphics lags as described. i am playing at 1680x1050 full details and 4xaa 8xaf. amazing graphics and the best block buster of 2008!!
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