Prince of Persia: Game Impressions

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Good to look at, But nah, is not that immersing.

imho, the story is not developed. I would rather play it as a cinematic peice rather than treat it as a game. This is the same reasons why games like God of War fare much better. Same reason why SOT suceeded.

There was no story buildup, hence no incentive for me to continue. :)

The game looks very good, just is very wasted.
the game IMHO sucks due to redunancy i mean at first it is intresting after completing the fisrt few fertile grounds there is no reason to proceeed the story is average at very best the game doensnt offer any content for me its a huuuuge disappointment 7.0/10
No sarcasm from the prince. Most of the time its flirts. :|

But then lets see how the next title is going to be. ;)

Kudos to the Havok engine.
Good engine, awesome graphics. But no real excitement that comes from the storyline. Plus dunno if it's me or if it's because i am in the starting stages of teh game, i feel it's been made a little too easy with all the assists.
just finished the game wow !
after the credits u get a chance to make elika alive again by destroying some trees( setting ariman chap free) !
pop 5 will continue from there on ...yeppie another pop release !
i really gett senti when pretty dusky chiks die breaks my heart ...nice to know she lives !
the only flaw is the long jumping sequeces and the non availability or rather limited combat tricks ,wish they cud integrate warrior within's free form fighting.
PhOeNiX said:
Good engine, awesome graphics. But no real excitement that comes from the storyline. Plus dunno if it's me or if it's because i am in the starting stages of teh game, i feel it's been made a little too easy with all the assists.

Yeah the game's indeed very easy. lol, the prince wont even die.

I'm losing the mojo by the day.

Whats with this POP 5?? Its an altogether different POP!! Let this be the POP I.. :P
PhOeNiX said:
Good engine, awesome graphics. But no real excitement that comes from the storyline. Plus dunno if it's me or if it's because i am in the starting stages of teh game, i feel it's been made a little too easy with all the assists.

may b it was done intentionally as the game isso much timing dependent ....u miss a key stroke and prince goes to abyss.....forcing u to reload or restart....may be their play testing gave them the idea that let just not let the prince die....

.....u can just compare how many times alika saves u to no of times u reload the game in past pop[1,2 & 3]...then we can decide which one is easy.....saving by alika is an easier alternative to reload of game......@ the same keeping the game`s pace on......
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For everyone who hasn't found this out already . Just found this code on google.


Unlocks the Prince Of Persia Sands of time skins for both the Prince and Elika.

Enjoy :hap2:

EDIT : Found another one :P


Assassins Creed Altair Skin :hap2:

The remaining skins are unlocked in-game.
Gave up on the game after healing 3 fertile lands. Gets repetitive, and getting those light seeds is boring. But yea, the game engine is really cool, and scales very well. Hopefully the next POP will preserve the engine, and go back to those cool moves, multiple swords, and a bit more of combat.
rPOk said:
Completed. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Loved the ending. Very satisfied. Might play it again.

The last level with Ahriman is fun :)

Checksum said:
Gave up on the game after healing 3 fertile lands. Gets repetitive, and getting those light seeds is boring. But yea, the game engine is really cool, and scales very well. Hopefully the next POP will preserve the engine, and go back to those cool moves, multiple swords, and a bit more of combat.

Don't :P I know it does get repetitive but this game does deserve to be completed :)
Freaky said:
The last level with Ahriman is fun :)
Yeah, but it was not actually very difficult. Ahriman could never hit you and the swelling sea of darkness could never touch you if you knew what had to be done....
I think running from Dahaka in PoPWW is still one of most scariest moments in PoP :P
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