Still waiting for KK
Heres what I think. While I don't care about consoles, I can understand (somewhat) those guys waiting in line. Provided that a) They are not planted by sony or other rich gamers, and b) they are really interested in the ps3, and not just cause its the most hyped product of all.
If some of them will be selling it on ebay for 5000$, I can understand that too( who wouldn't like to earn $4.5K in one week?) , but somehow, in the back of my mind, I feel its wrong. Basically, it is playing with people's emotions. Now, who do you think is the guilty party? The guy who takes advantage of people's passions, or the poor sods who don't have a life and crave intensely for a TV game? Well I guess sony is also to blame here, for its massive promotions and generating hype. But then, that's just business for them.
And to those who think such things don't happen in our country, you're sadly mistaken :no: You must have missed to news about the police lathi charge at Big Bazaar, due to the uncontrollable crowd when they had some special offer going on. And these are entire families and housewives I'm talking about. Ok they didnt wait for a week, but they did start the line hours and hours before the store opened. And they had no discipline once it did open. At least those gamers are maintaning order.
And you forgot the serpentine queues outside temples? What are those for?
More rants to follow

BTW, what would I wait a week in for for? Ummm.......maybe front row tickets for a floyd+DMB+Springsteen+Corrs concert