PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

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I use Filezilla too. I get 30MB/s in both, Gaia as well as Blackb0x FTP for large file sizes. But for smaller ones it fluctuates between 25-27MB/s. It also depends on how many files a game has, Demon's Souls took me close to 45 minutes to install. It had close to 12,000 odd files in it, many of which were in small file sizes.
It opens a new connection for every file , hence smaller files crawl down the transfer speed I have been sftp'ing from command line

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do NTSC JailBroken PS3 games work on PAL PS3 ?
Quick question , does the game disc rotates when we load the game from external drive ? I feel the disc spinning inside.
Hmm, i feel the spinning of disc whole time

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Not sure why but the PS3 goes into Jailbreak mode only when the chip is in Right side usb port of PS3 , is it normal ?
My PS3 firmware is 3.50. From which site can I order the downgrade/jailbreak device? Locally the jailbreak is not available :/
Sushant, it's best if you order some extra pieces. This thing will be sold regardless of the GO being in place or not. So you can offer them later on as well. There are a lot of people PM'ing me for a place to order this dongle from.

I've 9 pieces at my bay at the moment. How much more do you think shall I grab ?

Also you can direct the interested folks to the GO thread. I can send them the same day I get the payment.
Vasishta.Sushant said:

I've 9 pieces at my bay at the moment. How much more do you think shall I grab ?

Also you can direct the interested folks to the GO thread. I can send them the same day I get the payment.
That's good. With the growing number of audience on the PS3 team, I guess the demand will increase. I'm directing them to your thread as it is and you can carry on from there. I think even Aman is planning to get a PS3, so he'll need one too.
Thanks. I guess I am good with the current stock. Once it gets exhuasted, I'll order more in bulk.

BTW finished Castlevania just now. Great game. Slow start but the end was amazing.
Don't get more... not right now. Just a suggestion. There is a very good chance that a JTAG for the PS3 will be revealed tomorrow which will render these JB keys pointless.
dhruvrock2000 said:
Don't get more... not right now. Just a suggestion. There is a very good chance that a JTAG for the PS3 will be revealed tomorrow which will render these JB keys pointless.
Holy shit! That will be the ultimate hack. :rofl:
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