Anytime! Feel free to use the KZ2 thread which I have bumped in the Gaming section for any further discussion.sujithbvm said:Thanks a lot![]()
Anytime! Feel free to use the KZ2 thread which I have bumped in the Gaming section for any further discussion.sujithbvm said:Thanks a lot![]()
Watched the conference video makes a lot of sense now , hoping the soldering would be minimum so that it can be done easily , just hoping.dhruvrock2000 said:Blackbox is your best bet...
See the thing is.. we don't have apploader keys yet (this is what runs the games) BUT ... as everything else has been exposed , it is very easy to get those keys... So as soon as the tools are released (within 1 month) , Graf or someone else.. will get a signed PUP running for an ISO loader.
If you don't get what i mean then... umm , in the HBL scene for the PSP.. you use the prometheus ISO loader to run games. So something similar but for the PS3.
An even better solution will be that you can just sign the game and burn to blu-ray. Now when you play the game.. Sony has NO ****ING WAY to determine whether its real or fake
In short.. yes , all games would be playable. You'll probably be able to update to whatever firmware they have and still run your apps and games.
Gaia can't(at least not in my system). I tried to copy Resonanse of Fate today and it had a 7gb file with Gaia ftp and it failed again and again. I switched to blackb0x and it was done easily. I use multiman mostly.dinjo said:So does that mean all PS3 games would then be playable despite of what forced firmware they require ?
BTW - did Gia Manager does not support ftp copy over 4GB, i was copying MGS4 12GB file and it failed so i had to go back to BlackBox Ftp and is there any better FTP package than BlackBox Ftp ?
You won't have to solder anything... i was kidding earlier. This is all just plug in a pen drive and install software from itdinjo said:Watched the conference video makes a lot of sense now , hoping the soldering would be minimum so that it can be done easily , just hoping.
Fillzilla is for n00bs i did with SFTP later , fastest file transfer [you need unix skills to do so this way]
Multiman- The name defines it all. It automatically detects games backed up by any manager, gaia, open manager, you name it. You get a .ini file with it in which you can enter your own directory for backed up games. So you can use it without having to remove other managers. Plus it has a FTW! interface.Ethan_Hunt said:Multiman looks awesome with it's cover flow option. I haven't really tried it though. I'll have to remove Open Manager once I'm done with all the games loaded in it. All I need it one Back up manager.
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