PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

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dhruvrock2000 said:
Thats the original Eboot :|

It still has to be decrypted to run and IF it has 3.50 dependencies then it won't run for now until there is a way to run games on higher firmwares.

And NO .. signing a backup manager won't work because it modifies the lv2 syscalls. Basically tells the system to look at the drive instead of the blu-ray. This hasn't been figured out yet... but ofc should be soon :)

The EBOOT has been decrypted now, but it seems even the selfs need decryption, without which each of the 3 game freezes. :(

EDIT: They got the game working. YAY!
I'm least interested in GT5. I already have 'Undead Nightmare' & 'Splatterhouse' for my 360. So was planning to try 'The Sly Collection' and 'Prince of Persia Trilogy' if possible. I'll let you know how it goes.

Spacey, replied to your PM. Test it out and let me know if it works.
Ethan_Hunt said:
Spacey, replied to your PM. Test it out and let me know if it works.
Ofc it ll work.

I got the US version of the game with me and just need to spoof the f.w properly (which i been merrily neglecting)

Getting the files and will get the testing done. If hellgate doesnt beats me to it i.e.
Spacescreamer said:
Ofc it ll work.
I got the US version of the game with me and just need to spoof the f.w properly (which i been merrily neglecting)

Getting the files and will get the testing done. If hellgate doesnt beats me to it i.e.
LOL! You don't really need to spoof the firmware. Even if you have Hermes V4b, it should do the trick coupled with latest Gaia manager. Just overwrite the decrypted EBOOT and self files. Make sure you test all the 3 games inside it.
Not willing to attempt the new hack until:

1. I am done with Dead Space 2 later this Jan.
2. The dongle-less exploit is released for the public.
3. I am done with the pending backlogs.

Have played Sly 1 earlier as well.

i am struggling a bit with replay session here, trying to look for reasons to carry on. This shdnt be happening :ashamed:
Desecrator said:
Perhaps a problem with the copy. I did not have issues either when I played it long back.

Yup...that seems to be the case. It was the best HD Remake of any game so far.
Desecrator said:
Damn does the HUD for GOW collection appear stretched? Damn that's bad. :(
Of course it does. It was an upscaled port and the original resolution was rendered at 480i. The HUD strecthing was pretty much evident. You can also notice the in-game cut-scenes (Not the CGI rendered ones) looked really bad.
I really disliked the God of War collection... didn't bother playing them after the visual spectacle that GOW3 was...

Is Sly any good ? Never played it before... i'd rather play PoP
dhruv god of war is about the story and gameplay also not only the visuals ... you should have started from god of war 1 like i did ... so awesome watching the story :D ...

and sly is more like a kiddy game ... if you enjoy them then go for it .. Im definitely gonna buy it whenever I find it :D
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