PS3 Jailbreak - Discussion Thread

According to the cover of the games, Brunswick Pro Bowling and PDC World Championship Darts, the games are compatible with Move. Can one play them without Move? If yes, how?
btw, m still confused between CFW's :(, which firmware you guys think is the best ? i just tried rebug 3.552 and after that when i play the GOD3 via BR-D, all i get is "trophy registration not completed" error and the game exits to XMB, finally downgraded to OFW 3.55 with QA Flaging :S,
Kmeaw's CFW PERIOD :)

Also heard that's there's an Updated BDEMU.pkg . like BDEMU2 .

how is the update guys, any one tried it ?
I dunno why anyone would try anything other than 3.55 KMEAW right now. Its fricking stable + awesome, and it'll remain the best until an exploit for 3.60 or 3.65 comes out.
Aman27deep said:
I dunno why anyone would try anything other than 3.55 KMEAW right now. Its fricking stable + awesome, and it'll remain the best until an exploit for 3.60 or 3.65 comes out.

Yes, true...but couple of months back, Rebug provided a feature of going to PSN also with spoofing, not possible now i guess.
Do we need to apply any .pkg fix for the Heavy Rain (BCES00802) to work on KMEAF 3.55 firmware? Or it will work as it is?

Same case for Bulletstorm too?
kanishk619 said:
i just installed the multiMAN v02.01.00 from USB, whenever i run it, it just comes back to XMB :( , m on 3.55KMAEW or whatever it is ;P, got the ps3 from vasishta bhaiya :D

Same issue with me,installed the bdemu.pkg file get the same error again and again

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I am trying to play Sports Champion installed on my ps3 hard drive

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Even tried this BDEMU2 still no help
^ Yes. You can. Google for Kmeaw 3.55 firmware. or head over to psx-scene for more information about the same. It is quite easy, installing it shouldnt be a problem.