PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions apply)

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Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

Here is some update. The seller is short of the caps and due to this I couldn't place the order today. He'll update me with the status tonight. I'll keep you guys posted.
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

I dont know if this should be here but I want to buy a dongle from someone who already got it. The thing is I have only 12 days to play before leaving my city for an year and I am buying a ps3 tomorrow. So can someone please consider this and generously part with your dongle?
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

Damn. wrong thread. Pls delete
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

Sushant your pm box is full. Please clear some. trying to send you pm.
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl


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Seems like we've hit an impasse. The seller is out of the stock for the caps. Since he promised the caps before and couldn't fulfill, he agreed to help me with discounted DHL shipping. I'll have to pay him 12USD additionally to him though (original cost is 28USD).

I am still on hold since I want to confirm with you guys if you wish to wait for the caps to arrive or want to get the stuff faster. There is no ETA on the availability of the caps but he told me like a week. And then there will be another 2 weeks time for shipping.

Considering all this, its better to get the expedited shipping. And due to the wrongly conveyed message about the caps, I'll bear the shipping overhead. So the pricing remains the same, with 3 day shipping.

Let me know what do you guys prefer. And please make it fast. If I don;t get your response, I'll assume the DHL option since its anyway better.

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Order placed. First post updated. There are some changes so kindly check for details.
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

Cleaned up the first post. It was getting too overwhelming wit a lot of information.
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

yes. Three people have genuine problems as mentioned in one of te previous posts. They'll be paying me on monday.

Yes I've already placed the order. You'll get your stuff before friday, positively.
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

Any chance I could get one piece ?
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

cash deposited.... please check and update first post....
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

Payment Received. Updated the first post.

@All Others
Kindly send me your address ASAP. The dongles can land anytime tomorrow. Do not want to get your stuff delayed due to address being unavailable.
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

^ my name is still in red..... please check and update.....YGPM....
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

Why is my name in Red now! it was green some days back and made my payment long time back! ..Have pm'ed u my address too!
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl

ram_dante said:
Why is my name in Red now! it was green some days back and made my payment long time back! ..Have pm'ed u my address too!
Dito. My name is in red too.
Re: PS3 Jailbreak Dongle / USB Development Board in 600 to 500 bucks (conditions appl


Boys check the first post again :P The payment has been received from everyone. The red thing now only reflects missing Address information. Apologies for any mis-communication.

My mailbox was full so I deleted all the messages and forgot to take a backup. So some of the addresses of some of the guys were lost.

Anyway, Here is the good news. The dongles are here and can land up at my place anytime. I hope they don't charge me any customs :D

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Boyz ! The stuff is here. :D

Pack up your seat belts now. The stuff is gonna start journey towards you on thursday.
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