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Curse of Golden flower! :cursing: Men this movie has made mess of all relation.:no:
Great chinese royal tradition, exclusive action, jeopardy relation these are few thing u can watch for. The story is very complicated, I just can't think of such kind of story, don't know whether it is true or not though it show of Tang Dynasty

Dasvidaniya - 9/10

I wonder why Rediff or TOI thought of it as 2.5/5...

Anyways.. Nice movie.. Well small kinks here and there but doesn't affect overall movie
Bluffmaster said:
The most boring animation film i have ever seen. How the hell did you guys find it so good ? :S

Eh?? :P

Dont know how many of them felt it boring, least of all.

Supposedly one of the best. Well, perceptions differ from person to person so cant complain. ;)