Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

wow i've seen >10 movies this week
dont remember the names tho :S lol
the simpsons movie 8/10
year of the dog 0/10.. uber lame
i now pronounce you chuck and larry 6/10
ratatouille 8/10
surf's up 6/10
the lookout 7/10
the number 23 8/10
mr.brooks 9/10 (i luv planned murder theme-ish movies :devil2: )
reign over me 7.5/10
all these in almost half a week :bleh:
The Fly - 9/10

Remember seeing it long time ago...like 10 years ago on cable, just watched it again. Masterpiece of gore and thriller from the mid 80's. Loved Goldblum in it.

Btw, the phrase "Be afraid....be very afraid" originated in this movie.


(P.S : If you see the movie, also watch this scene, which was edited out from the final version because the animal rights group protested. The fusion of a cat and and a baboon.

YouTube - The Fly (1986) - Cat-Baboon Teleportation)
Die hard 4 - awesome movie ...... only action nothing else,watch it in theater i am going for it again :D..... 10/10

Transformer - again very good movie ..... little comic, but well has to be :) .... good sound effects and animation, a must watch in theater :) ......9/10