Reggae in colleges.

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Replying inline seems easier to type down .. so I did that ..
Well chunks of post are really really hard to reply to, and broken data is always easier to digest. Anyways, if you want to be lazy, your wish. My posts will look prettier..!

I think you could have said personal space to begin with, some people I guess are more sensitive about it .. and I'll watch my mouth if you do too.
Privacy is personal space, and means the same thing, man. Yes, some are sensitive to it, and have to be respected. India has a habit of herding people, and grouping them as per criteria. Individuality is discouraged. In our culture. Ragging is a forerunner of that. I have been watching my mouth. Thanks.

I was using observations in my posts .. stuff i've seen with my own eyes .. not the "I like this, I am like this .. I hate that" comparisons.
What observations. You can easily replace, "me" with "they". Am being honest here. I really do not get why you are attacking the type of argument, instead of the content. Of course my personal experience speaks for ragging, or a part of it. I have been through it. Like you have.

For full disclosure .. according to me .. certain aspects of ragging, intros, questioning, dress code are acceptable & fine .. not speaking about the over-sensitive bunch who always seem to be there, apparently even asking some their name is considered attempted breach of privacy. There is however extreme behavior which are not acceptable under any circumstances. I believe that college is a certain hierarchical system .. not a system of torment (since this will obviously get twisted down the line)
I will agree to disagree here. I respect the over-sensitive (note I am not one); the whole practice and circle is futile and vile and evil. Condescending. And I hate that.

I wasn't chirpy or happy when I got ragged but looking back I don't cry about it .. those who had it worse should not have gone through that .. but a to a lesser extent these things shouldn't be banned outright..
Even I did not cry about it. My points here are a critique, and not a b**ch out session. Read my first post in this thread. When you started to exonerate the practice, I jumped in all weapons loaded..! :)

You are stating what's true according to you personally, you don't like talking to people. You treasure your personal space.. to use those example as justification seems 'unnecessary'
I am not getting this. Seems even you do not know what you are typing in here. What you are writing, is it written in some book. Is there some guide on ragging. What the heck, man. You too are writing from personal anecdotes, are you not.

Full disclosure again .. I never made a junior cry, didn't purposely torment anyone. Few who were caught bragging were set right .. Again you must bring in the extremities with each post you make just to increase your word count ( I guess)
Not extremities but examples. The span has to be told for all aspects. It starts with....INTRO------>CRYING and/or RUNNING away. You can fit what ever you want in there. You know.

And please again with the outrageous examples .. jeez. Ragging a future wife or friend, at least don't make me reply to these each time.
Ragging is done to get the new batch to fit in .. you seem obsessed only with the harsh treatment metted out .. if thats what the discussion is about then I abdicate .. but then whats the point of having that discussion. No one would be on the other side. Everyone deserves humane treatment but according to you even the lightest ragging is indicates psychotic behavior.
Yes, this is probably the 4th-5th time you have called my example "outrageous". Because, I related ragging = normal behavior. When it is laid out to someone NOT a junior it looks so dumb and stupid and horrendous. You get it, now...? Yes, thanks. The way someone is questioned, summoned. Students (juniors) are human right...? I am resorting to this, cause you are making it sound good and nice. When it is not. People shun going to college. But they have to. We have instilled a fear in the minds for one of the classical periods in ones life. People dread it, where else, in other nations it is the best time of their lives, or can be. You see how the institution of college has been ruined.

It might seem fun to some .. do ridicule people .. buts thats their behavior generally. No one turns tormentor just because of ragging .. people are like that before ragging and will not change if ragging is removed. There are lot of things in life you can find undermining and submissive .. what I understand is that you will respond only an authority you deem worthy .. being a year older in college does not meet that criteria .. so being asked to line up seems a gross invasion of personal liberty.
Ridicule is what happens. Gosh..were you actually ragged..? Do not relate ragging to creating an output for life. I am talking of that instance. It is harrowing, for a lot. Respond to authority deem worthy...? Errrm...why should there be any authority in college, anyways..? Weird. Is hierarchy necessary.?

I think my last response sounds like total sh**, reading it back, cause I really do not know what you replied to. Would encourage you once again to reply with quote tags. Makes more sense. Rest is your choice.
You started it ! :P
but I guess the discussion has landed right back to what you wrote in the first post.

Yes, I started it and if I could do it over again, I would. I've gotten some interesting responses.

I have a question though. If you were the director (and perhaps owner) of an educational institute (forget about legal implications, forget that the law even exists), would you in your university rules (assume that it is your rules that matter, not democratically set up rules), even implicitly, be okay with a certain extent of ragging ?
Ridicule is what happens. Gosh..were you actually ragged..? Do not relate ragging to creating an output for life. I am talking of that instance. It is harrowing, for a lot. Respond to authority deem worthy...? Errrm...why should there be any authority in college, anyways..? Weird. Is hierarchy necessary.?

I think my last response sounds like total sh**, reading it back, cause I really do not know what you replied to. Would encourage you once again to reply with quote tags. Makes more sense. Rest is your choice.

The last part .. I meant the people who rag others might do it for ridicule or fun .. not for the person getting ragged. Its mostly not.

Hierarchy is necessary, there is hierarchy at home, at work and at your college. Its not totalitarian to have it .. you still have fun with your seniors & peers and Juniors . you are not tormented or asked creeping questions every moment.. there are 1000s of other experiences I remember from college .. ragging is one of them .. its a small part of college experiences .. a beginning phase. Its done in an imposing manner so you take it seriously ..

To me the right environment of college seems to based on hierarchy .. some with more liberal views might differ.
Hierarchy takes ego and agenda out of the equation ..

My observations from college were about the stark difference that creeped when ragging totally stopped .. no intros .. no nothing. What bothers me is that today any form of discomfort or displeasure can be called as ragging even if unintended and creates a more hostile atmosphere ..

I might sound senile but certain respect should be there because of age and experience..
Also, what specifically, would you constitute as punishable ragging ? What would you constitute as reasonable ragging ? What are some examples (perhaps 3 or 4) of 'rituals' that a session of ragging could contain ?
Yes, I started it and if I could do it over again, I would. I've gotten some interesting responses.

I have a question though. If you were the director (and perhaps owner) of an educational institute (forget about legal implications, forget that the law even exists), would you in your university rules (assume that it is your rules that matter, not democratically set up rules), even implicitly, be okay with a certain extent of ragging ?

Yes .. firstly I would like to take the whole stigma associated with the word ragging ..
It would not be a rule .. not written down in a handbook or something.. but general college rules will apply .. no nasty business.
Few weeks till the freshers seniors get to "rag"..

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Also, what specifically, would you constitute as punishable ragging ? What would you constitute as reasonable ragging ? What are some examples (perhaps 3 or 4) of 'rituals' that a session of ragging could contain ?

Punishable -..
Repetitively targeting some one.
Use of physical force.
"slapping someone if they don't sing a song"

Short haircuts + formals + intros are acceptable according to me ..
wishing seniors
I might sound senile but certain respect should be there because of age and experience..

Using age as a factor for respect in a group of 17-23/24 year olds who are studying on daddy's money. :369cce51:

BTW, age should ideally never be considered as a factor for respect. Experience should (yes I see you have mentioned both age and experience, do you mean that in a strict digital logic sense ? Age AND Experience ? ). The fact that these are usually correlated in some way is another thing. There are multitudes of cases where they are not.

Also, when I say experience, I mean something that can be 'constructive' (for yourself and others) in a sense.

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It would not be a rule .. not written down in a handbook or something.

Well, this is why I used the word 'implicitly'. Just saying.
Hierarchy is necessary, there is hierarchy at home, at work and at your college. Its not totalitarian to have it .. you still have fun with your seniors & peers and Juniors . you are not tormented or asked creeping questions every moment.. there are 1000s of other experiences I remember from college .. ragging is one of them .. its a small part of college experiences .. a beginning phase. Its done in an imposing manner so you take it seriously ..

Do not distort the meaning of the word. Hierarchy at home, at work has certain principles associated with it, in the former it is your social ties that bind you and in the latter it is the contractual ties that behold you to adhere to decorum.

Unfortunately it can make OR break someones psyche and potentially scar it for all practical purposes.

I might sound senile but certain respect should be there because of age and experience..

Respect has to be earned, not demanded.
Do not distort the meaning of the word. Hierarchy at home, at work has certain principles associated with it, in the former it is your social ties that bind you and in the latter it is the contractual ties that behold you to adhere to decorum.

Unfortunately it can make OR break someones psyche and potentially scar it for all practical purposes.

Respect has to be earned, not demanded.

Realistically .. taking someones intro might break his/her psyche .. scar it. ?? Or are you referring to the extreme physical misconduct that has been deemed unacceptable for the n-th time.

College as a social hierarchy .. the word doesn't seem to be distorted in anyway .. family hierarchy on the other hand would not be considered social ..

Respect has to be earned, not demanded.

Using age as a factor for respect in a group of 17-23/24 year olds who are studying on daddy's money.
We'll the other options are not acceptable to anyone here .. so thats the last resort I guess.
Realistically .. taking someones intro might break his/her psyche .. scar it. ?? Or are you referring to the extreme physical misconduct that has been deemed unacceptable for the n-th time.

College as a social hierarchy .. the word doesn't seem to be distorted in anyway .. family hierarchy on the other hand would not be considered social ..

^^ You are confused. This much is apparent, next up you are using your handset to type away. I am thankful you are using full words instead of short-hand.

We'll the other options are not acceptable to anyone here .. so thats the last resort I guess.

Yes, why not. This forum is a fine example of people being respectable to each other on the basis of knowledge rather than age.
^^ You are confused. This much is apparent, next up you are using your handset to type away. I am thankful you are using full words instead of short-hand.

Yes, why not. This forum is a fine example of people being respectable to each other on the basis of knowledge rather than age.

I am very much using a PC keyboard for typing .. What might I be confused about ?

That's true .. people with higher post count and reps are considered senior members ..
Are they not? :)
Yet they behave nothing like how college seniors usually do when they rag. If they (or anyone) did, they would get e-asskicked.
The mods would take care of that .. because its goes against the regulations of the forums you agree to when you sign up .. so not a direct comparison.

but unlike real life and college .. you can quit the forum whenever you want or create a new account.
The mods would take care of that .. because its goes against the regulations of the forums you agree to when you sign up .. so not a direct comparison.

but unlike real life and college .. you can quit the forum whenever you want or create a new account.

Why do you think, in your subjective view, such behaviour (college senior like behaviour i.e.) goes against the regulations of these forums ?
Why do you think, in your subjective view, such behaviour (college senior like behaviour i.e.) goes against the regulations of these forums ?

Regulation of the forum are whatever you want them to be .. pornographic content is banned here .. does the same apply to college. ?

Using foul language is not allowed here .. can the same be said about college ?
Regulation of the forum are whatever you want them to be .. pornographic content is banned here .. does the same apply to college. ?

Using foul language is not allowed here .. can the same be said about college ?

I am not making a one to one correspondence of the rules in a college and an internet forum.

I am asking a specific question. Why is it that college-senior-like behaviour (when it comes to ragging) is not accepted on a social system (a college is a kind of social system too) like a forum ? Because you have stated that such behaviour would not be acceptable on these forums.

Or, put in another way, why do you think the regulators of these forums discourage such behaviour ? What rationale do you think they have behind it ?
I am not making a one to one correspondence of the rules in a college and an internet forum.

I am asking a specific question. Why is it that college-senior-like behaviour (when it comes to ragging) is not accepted on a social system (a college is a kind of social system too) like a forum ? Because you have stated that such behaviour would not be acceptable on these forums.

There is no one to one correspondence between college and an Internet forum. How about internet anonymity vs face to face interaction, still think your specific question goes beyond that ?

Would you equate Facebook friendships to real life ones. ?

Stop trying to bait me :)
I am very much using a PC keyboard for typing .. What might I be confused about ?

That's true .. people with higher post count and reps are considered senior members ..

The entire aspect, the way you are behaving and posting is reminding me of Stockholm Syndrome.

And do you see me OR any other 'Senior Member' running around refuting all posts by so called 'Junior members'.
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