Reggae in colleges.

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Okay, what is going on here?

People like to play God.

Ragging is just a way of people going into others life's. What they are, where are they from, how many gf's you had and etc etc.
Ah! You can contact Aircel for the same, sorry we are going OT but honestly who edited the thread title to Reggae in College from Ragging in college?
Some Mod, Super-Mod or Admins, because no one else can do that :), Forget about who did it, but there are 2 Supermods here (Gannu and Crazy_Eddy) I think they can re-correct the thread title.
Most of what you have said is actually BS, dexBG. Sorry to say. People should be able to have free-will and no, colleges are not some training ground for personality. Your justification is gross and anti-personal, but more oriented towards groupism and herd instinct. That is what I meant by, when I was getting pissed off. I was ragged in a college also from UP, probably worse than yours for like 40-50 straight days. At night we had to wear special clothes for ragging. No one, absolutely no one should have to go through that. We were literally made animals, and herded around. Did it teach me anything..I doubt it. All your points which you say are the merits of ragging, can be kicked to dust within a minute. Is raj_pol , choosing a varied lifestyle, cause he does not want to participate in music festivals or want to tell other about himself. Please, I hate to interact with people, and hate to answer questions out-of-line. This is something Indians love to do. And that is pissing off. Ragging is forced subjugation, and even in 1% are not comfortable it should be stopped. Colleges are not meant for this. It is for education.

College is very much a training ground for your adult personality and teaches you a whole lot more than just what's in your textbook .. despite the presence of ragging or not.

I guess I have clarified that physical ragging is grossly wrong and un-needed .. but people still want to rant on about it.
And to a lesser extent.. there is even opposition to interacting with seniors in college..

What happened with you is quite unfortunate and I'm sure it didn't make you feel like doling out the same treatment to your juniors or turn you into a psychopath or inflict Stockholms ..

And that 1% argument that you propose is valid for a lot of things .. which should and should not be banned since college is only for studying so there are lot things that interfere with that.

Yes, if a person chooses to remain separated from his college atmosphere then it certainly is his choice( I don't disagree with that) .. but use that as a contradiction is what I find quite wrong.
College is very much a training ground for your adult personality and teaches you a whole lot more than just what's in your textbook .. despite the presence of ragging or not.
Not necessarily. College is meant for studies, and even if ancillary aspects are taught, ragging is teaching nothing, apart from embarrassment and humor for others. I really cannot see you how can justify this on and on. It is really really harsh on your part. I am not a parent: but asking you, how would you feel if your child was cross questioned in this manner. Heck, I even hate it if someone speaks to me, if I do not know them. It is extremely rude and stupid. And cross questioning is just as bad. Why is my privacy being breached. It is equivalent to strangers walking into my house to have a party, while watching a match on my tv. I just abhor this thought.

I guess I have clarified that physical ragging is grossly wrong and un-needed .. but people still want to rant on about it.
And to a lesser extent.. there is even opposition to interacting with seniors in college..
Cause physical ragging is a forerunner of verbal ragging. All fights start from the mouth-->hands. AND, why do juniors have to interact with seniors..? There is no mandate around this. And girls get it the worse, sorry to say. Most seniors as it is, are desperate and looking for some crude fun.

What happened with you is quite unfortunate and I'm sure it didn't make you feel like doling out the same treatment to your juniors or turn you into a psychopath or inflict Stockholms ..
It did raise the urge for me to rag my juniors, when I came of age. And I did make some cry. I was part of the cyclical movement.

And that 1% argument that you propose is valid for a lot of things .. which should and should not be banned since college is only for studying so there are lot things that interfere with that.
Like what all. For that 1%...? It was something to exemplify your logic of "all cannot be satisfied". Ragging is not a meting our of services, I am sure you understand that, so the satisfaction angle is fail; it is subjugation and questioning. The junior is not receiving anything, he is giving up something. The corollary is not right, @dexBG.

Yes, if a person chooses to remain separated from his college atmosphere then it certainly is his choice( I don't disagree with that) .. but use that as a contradiction is what I find quite wrong.
What..what you saying. What contradiction is incorrect..?

1. I do not like a certain food.
2. I am asked to eat it.
3. No.
4. But 20 others next to me are eating it. So....?

You are saying (3) cannot be satisfied. I am not asking for anything, I am not saying I am hungry, I am not mocking the others eating...why am I forced to eat it. No junior say..."come RAG me". They are forced to go through this BS and idiotic practice. I have been at both ends of this spectrum, and still hate myself for the 2nd part of the equation. Not for what I underwent, but what I did to other, even it was verbal. Yuck.

How is that an incorrect contradiction...? Please explain.
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Not necessarily. College is meant for studies, and even if ancillary aspects are taught, ragging is teaching nothing, apart from embarrassment and humor for others. I really cannot see you how can justify this on and on. It is really really harsh on your part. I am not a parent: but asking you, how would you feel if your child was cross questioned in this manner. Heck, I even hate it if someone speaks to me, if I do not know them. It is extremely rude and stupid. And cross questioning is just as bad. Why is my privacy being breached. It is equivalent to strangers walking into my house to have a party, while watching a match on my tv. I just abhor this thought.

Please dont use the rubbish example of your own house .. a college is isn't your personal backyard. Privacy is your own personal agenda here .. You inhabit the same campus outside the comfort of your home just like 500-1000 other people do. Yet you want to treat it live your living room.

"Heck, I even hate it if someone speaks to me, if I do not know them." - this is another wild contraction that you are throwing up
. Don't supply personal habits in such a general discussion

Cause physical ragging is a forerunner of verbal ragging. All fights start from the mouth-->hands. AND, why do juniors have to interact with seniors..? There is no mandate around this. And girls get it the worse, sorry to say. Most seniors as it is, are desperate and looking for some crude fun.

I think you meant to say verbal ragging the forerunner to Physical ragging .. & Ragging isn't some fight ..
Now you are really showing your hatred .. "Most seniors" - as if being a year above turns you into some perverted monster. Did your nimble sweet batchmates turn into the same thing when they passes the first year ? Broadly categorizing
people as "desperate & crude fun-seekers" shows your own personal dislike or bad experience.

It did raise the urge for me to rag my juniors, when I came of age. And I did make some cry. I was part of the cyclical movement.
Did you inflict the same treatment on them that you got .. and I'm curious what you could have done to make a junior cry..

Like what all. For that 1%...? It was something to exemplify your logic of "all cannot be satisfied". Ragging is not a meting our of services, I am sure you understand that, so the satisfaction angle is fail; it is subjugation and questioning. The junior is not receiving anything, he is giving up something. The corollary is not right, dexBG.
Okay since the 1% was merely symbolic .. I can safely say 30% don't goto college with the sole purpose of studying. I'd rather say "submission" which is more close to what you are trying to say .. subjugation seems wildly overstated. You submit to ragging for a month eg, get it done. Get on with your life.

What..what you saying. What contradiction is incorrect..?

1. I do not like a certain food.
2. I am asked to eat it.
3. No.
4. But 20 others next to me are eating it. So....?

So no one should eat that certain food because you don't like it ? You don't like the food, leave it. But you want to ban it from anyone ever touching that food again because you had a bad taste. No everyone's experience is the same as your. You use your terrible experience to paint the whole darn thing.

You are saying (3) cannot be satisfied. I am not asking for anything, I am not saying I am hungry, I am not mocking the others eating...why am I forced to eat it. No junior say..."come RAG me". They are forced to go through this BS and idiotic practice. I have been at both ends of this spectrum, and still hate myself for the 2nd part of the equation. Not for what I underwent, but what I did to other, even it was verbal. Yuck.

How is that an incorrect contradiction...? Please explain.
Bringing in a personal choice to be reclusive is a wrong contradiction to this discussion.

dexBG :

Please use the quote function to reply to such long posts. It is really difficult to reply else wise. I had to pick up your whole post and then add in tags. When I was quoting the above I was getting "10charstopost". I am sure, you do not want me to reply to just that much.

Please dont use the rubbish example of your own house .. a college is isn't your personal backyard. Privacy is your own personal agenda here .. You inhabit the same campus outside the comfort of your home just like 500-1000 other people do. Yet you want to treat it live your living room.

"Heck, I even hate it if someone speaks to me, if I do not know them." - this is another wild contraction that you are throwing up. Don't supply personal habits in such a general discussion
And the college is also not the personal backyard of seniors or anyone. I am surprised you did not see that. A personal space is someones own property, and that is breached when he is unnecessarily questioned. So shut up with your commandeering of "bringing in rubbish". And watch you mouth. Are the students property of seniors that they can be summoned up by anyone and questioned, in what so ever manner. A group walking up and lining up people and questioning them.

Why is that line a personal contraction, per say. I am stating what is true. Is it not. There are many like that, unless you really like it when strangers walk up to you and question you about your background. Do you..? It is not personal, it was written in to highlight the plight of those undergoing ragging. It is not a personal habit, it is a general thought process of society at large. Just cause you cannot answer it, do not resort to ad hominem.

I think you meant to say verbal ragging the forerunner to Physical ragging .. & Ragging isn't some fight ..
Now you are really showing your hatred .. "Most seniors" - as if being a year above turns you into some perverted monster. Did your nimble sweet batchmates turn into the same thing when they passes the first year ? Broadly categorizing people as "desperate & crude fun-seekers" shows your own personal dislike or bad experience.
Yea, I wrote it the wrong way round. Sorry, and thanks for correcting the syntax.

I really do not get it. Why are you lying about what seniors do. Are they in there to build relationships with juniors, and teach them about excercise. Was your college about team building, and learning about life, vs. education. I am in doubt now. Of course they are doing it for fun. Why else...? Please enlighten me. I think we both have the base incorrect else wise. Why is ragging done. To get to know each other...? Is that how you will get to know your future wife or friends outside college. Make them stand up and do joker antics, and questioned with their head down. Where else does this happen...? What method is this, for mature adults. It is archaic and subjective and shows a superiority complex. And a method for people to be marshaled and made to realize, you are lower. Poll this question, why ragging is done. Am sure, you will get your answers. Please.

Did you inflict the same treatment on them that you got .. and I'm curious what you could have done to make a junior cry..

Many cried, when 10 are shouting / instructing on your head. It is very very easy to break a mind, when one is isolated. And this is not even the tip of the ice-berg. You seem a veteran, why you asking...? No junior cried during your time, or in your batch when you were a fresher...? If NOT, then you should not be answering here, cause you have not seen the actual depth and stigma of ragging.

Okay since the 1% was merely symbolic .. I can safely say 30% don't goto college with the sole purpose of studying. I'd rather say "submission" which is more close to what you are trying to say .. subjugation seems wildly overstated. You submit to ragging for a month eg, get it done. Get on with your life.
Semantics. I call it call it yyyy. I am fine with that. But as per me, it should be totally repealed, cause it serves nothing in the positive.

So no one should eat that certain food because you don't like it ? You don't like the food, leave it. But you want to ban it from anyone ever touching that food again because you had a bad taste. No everyone's experience is the same as your. You use your terrible experience to paint the whole darn thing.
Oh God. The food is forced in someones mouth. How analogous should I get. Were you all chirpy and smiling and hippie when your ragging was happen...? Including all the "n" number around you. YOU never saw anyone dissatisfied. My experience was not terrible, I got Mr. Fresher. What more can I say. There is something known as empathy. Learn that, even if in retrospect.

Bringing in a personal choice to be reclusive is a wrong contradiction to this discussion.
No it is not. It is to highlight a point. We all do that on forums. Whose example should I use. The sensational new papers..? That is why I have kept it all in-the-box. A topic like this is going to be littered with personal experiences and incidents. If you have a problem with non-generalization, do not answer then, man. Do not poke holes in an argument and turn it around. That is not fair.
WTF !! My net gets conked and I come back to find that the title to my thread has been changed ! Teh TE troll mods ! :topsy_turvy:
What the heck is up with the TechEnclave logo changing to 'InstantGeek'? Are we being trolled by the mods, or has TE been hacked? :scared14:
dexBG :

Please use the quote function to reply to such long posts. It is really difficult to reply else wise. I had to pick up your whole post and then add in tags. When I was quoting the above I was getting "10charstopost". I am sure, you do not want me to reply to just that much.

And the college is also not the personal backyard of seniors or anyone. I am surprised you did not see that. A personal space is someones own property, and that is breached when he is unnecessarily questioned. So shut up with your commandeering of "bringing in rubbish". And watch you mouth. Are the students property of seniors that they can be summoned up by anyone and questioned, in what so ever manner. A group walking up and lining up people and questioning them.

Why is that line a personal contraction, per say. I am stating what is true. Is it not. There are many like that, unless you really like it when strangers walk up to you and question you about your background. Do you..? It is not personal, it was written in to highlight the plight of those undergoing ragging. It is not a personal habit, it is a general thought process of society at large. Just cause you cannot answer it, do not resort to ad hominem.

Yea, I wrote it the wrong way round. Sorry, and thanks for correcting the syntax.

I really do not get it. Why are you lying about what seniors do. Are they in there to build relationships with juniors, and teach them about excercise. Was your college about team building, and learning about life, vs. education. I am in doubt now. Of course they are doing it for fun. Why else...? Please enlighten me. I think we both have the base incorrect else wise. Why is ragging done. To get to know each other...? Is that how you will get to know your future wife or friends outside college. Make them stand up and do joker antics, and questioned with their head down. Where else does this happen...? What method is this, for mature adults. It is archaic and subjective and shows a superiority complex. And a method for people to be marshaled and made to realize, you are lower. Poll this question, why ragging is done. Am sure, you will get your answers. Please.


Many cried, when 10 are shouting / instructing on your head. It is very very easy to break a mind, when one is isolated. And this is not even the tip of the ice-berg. You seem a veteran, why you asking...? No junior cried during your time, or in your batch when you were a fresher...? If NOT, then you should not be answering here, cause you have not seen the actual depth and stigma of ragging.

Semantics. I call it call it yyyy. I am fine with that. But as per me, it should be totally repealed, cause it serves nothing in the positive.

Oh God. The food is forced in someones mouth. How analogous should I get. Were you all chirpy and smiling and hippie when your ragging was happen...? Including all the "n" number around you. YOU never saw anyone dissatisfied. My experience was not terrible, I got Mr. Fresher. What more can I say. There is something known as empathy. Learn that, even if in retrospect.

No it is not. It is to highlight a point. We all do that on forums. Whose example should I use. The sensational new papers..? That is why I have kept it all in-the-box. A topic like this is going to be littered with personal experiences and incidents. If you have a problem with non-generalization, do not answer then, man. Do not poke holes in an argument and turn it around. That is not fair.

Replying inline seems easier to type down .. so I did that ..

I think you could have said personal space to begin with, some people I guess are more sensitive about it .. and I'll watch my mouth if you do too.

I was using observations in my posts .. stuff i've seen with my own eyes .. not the "I like this, I am like this .. I hate that" comparisons.

For full disclosure .. according to me .. certain aspects of ragging, intros, questioning, dress code are acceptable & fine .. not speaking about the over-sensitive bunch who always seem to be there, apparently even asking some their name is considered attempted breach of privacy. There is however extreme behavior which are not acceptable under any circumstances. I believe that college is a certain hierarchical system .. not a system of torment (since this will obviously get twisted down the line)

I wasn't chirpy or happy when I got ragged but looking back I don't cry about it .. those who had it worse should not have gone through that .. but a to a lesser extent these things shouldn't be banned outright..

You are stating what's true according to you personally, you don't like talking to people. You treasure your personal space.. to use those example as justification seems 'unnecessary'

Full disclosure again .. I never made a junior cry, didn't purposely torment anyone. Few who were caught bragging were set right .. Again you must bring in the extremities with each post you make just to increase your word count ( I guess)

And please again with the outrageous examples .. jeez. Ragging a future wife or friend, at least don't make me reply to these each time.
Ragging is done to get the new batch to fit in .. you seem obsessed only with the harsh treatment metted out .. if thats what the discussion is about then I abdicate .. but then whats the point of having that discussion. No one would be on the other side. Everyone deserves humane treatment but according to you even the lightest ragging is indicates psychotic behavior.

It might seem fun to some .. do ridicule people .. buts thats their behavior generally. No one turns tormentor just because of ragging .. people are like that before ragging and will not change if ragging is removed. There are lot of things in life you can find undermining and submissive .. what I understand is that you will respond only an authority you deem worthy .. being a year older in college does not meet that criteria .. so being asked to line up seems a gross invasion of personal liberty.
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