Thanks thats a lot of infoThere is a app called Jiojoin which enables users with non VoLTE phones make calls on JIO network. I have no concrete info but employee trial is not bound to LYF handsets. We have been using them with all kinds of VoLTE handsets and I think this will continue in future also
Just to clarify a few things
1. I dont know about post referral data call sms tariffs
2. I dont know if this sim will continue or you have to buy a new sim
3. I am not sure what happens if you use the first recharge within 90 days. However based on personal experience, employees were able to recharge and get more free data, minutes and sms. We are still getting recharges free of cost inspite of 90 days trial period over. So I think this should be applicable to rest also
4. No number portability
5. SIMS wont be bound to LYF handsets. You can buy the handset and sim and use sim with your favourite 4G phone
6. I am calling helpline why referrals are not getting released to users. till then please be patient