Spice Mi 410 or Moto Defy?

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Advantages Spice Mi 410
  • Better Processor and GPU (QSD8255 1GHz+ Adreno 205)
  • WVGA 4.1" screen (Larger screen but Welcomm A99 seems to have 262k color. So Mi 410 might also have the same)
  • Slimmer profile
  • Front Camera
  • 720p playback, HDMI out
  • 13.3k from SAHOLIC after discounts
-ve of Spice is that its relatively new, the camera protudes in the back and thus might get smudged soon.

Advantages of Moto
  • More rugged
  • 16M color screen and better quality LCD
  • CM7 available
  • Larger battery
  • 14.3k from letsbuy with a BT headset worth ~Rs.600-700
-ve of Moto is that it has higher SAR value.

Both run Froyo (Moto will get it shortly)

I am not going to root it straight away. Only after 3-4 months.

Usage pattern:
  • My major usage is playing games (Fruit Ninja, Angry Birds etc...)
  • Checking TE, Cricinfo via apps and browsing a bit.
  • Bit of music, videos
  • Occasional Snaps and video recording
  • I am planning to use it for 2 years.
I am super confused between the two. Help me out guys :huh:

My budget is 14k. So dont suggest Nexus S or O2X :P

Motorola DEFY vs. Huawei U9000 IDEOS X6 - GSMArena.com
st00pfie said:
Hi again, saw your thread only now. Have both the phones in front of me. So here's my take.
Playing games. mi-410 > Defy. Better GPU, bigger screen.
Browsing. mi-410 > Defy. Bigger screen. To be honest, my sis wants to poach my mi-410 just because of the screen.lol She just needs the phone for quick google searches.
Music, videos. Here Defy will be better for music. mi-410 for videos. The audio output is kinda low on the mi-410. Cranking up to full volume with the Ne6 (nuforce) plugged in wasn't ear-drums splitting like i expected. Can't do that on my Fuze for more than a min at most. Also, the external speakers aren't that good on the mi-410, have heard better on cheaper phones. Music sounds more balanced in the Defy. Volume not too loud on it either with earphones.Videos, well, you'd want to see them on a bigger screen. Actually, every other phone looks tiny after using the mi-410.
Occasional Snaps and video recording. mi-410>Defy. No doubt about that.
Moreover, if you're willing to wait for 3-4 months before you start modding, this baby ought to have more support by then. It's selling in 5-6 countries, i think?
Now what Defy brings to the table.
Much better and softer touch.
Build quality. Though the build of the mi-410 isn't bad, Defy feels a lot more like a finished product. It screams "premium phone" to me. And i don't mean just the dustproof/scratch resistant thingy.
Call quality Don't know if it's psychological but calls seems to be much clearer on the Defy. I have to admit i read a lot of positive feedback on the "active noise cancellation" on the Defy.
Custom ROMs CM7 already available as you've pointed out.
Defy will have longer standby life. Bigger capacity battery, smaller screen. But you already know that.
Better ASS probably.

In the end, whichever you choose,rest assured, these are 2 very good phones and get right down to enjoying your purchase. :D
Ordered Spice MI-410 Online from Saholic and it is intransit, waiting for it, Let's see ;)
DarkAngel said:
I might go the Huawei X6 aka Spice 410 way just because of SAR. 1.52 and 1.53 seems pretty high when the max limit allowed is 1.6. :(
Waiting for little more reviews on Spice.
MAGNeT said:
Most people here voted because defy will have better resale.But seeing the reply and updates available for spice I'll too might go for it if it comes cheaper.
Already Ordered on Saholic and it is intransit, waiting for it :)
  • ^ The Defy's SAR worried me and the Spice's build, service, newishness to the market made me uncertain. Finally decided not to go with either.
  • Since browsing on edge was my immediate need i went ahead with a Nokia 5233 for ~4.9k from letsbuy yesterday evening and it has been shipped today.
  • Pretty decent screen(3.2" nHD) for the price and a smart OS for <5k. Decent deal i guess.
  • Will upgrade again in 6-8 months. Thanks all for your views in this thread. Apologies if anyone feels i wasted their time. At least many others very able to make a good decision due to this thread and i am happy for them.

And yeah even i have delayed my purchase a bit after hearing that Defy has high SAR value... I think i would wait for few days and after few days i would buy a good cellphone after saving some more money and i think new cellphones would release in the meanwhile so i think waiting is the best option...
..:: Free Radical ::.. said:
I know they have the same SOC. But didnt want to spend 14k and not get a premium finish. But in 6-8 months guess the Nexus S would come down to 13k-15k and i might grab that. ( I know we can get a used Vibrant for the same price but didnt want the hassles of importing stuff and having an expensive 2nd hand stuff without warranty)
The finish of the Spice phone is quite good. People (albeit noobs) asked me whether this was the SGS-II :lol:

You had to see the look on their face when I showed them the Spice logo :P

I'd say, barge in to your neighborhood mobile shop and take a look. The Spice hotspot I visited had a fully functional piece and the friendly Spice guys let me use my microsd to run a few benchmarks and look at a few images and clips so that I was satisfied that there was no color banding or bad hue shifts with the display before I made the purchase.

I hope Spice comes out with a dual core phone in the next 6-8 months

Perhaps then I'd sell this phone and buy that ;)

Who cares about brand name. There is a certain degree of satisfaction which comes with the fact that you bought a phone from an Indian company! (not exactly :P, but really, Spice has won me over. Keep it up guys.)
@Dark Angel - like you said, this thread helped me a lot in deciding a phone for my friend.
And of course, Free Radical was the one who helped me make up my mind. If only they had a spice outlet here in chennai. it'd be awesome :)
now,since last 1 month when i purchased the defy,my 3 yr old nephew is a complete addict to it,mainly due to the tons of games & fun apps which i had installed on it!...now i loose my phone more often than i can be happy for purchasing the defy.Though it's really a awesome phone,NO DOUBT, & i purchased it primarily due to the Total Rigid Rough Tough Build(as i primarily'm a outgoing nature person),...however pre-purchase i somewhat overlooked the SAR Point & also couldn't figurein the addiction of a kid to this fun toy & hence the exposure implication.Now that as i find a lot of ppl discussion SAR issues of mobile phones as well as of the defy,....i want to know specifically,how much dangerous can this phone(Motorola Defy)really be(particularly in the S.A.R sense) for a little kid who has kind of got addicted to it & plays/stays with the phone for long periods of time?
..:: Free Radical ::.. said:
Not fair. i was editing my post when you replied. reread.
Oops. I agree with you that brand name aint important. But i guess the next time when i upgrade i shouldnt think over it too much. The more time i took to decide the more confused i was :S There was no hotspot store in my city too :(

Guess as you say i might get the next dual core from Spice if these release it in the sub 15k range with ICS on it :D
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