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While I agree that a local currency trade is helpful in some ways, establishing a common trade currency which is not under control of US, EU or UK is the key.
Our currency is under our control. There is no ETA yet though. I'm learning that the impetus for this dates back to the financial crisis back in 2008.
The west talks a lot about democracy, then why should international trade happen in "their" currency. Countries around the world need to wake up.
The interest is there but making one's currency global requires sound fiscal management and there are risks. This reduces the basket of contenders for more international currencies.
While I agree that a local currency trade is helpful in some ways, establishing a common trade currency which is not under control of US, EU or UK is the key.
The west talks a lot about democracy, then why should international trade happen in "their" currency. Countries around the world need to wake up.
The man to watch is called Glazyev

Over a decade ago, my colleagues at the Astana Economic Forum and I proposed to transition to a new global economic system based on a new synthetic trading currency based on an index of currencies of participating countries. Later, we proposed to expand the underlying currency basket by adding around twenty exchange-traded commodities. A monetary unit based on such an expanded basket was mathematically modeled and demonstrated a high degree of resilience and stability.
If it was over a decade ago, the trigger was again the 2008 financial crisis.
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From phone news to China trying to invade Taiwan news. Nice development.
Anyway, this is one of the dumbest govt policies ever and if they put out the order for real it may suffer a market backlash in the form of increasing the price of the entry level phones which is bad for consumers and brands like Samsung will monopolize the market. I thought people hated monopoly.
If this was really done to promote "home grown" brand like Lava and Micromax then I call bs. Lava and Micromax are two of the worst phone brands to exist. Several conspiracy theories can be made regarding this but from a consumer PoV it's pure bs. They must have somehow pleaded and made some deals with the central govt to push this "made in India" agenda crap.
Bottomline: this makes the govt look stupid and poorer consumers will bear the brunt of it all. And people are happy about this? Woah.
Before you ask for something to be replaced by force to suit your thoughts, you need to make sure that there is a good product ready to replace it. There isn't any for this. Many of the people here probably won't give a shit about this because they don't go for low budget models anyway but when you consider the overall income of the entire Indians, this is going to be harsh. I mean just a few months ago I was looking to buy used decent smartphones for villagers because they couldn't afford it. Now good models will get more costly and the bottom line basic models will be just trash. Let's not forget that the fact that many companies still paste "Made in India" stickers on their boxes despite importing them from China and what has the govt done about it? Nothing!
Another thing with regard to Xiaomi specifically, never forget that if Xiaomi hadn't entered the smartphone market, we would be paying for overpriced Samsung garbage phones. And it looks like it's about to happen all over again.
Make Moto great again!
tell me you don't know anything about manufacturing or geopolitics without telling me you don't know anything about manufacturing and geopolitics

ohhh btw news is not even true so calm down
I said this years ago but people were mocking me here. And just see what happened with Kudankulam. Supposed to be building more reactors but some activists got into the game and sabotaged it. Ten years ago !!!!
Most indians are terribly short sighted who always prioritize short term goal or profit over any long term goals , combined with risk averse feudal seth culture no wonder we are not able to capitalize on the huge talent pool we have.

Most indians suffer from inferiority complex and have penchant towards Gora worshipping and like to hate doubt and degrade anything homegrown and act like brown sahibs , our media our education system continuously enforces that belief and that's why they buy the western narrative hook line and sinker , very few indians can cut through the bullshit and see that western narrative and figure out what's best for india is not the same as what's best for west or other countries.

you can clearly see such people on the thread who literally have no knowledge and apart from posting one or two liner snarky comments they can't add anything worth substances once confronted its hard to know the age , im hoping they are hormonal teenagers.

Coming back to energy , i was following that whole NGO drama and how foreign power are sabotaging and have sabotaged India's energy plans especially our 3 stage nuclear plan as laid by Bhabha. i remember greenpeace asking airtel to shut down all diesel generators

or CIA funded PETA arguing india to destroy the entire dairy industry by not drinking normal milk but to use SOYA MILK because US is one of the largest producer of SOYA and the constant hate amul gets from west and the libtard circle of india.

India needs to go full steam developing nuclear and deal with any pesky NGO or any one who tries to sabotage the plans , i wish we had a deep state like china or US, all these foreign funded NGOs and lifafa politicians and judges need to be reigned in they are too stupid and corrupt and can be bought for a dime to sabotage the future of entire nation , example being sri lanka how one corrupt family literally bought the entire nation to bankruptcy.
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India needs to go full steam developing nuclear and deal with any pesky NGO or any one who tries to sabotage the plans , i wish we had a deep state like china or US, all these foreign funded NGOs and lifafa politicians and judges need to be reigned in they are too stupid and corrupt and can be bought for a dime to sabotage the future of entire nation , example being sri lanka how one corrupt family literally bought the entire nation to bankruptcy.
I was wondering what spurred the extra monitoring of NGO foreign finances back in 2015. Remember that?

It wasn't until this year when I understood the crap that was done to Ukraine that I got it. South block saw how the coup was instigated by the west in 2014 and the west got their puppet installed. The corruption in Ukraine makes India look very clean. The war going on there is because the higher-ups are all getting their cut of western aid. More war, more aid, PROFIT !! and see what is happening to the people there :mad: They had an election but their vote does not count because your govt SOLD YOU OUT !!!

In 2019, 70% of the people of Ukraine voted for peace with Russia. Did the clown in charge do anything to further peace with Russia? No? he did what the people in Washington, London & Brussels told him to do. You said Sri Lanka I give you Ukraine. Ukraine does not decide when this war will end, its sponsors DO ! and the poor brave young people of Ukraine will keep dying until such time.

So yeah south block knew in 2014 and even earlier what I had to get a crash course about in 2022 (!) At least on these important matters, the people in charge have our back.

People think China is bad, west is good. It's not that simple. Take what is good and block the bad. And the west does screw with us, It's only with the much more vibrant media and countless sources we have these days that all this crap is coming to light. Indian commentators are more forward than their western counterparts I can see. There is no fear. Oh if you say this we will lose ad revenue.

I've been following Shambav for some time now. For a guy who does not live in India, he has a pretty good idea of how we should be thinking. He's doing excellent work. The amount of effort it takes to debunk lies this guy will spend the time and do. He's awesome.

Of course, they want to destroy the milk industry, we surpassed the US in milk production back in 1998. Wouldn't it be better if we bought soy from the US instead?

I have no problem with plant-based milk. You can make them yourself if you have a juicer. But not everybody has the time or wants to do that.

The first priority of this country after independence was food security. No more famines as happened under the British. We have largely succeded in that goal and some time ago too. Nobody can say any more there is hunger in this country. Malnutrition? maybe. But that is not the same. Abroad they are obese.
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Trying to get some idea, any idea about what India is doing with Russian energy has been tricky at best. Though this blog post gives some clues


India was notified of the case by the US Treasury, Michael Patra, deputy governor in charge of monetary policy at the Reserve Bank of India, said at an event Saturday in Bhubaneswar, the capital of the eastern state of Odisha.

“I will give an example of how topsy-turvy the world has become,” Patra said. “You know there are sanctions against people buying Russian oil. And this was reported to us by the US Treasury.” He didn’t elaborate on whether any action was being taken over the shipment.

An Indian ship met a Russian tanker at sea, picked up oil, and sailed to a port in India’s Gujarat state where the cargo was processed into a product used in the making of single-use plastic, Patra said. “The refined output was put back on that ship and it set sail without a destination. In the mid-sea it received a destination so it recharted its course, going to New York.”
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So it's our turn to 'consider' this crazy price cap idea. Our answer is only if Venezuelan & Iranian oil is allowed onto the market. I don't know when that will happen

The Russians have made a counteroffer on the condition we oppose the price cap.

Far too much is being made of these discounts. If the oil price were to say, spike to $200 and we only get 20% from Russia those discounts won't matter.

As our share of Russian oil went up and Iraqi down, (see petro logistics link) But Russian discounts decreased over time.

In May, Russian crude oil was cheaper by $16 a barrel for India as compared to the average Indian crude import basket price of $110 a barrel. The discount was reduced to $14 a barrel in June, when the Indian crude basket averaged $116 a barrel. As of August, Russian crude oil costs $6 less than the average crude import basket price, officials said.

So the Iraqis started offering us discounts as well.

India’s biggest oil supplier Iraq undercut Russia beginning in late June, by supplying a range of crudes that on average cost $9 a barrel less than Russian oil. The extremely price-sensitive market, therefore, has shifted heavily back in favour of Iraq. As a result, Russia slid to the third position in the list of nations from which the bulk of India's oil originates, meeting 18.2 percent of all the country's oil needs. Saudi Arabia (20.8 per cent), and Iraq (20.6 per cent) are the top two suppliers.

Europe is going through all sorts of power & cost rise crises here we have suppliers fighting to have us as a customer with more discounts.

Life isn't fair :p
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They don't pass on discounts because when prices rise they use the cushion to keep prices stable.

But the discounts are being used for inflation control according to the finance minister. I don't see any people here crying about rising energy or food prices like in Europe.

This is supposed to be a price-sensitive market yet where are the protests?

That is because your govt has played this well.

I don't see oil prices going up, in fact, the opposite is happening, OPEC cut 100k barrels because the oil price has been coming down over the last few months. They expect a recession.

Now how to get that Russian oil to India when western insurance refuses to cover the tankers?

GIC Re felt that it would be running afoul of the sanctions regime, and therefore, will be netted out of the global insurance market, dominated by European and American companies. But after the rap from the finance ministry, events moved quickly.
So it was the govt that pushed for it.

That figure seems so small. Yet it has already insured 25 voyages :oops:

I remember back in March there was talk of secondary sanctions. So if India bought Russian oil then the west would sanction India. As April wore on i heard GOI was going ahead with buying Russian oil and in a big way. The govt called the west's bluff.


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Been hearing about rupee-rouble trade since May when the RBI agreed to it but it's still 'a few weeks away'

With Russia being shunted out of the west, there will be many opportunities for Indian companies to do business with Russia.
Didn't know this thread was still active.

US is warning countries that will implement Russian MIR payment, with sanctions. Let see what India does. In Russia a survey was conducted with regarding friendly nations first is China, second is Belarus, third is India. Most other western nations don't allow Russian passenger planes or even citizens to enter.
So Putin asked Modi for visa free travel to India and vice versa for Indians visiting Russia. Because of the trade imbalance we import more from Russia then what we can export. They are trying to find out what else then can get from India trying to bypass sanctions like spares for aircraft, electronics etc.

Kazakhstan which was just third on the list as dropped well below, since the US is trying a color revolution, already a coup took place in that country and the current government in Kazakhstan even wants to exit the CTSO (russian equivalent of NATO). This country is landlocked with two big super powers bordering it, they can turn of border and airspace and Kazakhstan will be doomed.

Armenia and Azerbaijan have fought multiple times in the past year and months. Azerbaijan, Turkey are just continuing their genocide on the Armenia with under the full watch of Nato, even Israel is supplying weapons to Azerbaijan.
The amount of sick videos coming out from Azerbaijan on the people of Armenia is ISIS like.

It was Russian job to protect Armenia, but they themself are bogged down with Ukraine. India also sold weapons to Armenia.

US also stirred up trouble in all the countries surrounding Russia.
Events that happened after russia- ukraine conflict.
Azerbaijan is invading Armenia
Tajikistan is fighting Kyrgyzstan
Taliban are shelling Uzbekistan
Chechen opposition is unifying
Georgia is contemplating a referendum on taking back Ossetia
Kazakhstan is flirting with China and US.
US is warning countries that will implement Russian MIR payment, with sanctions. Let see what India does.
Why is the west doing it? The only target with the MIR card is the Russian people. Not the govt.

Do they think this will get people to revolt and topple Putin? heh, what we will see instead is one by one each of these western leaders losing the next election and centre-right parties taking over.

I'm wondering how they will impose these sanctions because there might be close to 100 countries that will have to be sanctioned. The Russians don't have any colonial baggage and have good relations with the global south. S.America, Africa, ME & Asia. They have many friends who they will have to manage.

The sanctions presently are only in force in the collective west, not anywhere else because it's impossible to enforce.

In Russia a survey was conducted with regarding friendly nations first is China, second is Belarus, third is India. Most other western nations don't allow Russian passenger planes or even citizens to enter.
So Putin asked Modi for visa free travel to India and vice versa for Indians visiting Russia. Because of the trade imbalance we import more from Russia then what we can export. They are trying to find out what else then can get from India trying to bypass sanctions like spares for aircraft, electronics etc.
India becomes a transhipment source for Russia. The same is happening with China. Also with Iran,

Close Russia-Iran relations will benefit us. We'll be able to send stuff to Afghanistan and Central Asia who are actively looking for more options to get their exports out. Getting things to Afghanistan was a point Modi brought up at the SCO meet.
Kazakhstan which was just third on the list as dropped well below, since the US is trying a color revolution, already a coup took place in that country and the current government in Kazakhstan even wants to exit the CTSO (russian equivalent of NATO). This country is landlocked with two big super powers bordering it, they can turn of border and airspace and Kazakhstan will be doomed.
They had some unrest last Dec, then curfews with shoot-at-sight orders were issued. All been quiet there since. I've heard talk of this leaving CSTO but the sources were western or west leaning. None of the pro Russian sources I follow has mentioned Kazakhstan so far.
Armenia and Azerbaijan have fought multiple times in the past year and months. Azerbaijan, Turkey are just continuing their genocide on the Armenia with under the full watch of Nato, even Israel is supplying weapons to Azerbaijan.
The amount of sick videos coming out from Azerbaijan on the people of Armenia is ISIS like.
This is Erdogan trying to show how important he is to Putin. Turkey because of its location squeezes both the Americans & Russians within limits. Turkey is like Burma. Burma can do what it wants and India & China will have to be very careful how they respond.
It was Russian job to protect Armenia, but they themself are bogged down with Ukraine. India also sold weapons to Armenia.
Well, both Putin & Erdogan have had a sit down at Samarqand. I'm sure Putin has impressed on Erdogan the need to cut the crap.

I don't see a US role here as the countries supporting either is complex. Russia & France are on opposite sides in Ukraine but on the same side when it comes to Armenia. Iran also supports Armenia as we do. Israel & Turkey are with Azerbaijan. Who is the US to support here?

HAHA! try and untangle this one

Armenia & Azeri goes back to Stalin. He did not want these two troubling him so he got them to fight each other by creating an Armenian enclave in Azerbaijan and vice versa. This is a forever war. At the UN I see at times India & Pakistan taking 1st & 2nd right to respond. With the Armenians & Azeris its 4th & 5th right to respond o_O

US also stirred up trouble in all the countries surrounding Russia.
Events that happened after russia- ukraine conflict.
Azerbaijan is invading Armenia
Tajikistan is fighting Kyrgyzstan
Taliban are shelling Uzbekistan
Chechen opposition is unifying
Georgia is contemplating a referendum on taking back Ossetia
Kazakhstan is flirting with China and US.
Pinpricks for Putin to handle. They will freeze these spats one by one.

I have no idea how Putin got Chechens to fight for him. These Chechens are taking selfies of themselves and posting all over Russian telegram channels. Russian soldiers are not allowed phones. But the Chechen fighters are trying their best to bond with the Russian public.
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Why is the west doing it? The only target with the MIR card is the Russian people. Not the govt.

I'm wondering how they will impose these sanctions because there might be close to 100 countries that will have to be sanctioned. The Russians don't have any colonial baggage and have good relations with the global south. S.America, Africa, ME & Asia. They have many friends who they will have to manage.

The sanctions presently are only in force in the collective west, not anywhere else because it's impossible to enforce.
They will probably start sanctioning the banks which accept Mir payments, we have plenty of banks which doesn't deal with US banks or even connected to the SWIFT, so they can bypass this sanction and tie up with these banks. While the RU pay/upi will be accepted in Russia.
India already banned Mastercard and in Russia neither Visa or mastercard work anymore, so its useless for their citizens and travelers.

Do they think this will get people to revolt and topple Putin? heh, what we will see instead is one by one each of these western leaders losing the next election and centre-right parties taking over.
Yep, most of places in EU the center-right parties are winning or faring better in poles. Many are also against sanctions on Russia because they feel, sanction hurt them more then it hurt Russia and many don't want to poke their nose in other countries business, especially a non-nato country like ukraine with a puppet president.

India becomes a transhipment source for Russia. The same is happening with China. Also with Iran,

Close Russia-Iran relations will benefit us. We'll be able to send stuff to Afghanistan and Central Asia who are actively looking for more options to get their exports out. Getting things to Afghanistan was a point Modi brought up at the SCO meet.
As long as our chabahar port in Iran allows us to get a shorter path to get Russian oil/gas/fertilizers etc. If we resume trade with Iran for oil, that will keep them from getting closer to Pakistan. Same applies to Russia.
Putin said that this Russia-ukraine conflict only strengthened India-russia ties.
But I don't know what benefit will getting supplies to Afghanistan help India, with current Taliban Afghanistan, the northen alliance leaders have fled and they are the ones India supported since three or so decades

They had some unrest last Dec, then curfews with shoot-at-sight orders were issued. All been quiet there since. I've heard talk of this leaving CSTO but the sources were western or west leaning. None of the pro Russian sources I follow has mentioned Kazakhstan so far.
Kazakhstan clarified this week that they have no intentions to leave CTSO but they also added in the statement that "they will not bow to Russia"

This is Erdogan trying to show how important he is to Putin. Turkey because of its location squeezes both the Americans & Russians within limits. Turkey is like Burma. Burma can do what it wants and India & China will have to be very careful how they respond.

Well, both Putin & Erdogan have had a sit down at Samarqand. I'm sure Putin has impressed on Erdogan the need to cut the crap.

I don't see a US role here as the countries supporting either is complex. Russia & France are on opposite sides in Ukraine but on the same side when it comes to Armenia. Iran also supports Armenia as we do. Israel & Turkey are with Azerbaijan. Who is the US to support here?

HAHA! try and untangle this one
Erdogan is a thorn for Nato, US and Russia. He keep playing sides to his own benefit.
US, Nato needs them because they are a Nato country and can keep Syria-russia busy with terrorists and also ship the stolen oil from US occupied syrian oil fields via turkey.
Russia needs Turkey because they control the bosphorus straits without which Russia cannot move their blue water Navy ships and can also block ships from Russia if they are at war.
Putin can destroy the pipelines of Azerbaijan and bring them to its knees. I think israel buys majority of its oil from Azerbs, with talks going on for gas, this is the reason why Israel is supporting them.
US will do anything to screw Russian allies or russian intrests. example syria, venezula, cuba, Hell even India for the nuke plants in TN.
If by chance armenia had some oil reserve or some lithium/cobalt mines, the US would be all over Armenia.

Pinpricks for Putin to handle. They will freeze these spats one by one.

I have no idea how Putin got Chechens to fight for him. These Chechens are taking selfies of themselves and posting all over Russian telegram channels. Russian soldiers are not allowed phones. But the Chechen fighters are trying their best to bond with the Russian public.
There are two types of Chechens one which is Pro-Russia and the other which fought against russian in chechen war, these are also fighting in Ukraine against Russian forces and pro-Russian Chechens.
They will probably start sanctioning the banks which accept Mir payments, we have plenty of banks which doesn't deal with US banks or even connected to the SWIFT, so they can bypass this sanction and tie up with these banks. While the RU pay/upi will be accepted in Russia.
Now multiply that across numerous countries of the global south and it's workable. What this does is makes Rupay & UPI acceptable across more countries as well.
India already banned Mastercard and in Russia neither Visa or mastercard work anymore, so its useless for their citizens and travelers.
As long as our chabahar port in Iran allows us to get a shorter path to get Russian oil/gas/fertilizers etc. If we resume trade with Iran for oil, that will keep them from getting closer to Pakistan. Same applies to Russia.
Putin said that this Russia-ukraine conflict only strengthened India-russia ties.
I forgot about Russian supplies through Iran. That would be major. This works in so many ways.
But I don't know what benefit will getting supplies to Afghanistan help India, with current Taliban Afghanistan, the northen alliance leaders have fled and they are the ones India supported since three or so decades
It buys us some say in affairs over there. Since SCO is all about politics & security, the more tables we get invited to the better. None of this implies recognition. That is still some way off. Even the Paks have not recognised the Taliban.
Erdogan is a thorn for Nato, US and Russia. He keep playing sides to his own benefit.
US, Nato needs them because they are a Nato country and can keep Syria-russia busy with terrorists and also ship the stolen oil from US occupied syrian oil fields via turkey.
Russia needs Turkey because they control the bosphorus straits without which Russia cannot move their blue water Navy ships and can also block ships from Russia if they are at war.
Putin can destroy the pipelines of Azerbaijan and bring them to its knees. I think israel buys majority of its oil from Azerbs, with talks going on for gas, this is the reason why Israel is supporting them.
US will do anything to screw Russian allies or russian intrests. example syria, venezula, cuba, Hell even India for the nuke plants in TN.
If by chance armenia had some oil reserve or some lithium/cobalt mines, the US would be all over Armenia.
My understanding of Israeli interest in Azerbaijan is it allows them to infiltrate into Iran.

This govt has got to hold its ground as far as western demands go. If they play it right we stand to come out in a better place. It's a tough tightrope act but this I leave for the diplomats to handle.
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Putin as just given Edward Snowden russian citizenship.
Trump was threatened even on the last day in his office by Democrat and Republicans aka washington establishment aka swamp, to not parden Snowden or julian Assanage. These two only leaked the dirt US doesn't want anybody to see.
I don't know why people think it is ok to disclose state confidences. Putin in an interview with Oliver Stone was asked whether he thought what Snowden did was right and he said it was not. Assange is in a similar situation. States have a right to secrets. Not everything has to be disclosed especially when it could affect the lives of others. It's now been established not a single person has lost their life due to WikiLeaks but that did weigh on state officials for a very long time.
I don't know why people think it is ok to disclose state confidences. Putin in an interview with Oliver Stone was asked whether he thought what Snowden did was right and he said it was not. Assange is in a similar situation. States have a right to secrets. Not everything has to be disclosed especially when it could affect the lives of others. It's now been established not a single person has lost their life due to WikiLeaks but that did weigh on state officials for a very long time.
But what snowden leaked was about its own government spying on its own people and then the intelligence chiefs under oath lying in front of the oversight commite in capital hill on live television.
Only after seeing this did, snowden leak.

The leaks which made some of the US officials look bad in front of their own people and its allies are the very same people who are against trump.

Because trump wanted to drain the swamp from war mongers, permanent russia bad establishment in washington.

These are the very same people that still withold 3000 pages of documents on JFK assassination, even after some 60 plus years.

What do the CIA and FBI say the reason for not releasing those document, they say it will permanently tarnish reputation of the US government institutions( like cia/fbi/nsa etc) in front of US citizens and its allies.

Just think what can be so damming in those documents.
But what snowden leaked was about its own government spying on its own people and then the intelligence chiefs under oath lying in front of the oversight commite in capital hill on live television.
Only after seeing this did, snowden leak.
Lied about what? do you know?

If it's in the national interest they lie I'm all for it. Sometimes because of the system, you have to do that and in the US is more of a pain than in India.

These are the standard things that come up from time to time. We have to trust the govt in these aspects until something egregious happens. They have checks & balances in the US. I know some Americans and even Indians will laugh at this but those people are not in the know.
The leaks which made some of the US officials look bad in front of their own people and its allies are the very same people who are against trump.

Because trump wanted to drain the swamp from war mongers, permanent russia bad establishment in washington.
These are also the very people who also fund candidates. Trump was no rubber stamp president. He did try to push back.

Think who gains if US troops come home ? the military-industrial complex. Because now everyone has to upgrade their security since the Americans are not there or nearby.

This bringing the boys home is great in theory but great powers have to exercise a presence and shape things. We do the same thing. If we need to do it imagine what a global power like the US or any other has to do.
These are the very same people that still withold 3000 pages of documents on JFK assassination, even after some 60 plus years.

What do the CIA and FBI say the reason for not releasing those document, they say it will permanently tarnish reputation of the US government institutions( like cia/fbi/nsa etc) in front of US citizens and its allies.
Reputation is not a problem for the US. Screw the allies. Who else can they run to?

There is something more. That more is security related.
Just think what can be so damming in those documents.
National security. For the same reason, we will not release the second part of the Henderson Brookes report.

These are sensitive topics. To demand total transparency is not realistic.
Lied about what? do you know?
The NSA head at that time, lied in front of the senate intelligence commite. Basically lying to the oversight committee.

If it's in the national interest they lie I'm all for it. Sometimes because of the system, you have to do that and in the US is more of a pain than in India.
They lie, cia are trained to lie. But not in front of the oversight committee. The courts said that what NSA did was illegal and unconstitutional.

These are the standard things that come up from time to time. We have to trust the govt in these aspects until something egregious happens. They have checks & balances in the US. I know some Americans and even Indians will laugh at this but those people are not in the know.
Even with these checks and balances, the permanent establishment in washington aka the deep state, these people work for decades and with the tools and power they have are more powerfull then the US president. Trump is not wrong when he says voter fraud took place.
Snowden said they also stole IP/trade secrets from various european companies.
These people have a track record of meddling 8n other countries elections and overthrowing governments.

These are also the very people who also fund candidates. Trump was no rubber stamp president. He did try to push back.
Thats why they got rid of him and they are still scared that he will come back to power.
From the moment trump announced he wanted russia and US to be allies fighting against ISIS. The deep state made sure that it would be impossible for Trump to be friendly with the russians. Trump was spied by warrants obtained by FBI based on false evidence.
They purged all of trump appointed people who wanted to have friendly relationship with russia.
On his first day of his tour to the CIA building, he said we are in syria for the oil. All of this made him a enemy for the deep state.

Even in 2020 elections facebook was instructed to supress dirt on biden by the FBI.

Think who gains if US troops come home ? the military-industrial complex. Because now everyone has to upgrade their security since the Americans are not there or nearby.
MIC makes billions whether US troops are fighting or not. They are making billions in russia-ukraine conflict.

Reputation is not a problem for the US. Screw the allies. Who else can they run to?
The thing is while they don't care about alliea. They( deep state) do have a problem when its own citizens turn against them.
Most of trump supporters are military veterans or patriots, who know what the military was actually doing in those countries.

Just think what will happen if those 3000 pages of classified documents on JFK said CIA was responsible for JFK assassination. Most of the people involved during JFK time from CIA to FBI to Fidel Castro are all dead. Yet the CIA and FBI say the damages the documents will do on the american public opinion on these government institutions like CIA/FBI will be permanent/ irreparable damage.

The testimony of JFK wife and his brother after JFK assassination are not to revealed atleast till 2060.

US public wont give a damn if the CIA wanted to kill heads of state of other countries or even causing genocide in other countries.

But they will all be in shock if they know that there own government institution killed their own president.
The big news right now is about the referenda that are ongoing in the areas of Donbas, Zaparozya & Kherson. As of Oct 1, they will be in Russian territory like Crimea earlier. Therefore any attacks on these areas will be an attack on Russia.

How is the west & Ukraine going to respond? Saying they don't recognise them isn't enough as the responses will reflect the way Russia sees it.
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