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After the referendum, the US wanted a vote in favour. We abstained along with others.
Don't you see what's happening ?

The military side is in the bag, the economic war is not subduing Russia so Putin is now reaching for the political win. He has to keep as much of the world that matters on side and this is his pitch. I think he is succeeding with that. This speech will connect with people in many countries of the global south.
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After the referendum, the US wanted a vote in favour. We abstained along with others.

Don't you see what's happening ?

The military side is in the bag, the economic war is not subduing Russia so Putin is now reaching for the political win. He has to keep as much of the world that matters on side and this is his pitch. I think he is succeeding with that. This speech will connect with people in many countries of the global south.
His speech and ceremony can be described as kubuki theater at best.
Putin has military superiority is laughable. They just lost lyman city in donbas. Also, check airline ticket prices out of russia for a reality check.
His speech and ceremony can be described as kubuki theater at best.
They will call it all things in the west. But that isn't his intended audience
Putin has military superiority is laughable.
Uki's have no air suport. They lost that in the early days. NATO refused to enforce an NFZ because they are unable.

There is no force on earth to stop the Russians since they walked in. How much has Ukraine already lost in territory? 25%

Until now Ukraine was up against militias and allied forces. Things change after accession. They will be dealing with the full force of the Russian military.

They just lost lyman city in donbas.
6,000 vs. 500. The Russians opted to withdraw. That is not a defeat. Holding onto every square inch is how you sacrifice people for no good. We did this in '62 and the Ukis are doing it now and the casualties are horrendous.
Also, check airline ticket prices out of russia for a reality check.
Dual nationals getting freaked out by their other that they will be drafted
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The speech Putin gave was powerful.

If you from the below countries, the media will just white wash, lie, selective infomation to brainwash their audiences.
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The irony
Some examples from the very first days of this conflict.
Headlines and news report in the west
I am sure everyone has seen this video or heard it in the news.
The video show by the west

How many of the western media corrected this false news.
Here is the actual versions of these events prior to this.
The Ukraine strela 10 air defense system moments before his attacked by national guard of ukraine in a Kozak 5.

The strela 10 then turns in this street, where Ukrainen soldiers are firing at a truck, which they claim in the video to be russian soldiers/spyies etc
warning NSFW but it shows the events leading up to it.
These spooks the already spooked strela 10 driver.

Last month,
Western media reports, Russian strikes train stations, EU condemns this attack bla bla bla. Video shown from the train station by western media.

While Russia said this was legitimate military target.

Notice most of the videos in the above links are still grab from the video. But the video show in the western media conveniently ignores what is in back of the train.
Truth is that it was carrying Ukrainen military, notice whats at the back of the train when you pause the video or the people roaming around there.
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The irony
Indeed, what happened to a free and open press?

Instead, we find pressure to conform and reprisals for breaking the rules.

I discovered these 'professionals' were more interested in their careers and keeping sponsors happy than doing their job :oops:

I am speaking about MSM only. Social media is far more open here. Independent voices are many. They just don't have fancy offices. They broadcast out of their bedrooms or talking while walking along the street.
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Social media is far more open here. Independent voices are many. They just don't have fancy offices. They broadcast out of their bedrooms or talking while walking along the street.
True, but even if you have fancy offices, it it doesn't support their agenda, you will be blocked or shut down.
Example Trump.

There where also 2 famous russian pranksters who have tricked various high profile people to give them.a interview. These includes Bush Jr, Defense Secretary of Uk and so on. Youtube and various western owned social platforms have banned them. For what all they showed was the interview with western politicians.
There full videos are now on other platforms. Even google manipulates its search results, to hide all the western dirt.

Parts from Bush interview
True, but even if you have fancy offices, it it doesn't support their agenda, you will be blocked or shut down.
Example Trump.
Let's he opened my eyes to what the western MSM was like. In his Jan 6 speech, he said the media was free but certainly not fair.
There where also 2 famous russian pranksters who have tricked various high profile people to give them.a interview. These includes Bush Jr, Defense Secretary of Uk and so on. Youtube and various western owned social platforms have banned them. For what all they showed was the interview with western politicians.
There full videos are now on other platforms. Even google manipulates its search results, to hide all the western dirt.

Parts from Bush interview
I've seen that one. They managed to prank Stephen King recently. The author.

Lexis and Vovan are legends. I've no idea how they manage to pull it off with as many and so consistently. With the Brits, they got Boris Johnson when he was foreign minister, Preety Patel the home minister or interior minister and the defence minister.

The point they make is very simple. None of these people seems to have the slightest clue about details yet they all support Ukraine.

Satire at its best and from an unlikely source.

The one thing that comes across in these PR wars is the Russians are a literate society whereas the west is a visual one and will have an edge. With visuals more is communicated and less needs to be said. The visuals could be wholly wrong, disinformation even but it takes effort to unsee what you saw. And lots of explaining to rectify.
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You guys are idolizing Putin. And cherry picking news to favor your opinion. How can you conveniently forget bucha massacre or civilian bombing where even an Indian national died? There was a news report from wion before the start of war where Palki went to the border and talked about military drills. They were drill’s first the special action and so on. Lie after lie. Many innocent people died in this conflict. It is on Putin’s hands.

Putin is a dictator; he announced that he is president for life. Thats a bad sign. Read about Sergei Magnitsky’s story. Its so evil that West created an act called Magnitsky act for human rights abuses. His story shows how evil Putin is.
How can you conveniently forget bucha massacre
That was a reprisal attack by the Ukis that was then blamed on the Russians with the full connivance of the west. Notice how the UK blocked any attempts at the UNHRC for an investigation? why do that? The Russians decided to quit the UNHRC. The US also did it earlier under Trump because they saw no point in remaining there.

So you see there are times the west does not want an investigation but with Nord stream, they want one. Go figure.

Bucha is simpler to understand. Why would the Russians massacre a people of a town they are liberating? The simple answer is they would not.

What gets the Russian public absolutely mad is when the Russians withdraw because they get surrounded and leave the people of that town to the mercy of the Uki's. You can bet your average Russian bashes Putin non-stop about that because it amounts to betrayal and it isn't discrete :sorry:
or civilian bombing where even an Indian national died?
This is when the Ukis fire from schools and apartment buildings and then get struck in return. They were trained like this so as to use the resultant images as propaganda. Old trick. As for forgetting do you have an idea that the Donbas was shelled by the Ukis for over eight years with over 14,000 casualties? No, I bet you never heard of it.
There was a news report from wion before the start of war where Palki went to the border and talked about military drills. They were drill’s first the special action and so on. Lie after lie. Many innocent people died in this conflict. It is on Putin’s hands.
You might want to listen to Professor Mearsheimer to understand how things built up to this outcome. You can't judge by looking at the end and ignore the start and middle.
Putin is a dictator; he announced that he is president for life. Thats a bad sign. Read about Sergei Magnitsky’s story. Its so evil that West created an act called Magnitsky act for human rights abuses. His story shows how evil Putin is.
He is an autocrat and a soft one at that. When has Putin announced he was president for life? I think you confuse with XJP. Putin remains president so long as the people want him. I'm not sure he will continue past 2024. He said he did not want to die on the job. Yet there are people who claim to know what he will do before he does.

There was a lot of nonsense going on in the past. You should watch Oliver Stone's Putin interviews. You will get an idea of just what Putin had to deal with. As I've said before we have two reprobates on our border that were propped up by the west. Russia is a much larger country that has more to deal with.

Putin is a nationalist. He has lifted his country from ruins to where it is today able to challenge and withstand anything the west can throw at it. Doesn't he get any credit for that? What I've learnt is that when publications like the Economist slam leaders of various countries it is because these leaders are bad for the west but you can be sure they do pretty well by their people. They use empty terms like human rights and democracy but the bottom line is money. Good for business or fulfilling some other western interest. they will ignore bad things. Interests and not values are what determine relations.

In Russia, an approval rating of 65% while enviable in the free world is an invitation to a civil war. Unless he gets 70% or more and stays there he is gone.
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You guys are idolizing Putin. And cherry picking news to favor your opinion. How can you conveniently forget bucha massacre or civilian bombing where even an Indian national died? There was a news report from wion before the start of war where Palki went to the border and talked about military drills. They were drill’s first the special action and so on. Lie after lie
The bucha massacre happened west conveniently lables as russia did it, just like nordstream explosions.

But no proof or even a attempt to get to the bottom, even french president Macron said investigation should be done before labeling russia. Many of the bodies shown there had white band around their arms or legs usually worn by Russian forces or russian friendly civilians. Also in Bucha in a video a ukrainen soldier asks his commanding officer whether he can shoot at them from a moving vehicle, these are some of the first ukrainen forces to enter bucha after ukrainen forces shelled the area. Since they are not wearing the yellow or blue band of the ukraine supporting civilians. The commader gave a nod.( video cuts off)

Lets also convinetly ignore those videos which show ukrainens shooting at civilians at point blank. Torturing them. Lets also forget the ukrainen war crimes in Donbass since 2014, lets also forget Ukraine uses Tochka missiles with fragmentation warhead ( bearings, sharpnel) at civilian centers. This warhead is for one purpose only to kill as many humans since they detonate at height of several hundred meters above surface. They can't bullshit there way saying its a military infrastructure.

There are terabytes of videos in non western video platforms.

. Many innocent people died in this conflict. It is on Putin’s hands.

Putin is a dictator; he announced that he is president for life. Thats a bad sign. Read about Sergei Magnitsky’s story. Its so evil that West created an act called Magnitsky act for human rights abuses. His story shows how evil Putin is.
In a war both will have blood of the innocent.

Putin never said he wants to be president for life. But they did remove term limits.

You want to know about putin.
The first world leader to call bush to offer support after 9/11.
Russia even authorized CIS countries to give access to their military bases for afghan invasion right after 9/11. Only other route was via pakistan. Where bush said are with us or against us when Musharraf was the president.

Then bush did this, which made it into law for Nato expansion.

Russia also disallowed US to use its territories, for US Afghanistan war all thanks to the US. Now US was forced to use Pak territory for supplies, in return Paks got upgraded F16s and other military hardware.

Russia- Georgia war followed up in 2008,

Article written in 2001, Putin wanted to join Nato. But US president Bush Jr, Bill Clinton didn't allow.

Putin first visit to US in 2003

BUSH visit to Russia, Putin welcome them at the airport itself.

Putin at the G8 back then, all are friendly

Putin after Russia concerns are ignored, its allies are systematically take out by regime change wars Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba.

US senator Bernie Sanders, explains Monroe doctrine of USA

2 months before this conflict
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This is London and in another 45 cities in towns on Oct 1, the national day of action according to enoughisenough
Expect more such protests in EU. In Czech republic school children are given blankets because the heating is turned off and its not even winter yet.

Also Elon Musk asked on twitter whether the government should accept a UN backed referendum or should the people of donbass and luhansk decide their fates.
The votes where initially yes and then twitter bots from ukraine voted No.

Musk said this probably the largest bot attack he has ever seen.

Wonder what Musk motive is, to show in court lot of fake users bots exists, so that he doesn't have. To buy twitter or buy it at a much kower price.

Or feeling the pinch of all the metals needed from russia for space X rockets.

Or really believes there will be no winners in a nuke conflict.
Looks like we are moving closer to this outcome.
If the above is true then it's to counter something the west is doing.

This is the bit we need to learn about. I've not heard or seen anything

How Russia is going to proceed is being debated. There are some that want a harder edge. But Putin sets the ROE's.

It's raining in Ukraine. The ground is boggy. Two weeks later or more the soil will firm up.
It wasn't built by russian companies it was mix of norway, italian companies.
The inside of the pipes will be filled with corrosive sea water. The firms which conducted the survey, design and building was done by Nato countries. So they will not repair it.

The anti corrision coatings was also done by a german company as was the concrete layer around the pipe.

Some say this cannot be fixed, unless the pipes have a valve section in sea floor, that way remove and replace everything after that valve.
How about Russia offer to pay the repair bill :)

You saw the costs, under $10bn. Russians are swimming in money. Theirs is the only currency in the world that isn't weakening against the dollar.

It's just a pipeline. Build another if needed.

How is the west going to respond to that

In other times such an act of sabotage would have been seen as an act of war. Not now.

This is not some lighthearted response, it makes sense at a strategic level.

How is the common man to interpret a development like NS pipeline failure?

If their gas line, internet line, electricity line, or water line gets cut. What question do they ask?

Not we must begin an investigation. When is it coming back? :D

let them have their sham investigation but fixing or replacing can also proceed in parallel.
Expect more such protests in EU. In Czech republic school children are given blankets because the heating is turned off and its not even winter yet.

Also Elon Musk asked on twitter whether the government should accept a UN backed referendum or should the people of donbass and luhansk decide their fates.
The votes where initially yes and then twitter bots from ukraine voted No.

Musk said this probably the largest bot attack he has ever seen.

Wonder what Musk motive is, to show in court lot of fake users bots exists, so that he doesn't have. To buy twitter or buy it at a much kower price.

Or feeling the pinch of all the metals needed from russia for space X rockets.

Or really believes there will be no winners in a nuke conflict.
Musk is like Ambani. Nuke always gets attention. Any publicity wherever possible. Making publicity about what? something is going to happen soon...

Musk has proposed his variant of the Minsk agreement. The agreement signed by the foreign ministers of France & Germany eight years ago that went nowhere and is a factor why this conflict has endured as long. Minsk didn't work because the collective west didn't want it to work.

I will agree with the below though

If you care about Ukraine seek peace, this is the official position of many countries. It's a point I've been trying to make since the conflict began to those who say they support Ukraine. They support Ukraine in a war that will lead to its comprehensive defeat the longer it goes on.

Uki's aren't happy about this tweet. They think Musk has switched sides. This is what happens when you inform yourself a little more about what is going on there.
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> In other times such an act of sabotage would have been seen as an act of war. Not now.

"The result was the most monumental non-nuclear explosion and fire ever seen from space."

USA have done worse things like this earlier.
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How about Russia offer to pay the repair bill :)

You saw the costs, under $10bn. Russians are swimming in money. Theirs is the only currency in the world that isn't weakening against the dollar.

It's just a pipeline. Build another if needed.

How is the west going to respond to that

In other times such an act of sabotage would have been seen as an act of war. Not now.

This is not some lighthearted response, it makes sense at a strategic level.
RT had a article a couple days back, saying Gazprom will fix the pipe but it will take some time but lot of money.

Russia still has pipelines going to ukraine and belarus from there to Poland and then to germany. But Polish people who have history with russia even centuries back, so they have shut down the transit. So now by blowing the NS pipeline, if russia wants to send gas to germany, then poland will also get gas plus transit fees. The whole point of NS pipeline was to make gas cheaper. So now with the transit fees its not as competitive.

Before the US led 2014 coup in ukraine, they got discounted russian gas plus billions of dollars to keep nato out.

How is the common man to interpret a development like NS pipeline failure?

If their gas line, internet line, electricity line, or water line gets cut. What question do they ask?

Not we must begin an investigation. When is it coming back? :D

let them have their sham investigation but fixing or replacing can also proceed in parallel.
Most of the europeans other then UK and Poland know exactly who did this. The silence of the climate activists says it all.
Joe rogan US audience,

Russel Brand, Uk audience

US navy P8

let them have their sham investigation but fixing or replacing can also proceed in parallel.
When Russia called the OPCw for investigation on the alleged chemical attack by syria, which the Nato and US was saying it happened.
The west basically expedited the air strikes just as the OPCW inspectors arrived in the country.
When the report was released, many inspectors leaked that they found no chemical traces of chlorine attack and that the head of the OPCW actually changed the report to the complete opposite. It was reported only by a handful of news like Tucker carlson and some youtube news channels.

US sanctioned the International criminal court, why because it was investigating the US war crimes in Afghanistan and other places. This is how they get away apart from absolute control of the narrative in news and internet.

Also this is the same US that kills its own people and then cover it up.
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Oct. 4, 2022 | Zug, Switzerland | In line with the calculated expectations, the pressure in both lines of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline stabilised as of Monday, October 3, 2022.

As of today, Nord Stream AG is unable to inspect the damaged sections of the gas pipeline due to the lack of earlier requested necessary permits.

In particular, according to the Swedish authorities, a ban on shipping, anchoring, diving, using of underwater vehicles, geophysical mapping, etc. has been introduced to conduct a state investigation around the damage sites in the Baltic Sea.

According to information received from the Danish authorities, the processing time of the Nord Stream AG request for the survey may take more than 20 working days.

Nord Stream AG remains in close contact with relevant authorities.

Moreover, the owner of the appropriately equipped survey vessel chartered by Nord Stream AG still doesn’t have “green light from Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs” to depart.

The Swedes have implemented a ban while they conduct their investigation. I wonder why. This is like allowing crooks to investigate the crime scene.

The Danes need twenty days to process the NS application. About enough time for the Swedes to complete the job.

Listen to the spin job

The comments are quite revealing that even the American public don't buy it

Looks like Russia’s tactical withdrawal is going well.
The military angle is a sideshow. The real fight is the economic one. The Euros have subsidised this operation right from the start which is why they are desperate to get off Russian energy. Their strategy to squeeze Russia is to squeeze themselves.

Russia's central banker and her top deputy have been sanctioned. Why ? for doing a better job than her western counterparts? Will the Russian economy start to go down

Winter has not even begun yet. I'd stock up on popcorn. This is going to get very interesting :D
> In other times such an act of sabotage would have been seen as an act of war. Not now.

"The result was the most monumental non-nuclear explosion and fire ever seen from space."

USA have done worse things like this earlier.
Can you imagine the Euros telling the US to butt out of their affairs today ?

As has long been the case with the Nord Stream pipelines, the United States had adamantly opposed Soviet projects to deliver gas from Siberia to Western Europe, characterizing them as a means for Moscow to project influence over the Europeans. In 1982, the Reagan administration banned pipeline equipment sales to the USSR, prompting the European Economic Community – forerunner to the European Union, to issue a formal protest over Washington’s interference in the bloc’s economic affairs. Germany, France, Italy and the UK declared the restrictions illegal, and promised to defy the ban. Washington eventually reneged, and the first gas deliveries from Urengoy to Western Europe began in January 1984.
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