The Assasin's Creed 2 thread !

Re: Assasin's Creed 2 pics & gameplay info updates

Great great great...AC is one of my ever time favs...

AC2 will rock the world too...
Re: Assasin's Creed 2 pics & gameplay info updates

OUTSTANDING information dude you ROCK thank you if you get any system requirements please dont forget to post it :p we are waiting man it Rocks....
thanks again for the information :D
Re: Assasin's Creed 2 pics & gameplay info updates

DID anyone happen to see this :

YouTube - Assassins Creed: Lineage Trailer [HD]

Assassins Creed: Lineage Trailer [HD]

Developed by Ubisoft's Hybride Technologies, the visual effects studio behind 300 and Sin City, Assassin's Creed: Lineage combines live action and computer generated imagery (CGI) to explore the events that happen just before the Assassin's Creed II game starts. The short films revolve around Ezio's father, Giovanni Auditore da Firenze, and give insight on the game's back story and universe.

The short films will whet the appetite of game players and fans of this type of cinematography in advance of the in-store release of the video game on November 17, 2009. Assassin's Creed: Lineage will also introduce some of the characters that players will meet in the game: both foes and friends of the family, like Lorenzo de Medici, the Italian statesman and de facto ruler of the Florentine Republic during the Italian Renaissance period.
Assassin's Creed Complete videos walkthrough & wallpapers

Yeah !!! A sequel to Assassin's Creed !!! Very great idea from Ubisoft Montreal. I very liked the first one. I will surely enjoy the second . Ubisoft i trust you !!!!
My best screenshots from ASSASSIN'S CREED 1&2 :



YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Introduction
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Introduction

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 1
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 1

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 2
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 2

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 3
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 3

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 4
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 4

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 5
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 5

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 6
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 6

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 7
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 7

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 8
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 8

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 9
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 9

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 10
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 10

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 11
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 11

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 12
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 12

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 13
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 13

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 14
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 14

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 15
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 15

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 16
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 16

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 17
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 17

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 18
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 18

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 19
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 19

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 20
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 20

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 22
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 22

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 23
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 23

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 24
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 24

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 25
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 25

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 26
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 26

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 27
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 27

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 28
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 28

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 29
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 29

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 30
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 30

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 31
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 31

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 32
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 32

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 33
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 33

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 34
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 34

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 35
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 35

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 36
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 36

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 37
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 37

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 38
Assassin's Creed Walkthrough Part 38

YouTube - Assassins Creed Walkthrough Part 39
Assassins Creed Walkthrough Part 39


Don't miss this brand new and great Assassin's Creed Lineage movie :

YouTube - Assassin's Creed Lineage - Full Movie

Re: Assassin's Creed Complete videos walkthrough & wallpapers

I cant fathom the kind of person who'd need a walkthrough for that game. |:
Re: Assassin's Creed Complete videos walkthrough & wallpapers

AC1 didn't need any walkthroughs/cheats.. AC2 (from what I heard in E3 earlier this year) is going to be more difficult.. harder to get away when being chased because lets face it, you can run around a corner into a hay stack in AC1 and escape.. AC2 has people to look in haystacks ;o

It should be a better game (no deaths in water and it has gliding now :eek:) but I agree with you guys, you don't need walkthroughs :p
Re: Assassin's Creed Complete videos walkthrough & wallpapers

I'm am on Sequnce 3 in Assassin's Creed II and so far doesn't look like I would be needing a walkthrough.
Re: Assassin's Creed Complete videos walkthrough & wallpapers

Far better than AC1. It has got all the things rectified which went wrong with AC1, except for the loose combat system may be. It provides more detail to the lead character Ezio as opposed to what was done with Altair in the first game. This game actually sucks you in with it's story telling technique. The start is a bit slow, but once you start learning your assassination skills, that is where the action picks up. If you watch the Lineage short films and then play this game, then you'll actually connect more deeply.
Re: Assassin's Creed Complete videos walkthrough & wallpapers

Hmm.thanks for the tip. Now to watch the Lineage clips over the next 4 months :mad:

BTW, is the game repetitive like AC1 ? Or is their enough to keep us hooked ?
Re: Assassin's Creed Complete videos walkthrough & wallpapers

PhOeNiX said:
BTW, is the game repetitive like AC1 ? Or is their enough to keep us hooked ?
So far, not really. The tasks are assigned depending on the different characters you meet with in the game. The reason this game triumphs is because it has some slightly humours moments to it. It does not have an overtly serious tone like AC1. It captures some subtle and cocky moments which Ezio is involved in as a teenager. It will keep your hooked, trust me.
Assassins Creed II

Assassins Creed II arrives with a bang....

Gametrailers 9.2
Gamespot 9.0
IGN 9.2
TeamXbox 9.5
I loved Assassins Creed I.. So Cant wait to play this on my Pc..but have to wait til Q1 2010

so guys pour in your thoughts regarding this game..what do you feel about this

Re: Assassins Creed II

The first Assassin’s Creed had a bold, brilliant concept; this sequel delivers the execution.