The Best and Worst Ads this Cricket Season

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Good AD's:

Fevicol AD--Cyclist honking a lorry!!

Insurance AD -- Boy blackmailing his granny

Vodadone ADs -- zoozoo's

Spice projector -- Subramanium, Almooonium

Axeman ADs -- all axeman ads, shown ONLY on online IPL broadcast, too hot for TV i think ;)

Now the bad ads

Idea 3G---I cannot believe they actually think 3G is 3 times faster than normal 2g, hence 3g...hahaha and sick of GAY chota bachan...first feeding off his his wife

Maruti Suzuki ads --- How the fcuk they show India in such poor lights? as if we are the only ones who think on fuel economy and thats the only criterion..

ALL Shahrukh GAY khan ads -- GAYISH

Hyundai i10 test drive AD

Havells new ad --- Main paagal nahi hu

P.S : My all time best AD's are 'buland bhaarat ki buland tasveer...Hamara Bajaaj" and "Shudh dhaara"(Boy running away and the coming back) :)
Yes the i10 test drive was lame in dialogues too. The coach says you need to know cover drive and leg drive.
Today i saw the ad and now they have corrected it to on drive.
The worst ad competition is definitely ON!!!

I think we are mostly sure about who's the winner (read loser) between the Abhishek and Ranbir debate we had earlier in this thread. :P

Don't know when it was aired but love this ad! Also that "subramaniam almooniam" ad is gud along with that pallu scoop ad featuring dlilshan

well.. not exactly the case of worst ad.. but during the i20 ad, why does the driver turn on his GPS in a parking lot?? :S :S
The new Limca ad. Love the background song.

I dont like the Cadbury "Khane ke baad meethe me kya hai" ads. They are plain stupid if you ask me.

Cant find the ads on youtube.
This is another brilliant ad from Samsung. Song name is "Train Song" by Vashti Bunyan

Here's a clip with the making:

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