The Definitive iPhone Thread

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hey... im geting a brand new 16 gb iphone in few days which is not unlocked or jailbroken..... i was a little confused about unlocking it because there are just so many guides to unlock n jailbreak the thing so cant decide which one to use........ i was thinking iplus cause it fixes the bootloader issue n seems quite easy.... what wud ull suggest- ziphone or iplus???? any help is appreciated..... thnx in advance......
crossfire said:
hey... im geting a brand new 16 gb iphone in few days which is not unlocked or jailbroken..... i was a little confused about unlocking it because there are just so many guides to unlock n jailbreak the thing so cant decide which one to use........ i was thinking iplus cause it fixes the bootloader issue n seems quite easy.... what wud ull suggest- ziphone or iplus???? any help is appreciated..... thnx in advance......

iplus.........reason being:

1. Fake bootloader that is upgradeable (not that it concerns me too much, but nevertheless)

2. Comes loaded with BSD subsystem and SSH. U need both of these if you want to use WinSCP to manually get into the file system. An excellent way to put hundreds of apps and themes using the PC rather than downloading one at a time using the installer.

3. Comes with the summerboard fix.
hey if i have a brand new iphone OTB v1.1.4 from which step in iplus do i start with..... im guessing i dont have to download the firmware restore file for 1.1.4 rite?????
Ok. I just got an iphone yesterday. Bought from Apple IStore US and delivered via a friend. 1.1.4 OTB Unlocked, jailbroken with Ziphone 2.5c (no patience with iplus). Now after having done almost everything, i've a few problems.

Solutions will be greatly appreciated -

1. "Could not activate Edge": My idea gprs connection shows up as 'E' but it always keep on giving this message. Wifi works just fine. Tried restarting, didn't work.

2. "Merge Calls": This feature doesn't seem to work. If i press merge calls, it just opens one call and holds the other (same function as swap/hold)

3. "BSD Subsytem Package Download failed": This is message i get whenever i try to get BSD Subsytem installed via wi-fi. I've found an alternate of copying it from pc and installing it, but an easier soln will be appreciated.

4. Guide for using WinSCP along with BSD/Open SSH for installing 3rd party apps will be useful.

5. Also guys, please post the (web/3rd party) apps which u use most often and are really good.
3. "BSD Subsytem Package Download failed": This is message i get whenever i try to get BSD Subsytem installed via wi-fi. I've found an alternate of copying it from pc and installing it, but an easier soln will be appreciated.

Hmm.. This is mostly, because you have added some other applications in Queue. Clear the queue and try again...

4. Guide for using WinSCP along with BSD/Open SSH for installing 3rd party apps will be useful.

You can install 3rd party applications by adding sources in Sources | Apple iPhone School This may help you!

5. Also guys, please post the (web/3rd party) apps which u use most often and are really good.

Smart question.. I have seen, mostly all iphone users install different types of Applications.. But i am telling minez.. I use Guitar, iAno, Drummer, iPhysics, iCopter, iFlickr, MobileChat, and lots....

1. "Could not activate Edge": My idea gprs connection shows up as 'E' but it always keep on giving this message. Wifi works just fine. Tried restarting, didn't work.

Hmm.. I have no EDGE on my SIM, so i can't help on this... But i think you have to set correct APN settings. I am not sure about this.
I've set 'imis' in APN settings (that's all that is required for Idea GPRS Setting). Is there some button/setting i'm missing to 'activate' the gprs/edge?

Get a new sim from IDEA. One of my friend had the same problem. After replacing to new sim his EDGE is working perfectly now .
Hi guys, I have been investigating 2 way OTA/over the air sync of iPhone contacts/calendar with Outlook and Google Calendar in near real time.

Most smart phones nowadays have built in syncml clients which can enable this OTA functionality. However the iPhone scene for syncml is arid and I do not see this usb cable iTunes sync provided by Apple as a practical solution for day to day use.

However I have discovered something approaching a solution which will allow you to sync your contacts/calendar with Google/Outlook over the air in real time. If anyone is interested I will be happy to put up a tutorial.
raul said:
If anyone is interested I will be happy to put up a tutorial.

Neki aur Pooch Pooch!!! :bleh:

Sure buddy... Put up a tut :hap2:

Also plz include if there's a work-around to transfer your contacts from old phone to iPhone? Directly by Bluetooth or excel sheet in PC etc?
Building up my contacts in iPhone was traumatic. Here's what i did -

1. Exported my old phone contacts to outlook

2. Exported my frequently mailed friends from gmail to outlook (for their email addresses) (i hardly used mail in my prev phone)

3. Merged all phone, gmail, company friends contacts in outlook so as to have one name, work/home phone nos, work/home email & physical addresses underneath the name.

4. Transferred them to iPhone. phew!

Still i couldn't transfer the image files. So now i've to assign contact photos in iPhone itself.
4dh1r said:
How? :huh:

through itunes...... wen u plug the iphone in there will be a option cald contacts...... just go to it n press sync from windows address book n ull have all the contacs on the phone...........:ohyeah:
crossfire said:
through itunes...... wen u plug the iphone in there will be a option cald contacts...... just go to it n press sync from windows address book n ull have all the contacs on the phone...........:ohyeah:

Excellent, so transferring contacts to iPhone from old phone is pretty easy. Just export from old phone to outlook and outlook to iPhone :clap:
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