The DEXTER thread!

Party Monger said:
Ya im watching was goin to update the thread in morning..

Ya the next episode's preview was very very interesting!!!

Looks like miguel will try and kick dexter:mad:

Yeah I won't be surprised if Miguel and Dexter become sworn enemies in this season.

Think about it, Dexter has not had a serious antagonist in this season AT ALL. In the 1st season, it was his own brother, in the 2nd season it was Doakes and Lila. Miguel looks like the only person who has a shot at antagonizing Dexter, he has power and resources Dexter does not have, coupled with the fact that Dexter might teach him his skills (the teaser at least hinted at Dexter teaching Miguel about his code), Miguel might prove to be a very dangerous enemy to have.

But in general, this season has been really slow, I hope they don't cancel it or something due to poor ratings :(
This season has been painfully slow. There is too much happening with the characters surrounding dexter. I would like the script to concentrate more on dexter.
5 episodes of season 3 already out. Man I need to get my hands on those...I am too lazy to read the whole thread...wat are the thoughts of this season
Is it possible that Miguel is the skin ripoff killer ? Think about it, it might be interesting ;)

[RANT] But there is this thing about this show which makes me very uncomfortable. If you think about it for a second, Dexter is one sick man. We are not supposed to like him. But the reason we do like him is because his violent side is not shown to us properly. A murder is a murder and the way he murders his victims is absolutely sick to say the least but he has been made into a hero in this show which does not feel right. His character is supposed to be interesting not likable. The moment someone starts liking serial killers is when I know something is wrong with that person. It would have been much better if the character of Dexter would have been like that of Hannible lector. I am sure most of us must be familiar with Dr. Hannible lector. Now what made that character so special was the fact that he was truly a terrifying character. We loved his charm but we equally despised his acts. We found him interesting but had no sympathy for him. Dexter's character is so sissy types, I mean does he look like a serial killer by any angle ? Especially now with all the family angle and everything, Dexter is loosing his identity. This is bad writing imo. I liked Dexter in season 1. He was creepy and interesting but not anymore. [/RANT]
Dexter was never creepy nor sadistic, its the story of a man held hostage by his mind, by the thirst to kill and he cant do anything abt it, so what he does is try to use it for the good of the society..Thats where he's a hero!!!

The way he goes abt these things is what makes the show interesting..

Even batman super man and all bust bad guys, what wrong if dexter uses his medical experience to do it:)
What's wrong is that Batman and supes never kill.

That aside, I enjoy Dexter cos I live in the real world where sickos really do escape justice and some are such scum that deserve nothing less than death. And like the ending in the 1st season, he is actually cleaning up. Can't condone Dexter's actions if he was real, but as the ultimate vigilante in fantasy world? He's got my vote.

+He doesn't wear tights.
Bluffmaster said:
Is it possible that Miguel is the skin ripoff killer ? Think about it, it might be interesting ;)
Very interesting idea. I had not thought of that! :)
[RANT] But there is this thing about this show which makes me very uncomfortable. If you think about it for a second, Dexter is one sick man. We are not supposed to like him. But the reason we do like him is because his violent side is not shown to us properly. A murder is a murder and the way he murders his victims is absolutely sick to say the least but he has been made into a hero in this show which does not feel right. His character is supposed to be interesting not likable. The moment someone starts liking serial killers is when I know something is wrong with that person. It would have been much better if the character of Dexter would have been like that of Hannible lector. I am sure most of us must be familiar with Dr. Hannible lector. Now what made that character so special was the fact that he was truly a terrifying character. We loved his charm but we equally despised his acts. We found him interesting but had no sympathy for him. Dexter's character is so sissy types, I mean does he look like a serial killer by any angle ? Especially now with all the family angle and everything, Dexter is loosing his identity. This is bad writing imo. I liked Dexter in season 1. He was creepy and interesting but not anymore. [/RANT]

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

We as human beings are sick and twisted enough. Liking a character like Dexter is probably one of the most harmless things a guy can do. To tell you the truth every guy feels like doing something crazy and violent sometimes. How many times do we think about killing someone? You see murderers, rapists, terrorists on TV, in printed media; have you never felt that maybe killing that person would do the world some good? Does your blood not boil when you hear about cases where a guy who was unquestionably guilty walked away scott free with our "justice system" doing f*ckall about it? It has become far too common nowadays.

Dexter is a welcome relief from all the politically correct heroes we've been used to seeing on TV. He is a seriously flawed, f*cked up person (he even admits to this repeatedly in the show). He is not a good person by any means (by our conventional definition of good), but he channels his violent addiction to do something constructive, he is a force for good eventhough he doesn't know it. He is frightening at times, the intelligence and raw animal instinct he displays are scary; it makes the viewer wonder what would this man have done if he had not been trained to kill only other killers. And therein lies the beauty of the character; you have here a MONSTER by all accounts, but by a twist of fate, he has become a force for good. And there is this complete lack of pretense about him; he admits to enjoying killing people, he loves the meticulous planning and preparation and revels in the final violent act like a 5 year old child that got a new action figure. It is thrilling to see him indulge in his "little hobby" as he calls it, there is this freedom about this character, one that every individual secretly yearns in real life.

Now, if the persons he killed were innocent and still people admired the character, then there is something seriously wrong. But since he never hurts innocent people, it is morally acceptable for most people.

Hannibal Lecter was not supposed to be a likable character.. He ate people for Christ's sake! Hannibal Lecter killed as he pleased, he is a true serial killer, one who can kill anyone anytime and feel no remorse about it. Comparing a character like Dexter to a character like Hannibal Lecter is doing them both a great disservice, as they are at the opposite ends of the spectrum, as far as morality is concerned.

And as far as his appearance is concerned, most serial killers DO NOT look like Hannibal Lecter; they are not articulate, charming, suave or even intelligent, as most people believe. It is very hard to spot a serial killer, they all look very plain and boring, like most normal people (which explains their chilling effectiveness). Dexter embodies this aspect; other than Doakes, no other character in the show ever suspected that he was a killer.
Nobody watching your favorite serial killer ? :p

The last few episodes have been awesome, although this season is a bit low on suspense and high on drama , it has been quite effective so far. The last episode was too good. Dexter getting kidnapped.:O I knew this bond between prado and dex wouldn't last long :D

Only 2 more episodes to go with Dex's wedding in the last episode. I guess the last episode is the end of Miguel prado. I feel they should somehow get rid of Rita( for some reason, I hate julie benz ... she is too whiny for my taste ) and the kids too. I liked Dex better when he was alone. Besides this will give a great twist to the story making season 4 more interesting when Dex is on his own. Any thoughts ?
Party Monger said:
Watch PB and Terminator also..Both of them the last few ep's were some of the best episodes aired on television..

Yeah PB was good. . but Terminator. . i was thinking things would get interesting but they ave gone from bore to drop dead. . they are definitely stalling and introducing shit for no reason.

Dexter FTW :clap: . . It;'s now his turn to get skinned . . i am sure some1 is gonna save him. . gonna be interesting to see !!!