The Fitness Thread !

Re: The Fitness Thread !

What an excuse! Do @ home then move out on the road warming up (jogging) Jog on grass if u can.

Dark Star said:
The stretching exercise that you told above are meant to be done while lying down on ground. They are perfect for gyms but since I am doing jogging these days (along with exercise) I can't do that on roads :P

Any feasible option for roads. Till today I am doing side stretches , toe touching (the one saiyan told me) lunges , shoulder twisting :P and squats.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Skipped saturday's workout........ cleaning weight off the floor overtrains my back and i am loosing form on the squat. Deloading on the squat as well.
Re: The Fitness Thread !


(in reference to a bicyclist who seemed to be saying that riding was similar to squats since they both made your legs hurt):

Yes they both hurt, but so do burning your hand and burying your bulldog. The differences are actually quite significant.

The trouble with cyclists is that their training establishment keeps reinforcing the silly bullshit that all recreational athletes want to believe: at some point, all serious athletes go outside their sport-specific work to improve, and recreational athletes just want to play their sport and wear the clothes.
Re: The Fitness Thread !


Any idiot can get on a treadmill and watch TV and then take great pride in the fact they've 'exercized. :rofl:
Re: The Fitness Thread !

It is because over thirty years of direct observation has demonstrated to me that when trainees drink one gallon of milk added to their regular diet and train in a progressive linear fashion, they gain significant muscular bodyweight, and those that do not drink their milk, even in the presence of progressive linear training, fail to do this. They also fail to continue progressive linear training for the same length of time, because this is facilitated by the steady weight gain. I understand that you're asking me if I have controlled for other factors such as failure to do the program correctly, and the answer is yes, of course I have, because I am not a complete idiot. Those that will not do the program are not being considered when I make these remarks, because that would be too ****ing obvious a hole in my analysis. The difference in the milk drinkers is that THEY GET BIGGER THAN THE ONES WHO WON'T DRINK THE ****ING MILK. Please tell me that you understand this now.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

"Yes, if you squat wrong it ****s things up. If you squat correctly, those same ****ed-up things will un**** themselves."
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Hey guys, what about stair climbing as a dedicated excecise?

I find climbing 6 floors continuously can be quite exhaustive?
SO if done for like half an hour everyday, can be quite effective i guess?
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Yes u are 24, your metabolism rate is high, this will help but keep in mind the after effects of climbing stairs of 6 floors then entering your office/college sweating/smelling. The real fight is to do this regularly. Give it a shot.

pradeep200417 said:
Hey guys, what about stair climbing as a dedicated excecise?

I find climbing 6 floors continuously can be quite exhaustive?

SO if done for like half an hour everyday, can be quite effective i guess?
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
Yes u are 24, your metabolism rate is high, this will help but keep in mind the after effects of climbing stairs of 6 floors then entering your office/college sweating/smelling. The real fight is to do this regularly. Give it a shot.

I am not talking abt office but my home.
Instead of walking or jogging. this seems a better option.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

You didnot mention it was your house, this is probably a better option than walking NOT jogging but something is better than nothing. Do it :cool2:
pradeep200417 said:
I am not talking abt office but my home.
Instead of walking or jogging. this seems a better option.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Certain misinformed and so-called “personal trainers” will have people squat in a smith machine, which is, quite simply, an idea both hideous and destructive. This is often done under the misguided “squat this way until you are strong enough to perform a regular squat” premise. Even if one overlooks the obvious fact that it is better to learn to do something right than build bad habits from the start, there are numerous other factors to be considered. The smith machine stabilizes the bar for the lifter, which does not teach the skill of balancing the bar, balance being important to any athlete, as well as the fact that free weight squatting strengthens the synergists which goes a long way to preventing injuries. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and the smith machine leaves far too many weak links. To say nothing of the fact that free weights provide a greater transfer of functional strength than machines. (23)Furthermore, the bar moves straight up and down, and very few people squat in this manner, which means that the smith machine does not fit a lifters optimal strength curve. (24) The smith machine also requires that the lifter either squats with his torso much closer to vertical than would be done with a real squat, which mechanically decreases the involvement of both the spinal erectors and the hamstrings. While this would be fine if it was done by the lifters muscular control, when the smith machine does this it is disadvantageous to the lifter by virtue of decreasing the ability of the hamstrings to protect the knee Joint. Another mistake made, aside from simply using it in the first place, is allow the knees to drift forward over the toes, the chance of which is increased by the smith machine. As was previously mentioned, this greatly increases the shearing force on the knees. This from a device touted by the ignorant as “safe.”
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Hey, need a bit of advice.

I'm 5'7. Had reached almost 67kg a few months back, but I've gone on a healthy diet, cut out carbs, and I've reduced to 58kg now.

My dad's around 5'9. His weight is 115kg!! And he's huge. Finally convinced him to reduce his weight, and control his diet. Only just started, but he's cut out carbs (rice, white bread) from his diet completely. Thinking about getting a stationary bike, as getting him out of the house is really difficult. Heard a lot about HIIT. Any suggestions for HIIT techniques on a stationary bike? Also, otherways with which he can reduce weight?

As for me, now I've reduced, I really want to start toning up a bit. Can't go to the gym, but I've got some dumbells at home. Struggling to do push ups, as I can't do them at all. How can I improve that? Also, what other home exercises do you recommend for maintaining a slim, yet toned body. How many times a week etc?
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Abh1shek said:
Hey, need a bit of advice.

I'm 5'7. Had reached almost 67kg a few months back, but I've gone on a healthy diet, cut out carbs, and I've reduced to 58kg now.

Why did you reduced your weight from 67kg to 58!! IMO you were in a good weight!!(BMI 23.1)
Re: The Fitness Thread !

eggman said:
Why did you reduced your weight from 67kg to 58!! IMO you were in a good weight!!(BMI 23.1)

BMI is a poor indicator though, isn't it? Basically, I was looking fat/chubby, and therefore had to reduce. Even now, I'm not exactly looking slim. I'm comfortable at this weight though, which is why I want to start toning up.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

It might sound very weird to you but the best way to stay fit for longer is by getting strong. If he can't lift weights get him to walk in a park then jog gradually!
For you i would suggest nothing else except weight training. It is the best way to be healthy and fit. Weight training doesnot mean lifting crazy weights for 3 hours 6 days a week! If u want i can give u detailed regime.
Or just follow:
Build Muscle & Lose Fat Through Strength Training |

Abh1shek said:
Hey, need a bit of advice.

I'm 5'7. Had reached almost 67kg a few months back, but I've gone on a healthy diet, cut out carbs, and I've reduced to 58kg now.

My dad's around 5'9. His weight is 115kg!! And he's huge. Finally convinced him to reduce his weight, and control his diet. Only just started, but he's cut out carbs (rice, white bread) from his diet completely. Thinking about getting a stationary bike, as getting him out of the house is really difficult. Heard a lot about HIIT. Any suggestions for HIIT techniques on a stationary bike? Also, otherways with which he can reduce weight?

As for me, now I've reduced, I really want to start toning up a bit. Can't go to the gym, but I've got some dumbells at home. Struggling to do push ups, as I can't do them at all. How can I improve that? Also, what other home exercises do you recommend for maintaining a slim, yet toned body. How many times a week etc?

BMI is for old people, use the damn mirror to gauge what u want ;)
eggman said:
Why did you reduced your weight from 67kg to 58!! IMO you were in a good weight!!(BMI 23.1)

Muscles DON'T TONE UP! if u loose fat over the muscles ur muscles get visible and u look toned! ONE WAY = Get strong = weight training! If u want to do it the "old man way" start jogging 3xweek after doing free squats 5 sets as much as possible reps then 30 mins gap then jog ONLY 3 times a week in the beginning!
Abh1shek said:
BMI is a poor indicator though, isn't it? Basically, I was looking fat/chubby, and therefore had to reduce. Even now, I'm not exactly looking slim. I'm comfortable at this weight though, which is why I want to start toning up.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Abh1shek said:
Hey, need a bit of advice.

I'm 5'7. Had reached almost 67kg a few months back, but I've gone on a healthy diet, cut out carbs, and I've reduced to 58kg now.

My dad's around 5'9. His weight is 115kg!! And he's huge. Finally convinced him to reduce his weight, and control his diet. Only just started, but he's cut out carbs (rice, white bread) from his diet completely. Thinking about getting a stationary bike, as getting him out of the house is really difficult. Heard a lot about HIIT. Any suggestions for HIIT techniques on a stationary bike? Also, otherways with which he can reduce weight?

As for me, now I've reduced, I really want to start toning up a bit. Can't go to the gym, but I've got some dumbells at home. Struggling to do push ups, as I can't do them at all. How can I improve that? Also, what other home exercises do you recommend for maintaining a slim, yet toned body. How many times a week etc?

Weight training + Cardio is the best option for weight (Fat) loss.
Dont waste your money in a stationery bike. as very soon it will become monotonous. going out for a walk is the best option. Start off with a walk and slowly towards jogging.

HIIT is great. I have started a HIIT routine 2 weeks back. Its very taxing. But feels great.

HIIT concepts remains the same whether while jogging or Stationery bikes.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Excellent post! For U: Don't fully rely on HIIT only, combine long steady cardio with HIIT for best overall results. Jogging 30+ mins some days and HIIT on other days depending on how much u can handle. MORE IS NOT ALWAYS BETTER! :cool2:

EDIT: include free hand squats, will help u run longer/injury less ftw!

RKitect said:
Weight training + Cardio is the best option for weight (Fat) loss.

Dont waste your money in a stationery bike. as very soon it will become monotonous. going out for a walk is the best option. Start off with a walk and slowly towards jogging.

HIIT is great. I have started a HIIT routine 2 weeks back. Its very taxing. But feels great.

HIIT concepts remains the same whether while jogging or Stationery bikes.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Hey RockFella,

needed some advice about my diet. I am not able to have six meals as i am working. can u suggest a 6 meal diet plan. aim to lose fat. PLs suggest What i can have in each meal.