Dark Star said:The stretching exercise that you told above are meant to be done while lying down on ground. They are perfect for gyms but since I am doing jogging these days (along with exercise) I can't do that on roads
Any feasible option for roads. Till today I am doing side stretches , toe touching (the one saiyan told me) lunges , shoulder twistingand squats.
pradeep200417 said:Hey guys, what about stair climbing as a dedicated excecise?
I find climbing 6 floors continuously can be quite exhaustive?
SO if done for like half an hour everyday, can be quite effective i guess?
Rockfella said:Yes u are 24, your metabolism rate is high, this will help but keep in mind the after effects of climbing stairs of 6 floors then entering your office/college sweating/smelling. The real fight is to do this regularly. Give it a shot.
pradeep200417 said:I am not talking abt office but my home.
Instead of walking or jogging. this seems a better option.
Abh1shek said:Hey, need a bit of advice.
I'm 5'7. Had reached almost 67kg a few months back, but I've gone on a healthy diet, cut out carbs, and I've reduced to 58kg now.
eggman said:Why did you reduced your weight from 67kg to 58!! IMO you were in a good weight!!(BMI 23.1)
Abh1shek said:Hey, need a bit of advice.
I'm 5'7. Had reached almost 67kg a few months back, but I've gone on a healthy diet, cut out carbs, and I've reduced to 58kg now.
My dad's around 5'9. His weight is 115kg!! And he's huge. Finally convinced him to reduce his weight, and control his diet. Only just started, but he's cut out carbs (rice, white bread) from his diet completely. Thinking about getting a stationary bike, as getting him out of the house is really difficult. Heard a lot about HIIT. Any suggestions for HIIT techniques on a stationary bike? Also, otherways with which he can reduce weight?
As for me, now I've reduced, I really want to start toning up a bit. Can't go to the gym, but I've got some dumbells at home. Struggling to do push ups, as I can't do them at all. How can I improve that? Also, what other home exercises do you recommend for maintaining a slim, yet toned body. How many times a week etc?
eggman said:Why did you reduced your weight from 67kg to 58!! IMO you were in a good weight!!(BMI 23.1)
Abh1shek said:BMI is a poor indicator though, isn't it? Basically, I was looking fat/chubby, and therefore had to reduce. Even now, I'm not exactly looking slim. I'm comfortable at this weight though, which is why I want to start toning up.
Abh1shek said:Hey, need a bit of advice.
I'm 5'7. Had reached almost 67kg a few months back, but I've gone on a healthy diet, cut out carbs, and I've reduced to 58kg now.
My dad's around 5'9. His weight is 115kg!! And he's huge. Finally convinced him to reduce his weight, and control his diet. Only just started, but he's cut out carbs (rice, white bread) from his diet completely. Thinking about getting a stationary bike, as getting him out of the house is really difficult. Heard a lot about HIIT. Any suggestions for HIIT techniques on a stationary bike? Also, otherways with which he can reduce weight?
As for me, now I've reduced, I really want to start toning up a bit. Can't go to the gym, but I've got some dumbells at home. Struggling to do push ups, as I can't do them at all. How can I improve that? Also, what other home exercises do you recommend for maintaining a slim, yet toned body. How many times a week etc?
RKitect said:Weight training + Cardio is the best option for weight (Fat) loss.
Dont waste your money in a stationery bike. as very soon it will become monotonous. going out for a walk is the best option. Start off with a walk and slowly towards jogging.
HIIT is great. I have started a HIIT routine 2 weeks back. Its very taxing. But feels great.
HIIT concepts remains the same whether while jogging or Stationery bikes.