damn said:My BMI is 30 and I've started going to a gym since christmas. As of right now, I do about 150 calories a day split between two sessions, purely on a threadmill and about a 1km of walk. I plan to lose weight but build up very little muscle if not none in the process. Is that sufficient or should I be burning a lot more? When can I expect to see any significant weight loss? Some friend also suggested that I try some accelerator called "Lipo 6", is that recommended? My primary concern is to lose weight really fast.
My daily diet, since about two weeks now is
Breakfast : Oatmeal cooked in water w/ beans and carrot ~ 150ml
Lunch : 2x roti w/ boiled vegetables
Dinner : Same as breakfast and an apple or pomegranate
Misc : A cup of coffee
I mostly am at my desk all day, there isn't much activity besides the gym routine. I barely experience any fatigue after about 10 mins after the 75 cals on threadmill, sometimes I can even push up to 100 cals. I was thinking if I could maybe add Subway salads into a steady diet though. I'm vegetarian, do I have any other options?Saiyan said:@damn, damn man, your diet ain't going to work. You need to eat.
167/84Saiyan said:What is your height and weight.
kauzy said:hehe.. thnx guys..
well i used to eat like anything.. so here is what i had everyday:hyeah:
1 dozen bananas
1 litre milk(including whey protein 2 times a day)
around 8 eggs
half a kilo of chicken
Lots of vitamins
+ regular lunch and dinner..
first it was hard to digest all the things.. but then i got used to it..
work out plans:
on Monday and thursday I used to do : Chest ,shoulder and triceps
on tuesday and friday: back and biceps
on wednesday: Abs training
on saturday: Legs
I was very lucky to have a good fitness trainer who was more dedicated than me.. And also a friend of mine who led me do this.. A special thanks to him.. This was all done for revenge :devil:
als said:hi all
how is soya protein as for the veggies.
ss_rakesh said:one disadvantage of rubber dumbs, is they smell like tyre :S.It will be very irritating for some ppl like me. never thought about this, Can I use a backpack to add weight? Can Use kids school bag to add some weight in the upper back![]()
Switch said:I have started my training again from 1st. Its great for the body in the cold of Delhi with maximum temps around 13 deg these days. This time i am planning to do more of weight training rather then Cardio or cross training. I wanna reduce in size rather then loose weight and i guess that will require dedication. Lets see. Current BMI around 29.
kauzy said:hehe.. i know i can.. but after coming here, i've lost a bit of weight..
its really freezing n loads of studies really doesn't allow me to visit the gym everyday.. its sad but true..![]()
als said:^^ i think is is 1 gm per kg
Dark Star said:Ok I need tips on reducing fat around belly, there is some flab/flat around and in belly so what exercise should I do . I am currently doing lower abs (leg raises of 3 different kind - 15 reps/3sets each) , and tips on how to tighten the belly as well /?
Dark Star said:Ok I need tips on reducing fat around belly, there is some flab/flat around and in belly so what exercise should I do . I am currently doing lower abs (leg raises of 3 different kind - 15 reps/3sets each) , and tips on how to tighten the belly as well /?
PhOeNiX said:Well started Gymming last week, mainly for weight reductionStarted with the basic excercises, like cylcing and treadmill for a couple of days and now have moved into crunches & lifts.
One question, my trainer is suggesting that i move into weights slowly, but then again i need to build up my stamina (i am really unfit in the real sense of the word, no stamina). For this he is suggesting some supplement. Should i go ahead with it ?
Also any tips for a more balanced weight loss ? Trying to control my diet :ashamed: