You are correct. The results you are looking for needs LP : linear progression. You need specific equipment and have to read a few books to understand how the whole thing works. I am coaching my younger bro. He is overweight and currently he is not focusing on what he eats. I'm just making him strong. Barely one month into training only twice a week he squatted 45 kgs yesterday with his hips going below parallel with nice hip drive

. He has never squatted before. 45 kgs might sound measly to many but next time you hit the gym put 45 kgs on your back, sit down and try to get up you'll know what it is. My brother is overweight just like many of us here but he is hellbent on getting strong because he knows (well i told him) that loosing fat is easier with more muscle and more muscle can be gained almost quickly with compound exercises using linear progression