The Photography Thread !

One of my geeky friend told that to make a good HDR, (technically talking) U need atleast 8-10 shots with 1/2 exposure difference.. and after making HDR a special attention in tone mapping is needed...

However, practically 3-4 shots with 1stop change also work...;) however tone mapping is still very important..


hdr are not meant to be surreal.. they should look natural to eye.
I just moved to Canon recently

medpal said:
3 different shots, with 0EV, -1EV and +1EV rest of the settings remain same (this is also called exposure bracketing)

If you change shutter speed than, Aperture value will also change and there may be change in DOF also.

Thats why HDRs need 3 images at same settings.

May be RAW images dont need 3 shots.

This is tiny bit of knowledge I have , let gurus throw more light. :D

Hmm, will try with exposure bracketing too.
Aces170 said:
Hmm, will try with exposure bracketing too.
yes the bracketing will help.

just make sure to set brackets so that you get lot more stuff on the shadows on -ev and alot more on the highlights in +ev (os that shadows will be detailed when highlights are overexposed and highlights will be detailed when shadows are under exposed..)

the 3rd/ original pic without the bracket will take care of the midtones.

use hrd mode in PS..

after than add dodging and burning masks to fine tune :P

take a tripod along and make sure nothing in focus moves :P
Aces170 said:
Nice bokeh, but you need to increase the sharpness a tad. I guess opening the aperture one more stop, and it would be good!!
yup would be trying that next time. Had no idea about aperture settings and all that time.

the pic was taken 2yrs ago and now that kind no more looks innocent to take pics of :P

but there are new subjects now :)