Okey some pics of Mini Me. Requested by a fellow staff member. Almost all the pics are by a phone cam... He will be six months old in exactly a week...
I might have posted these earlier but am just learning HDR, and this one is not a very aggressive HDR but more for the detail in the shot and the concept.
You guys ought to submit photos to JPGMAG too! I had a tough time choosing between "Set me free" (the monitor lizard above) and this peacock shot, but went for peacock in the end.
Since this is a photo thread, no post without a photo!
What the *@#@!
This was one of the other probables for the magazine, but I feel the peacock and the lizard are the ones which tell a story. I love that kind of photograph. And the peacock is technically better.
Okey some pics of Mini Me. Requested by a fellow staff member. Almost all the pics are by a phone cam... He will be six months old in exactly a week...