The Samsung Google Galaxy Nexus Thread.

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Well, I have almost finalized "Galaxy Nexus". Only one question, How is audio quality (audio out, not speakers) compared to Galaxy S? Is it as bad as SGS2?
Well, I have almost finalized "Galaxy Nexus". Only one question, How is audio quality (audio out, not speakers) compared to Galaxy S? Is it as bad as SGS2?

I'm not an audiophile, but Nexus is much better than S2 whose audio quality was very bad. If you put in custom ROMs like xenonHD you'd get DSP mananger and the quality is much better. Have not used GS, so can't compare with it, but audio quality is better than S2..Also the speaker volume is less compared to other phones, but that too can be addressed to some extend by adding some mods available over at xda..
I'm not an audiophile, but Nexus is much better than S2 whose audio quality was very bad. If you put in custom ROMs like xenonHD you'd get DSP mananger and the quality is much better. Have not used GS, so can't compare with it, but audio quality is better than S2..Also the speaker volume is less compared to other phones, but that too can be addressed to some extend by adding some mods available over at xda..
Don't care about speaker volume :-) My phone is in vibrate mode most of the times :D

Can someone pls tell me where is the GNex available in Mumbai? ppl here have been talking abt shops in VT, can someone pls share the name and no. of that shop. Has anyone tried Alfa?

Many Thanks.
Well, I have almost finalized "Galaxy Nexus". Only one question, How is audio quality (audio out, not speakers) compared to Galaxy S? Is it as bad as SGS2?

Well I upgraded from sgs1 and ill say that SQ of S1 is way better than nexus. I believe it's because of voodoo sound and inbuilt amplifier in S1. Dsp manager of S1 has one more tab of amplifier setting which is nonexistent in galaxy nexus. But overall nexus is way ahead of S1 if you fgt abt the SQ
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Isn't the next Nexus phone just around the corner?

It could well be.. But I doubt you'd get the newer versions in the price range that one is getting now.. The launch prices would be definitely higher.. GNex in itself is quite capable and should be getting the next couple of android updates at least..
It could well be.. But I doubt you'd get the newer versions in the price range that one is getting now.. The launch prices would be definitely higher.. GNex in itself is quite capable and should be getting the next couple of android updates at least..
Yes. Galaxy S and Nexus S are still getting updates, they are more than 2 year old devices. Galaxy Nexus is definitely gonna last for one and half more year. :-)
Guys i posted this before but got no reply!! So im reposting!!
Guys, is getting the galaxy nexus without warranty a good idea? I love everything about the phone. Im mainly attracted to the vast dev support!!!
I know there wont be any warrant, so if i have problems on my phone, how'll I repair it? Have any of you guys had any problems with the phone's hardware?? Please reply!
Thanks a bunch!
Guys i posted this before but got no reply!! So im reposting!!
Guys, is getting the galaxy nexus without warranty a good idea? I love everything about the phone. Im mainly attracted to the vast dev support!!!
I know there wont be any warrant, so if i have problems on my phone, how'll I repair it? Have any of you guys had any problems with the phone's hardware?? Please reply!
Thanks a bunch!

Most of the people here have bought the phone from eBay or from local shops without any warranty.. I bought the GNex from eBay 2 weeks back and its been great.. No issues yet and I don't remember many people complaining about hardware issues with the phone they bought.

In case of any hardware issues, repair should be available in main cities (heard its possible to get it repaired in Bangalore atleast) , not sure of all cities. If you are buying from eBay get the phone from any powerseller and you should get a good piece and a good deal..
Most of the people here have bought the phone from eBay or from local shops without any warranty.. I bought the GNex from eBay 2 weeks back and its been great.. No issues yet and I don't remember many people complaining about hardware issues with the phone they bought.

In case of any hardware issues, repair should be available in main cities (heard its possible to get it repaired in Bangalore atleast) , not sure of all cities. If you are buying from eBay get the phone from any powerseller and you should get a good piece and a good deal..

Alright, my brother is settled in bangalore so that shouldnt be a problem. Is the nexus available in any shop in bangalore? Would it be cheaper there or should i get it from ebay??
Alright, my brother is settled in bangalore so that shouldnt be a problem. Is the nexus available in any shop in bangalore? Would it be cheaper there or should i get it from ebay??

Gnex is available in national market, make sure he get a sealed piece from a good shop within 21~22k and is also available on ebay for 21~22k with coupons.
Just got my Samsung Google Nexus and running with stock Jelly Bean 4.1.1 and running smooth, its a great phone none the less. :)

Though i think the speaker volume is kinda low, but not that low as people say, its easily manageable, i was concerned if the earpiece volume would be an issue, but its not. :) All is great with this phone even the build quality is sweet.

This ebay dealer is confirmed selling authentic sealed boxed phones. :) If you wanna buy go for it.

I am nikhil posting from friend's account as forgot my password.


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The only thing that is holding me from getting this is it doesnt have FM radio :( And that is most important thing for me while I'm in office :P
The only thing that is holding me from getting this is it doesnt have FM radio :( And that is most important thing for me while I'm in office :P

Even I badly wanted FM as I listen to it on my ride to office.. But dusted and started using my wife's old Sony walkman.. :)
The only thing that is holding me from getting this is it doesnt have FM radio :( And that is most important thing for me while I'm in office :P

FM Radio?
Haven't listened to that in ages!
You can buy some cheap 3.5mm jack with an inbuilt FM Transmitter if you need it so bad.

Something like this - GTMax 3.5mm FM Transmitter Car Kit for Boost Mobile Samsung Galaxy Prevail | eBay

Search on Dealextreme for cheaper (but bad quality) deals.

I've loaded 'Lounge Music' on the phone and must say its 'freaking awesome' to listen to it while the commute.
But,isn't the GPU on the GNex now obsolete? IMHO,Galaxy SII has better specs for round about the same price.
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