Thermalright Heatsink Mass Order Thread

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So a big amount seems definitely no-no!!:(
Pardon me but May i suggest something??:ashamed: :cool2:


everyone here is jumping with joy, screaming 'Me Too' just like i did but we need alist of confirmed orders!!:S :cool2:

Either the mods can make a list and keep updating, like XT does for Mumbai meets:clap: OR
Those interested can start a wave and others confirming their order post their names preceded by the already confirmed, in chronological order!!:hap2:

Then we count the no of confirmed orders, create 2-3 groups or more if need be, if possible, group similar items together or try to balance total package weights of diff groups for uniform rates!!:cool2:

That should reduce the amount of each package, and maybe then, some of our ESTEEMED members with PAYPAL accounts might let us use theirs!!;) :ohyeah: :ashamed: :cool2:
I confirm SI 120- 1unit+120mm TT smartblue led fan(if possi), else panaflo120.
BTW, no one advised me about 120 fan for SI 120!!

Starting the SI120 Wave!!

Thats what i did, made 2 orders few days apart.

But remember guys, this reflects on the person's cc record. This means this is all white money. Keep this in mind ;)
Wokay, I got the quotation for single si-120 and 3 panaflo fans. Shipping comes to $33.75!!
So, we're definately saving a lot with this mass order. :ohyeah:
Forget me guys.... this was your original idea in the first place.

Let me not add to the weight.....

I am out. No NVsilencer for me from Sidewinder.

Hope it works out for you guys at least.... All the best!!!
Hey, wait....don't give up yet! Like bikey suggested, we could make groups of 4 people, but by location instead of items purchased. So that should save local shipping costs.

Now, only question remains - Whose paypal account do we use?
Cant u guys ask any of ur friends/relatives in US to pay for the stuff? One of u cud collect the money here and co-ordinate the order. My friend paid for the stuff i bot last year and I paid the money here at his home to his parents.. :D
well thats more pain in @$$.

The sidewinders wont ship on different billing address. And they will ship only to the verified paypal address.

I think everyone is considering this option so we can get stuff directly here without troubling or obligation our relatives / friends in USA. if that was the case there are better sites to order from inside us and get someone in us to send the stuff in india ;)

Ok guys i can help 1 group with orders less than $200 inclusive of shipping. And preferably group from mumbai to use my paypal account.

Get together, get estimate, and then contact me.

Sorry cannot help others. This will be my last international expense on my CC for this finantial year.

So atleast guys from mumbai communicate and let me know. :)
Me!!! One SI-120 and 3 120mm fans! Total, $93.8 + shipping.
Guys, I confused between si-120 and hr-01. Which will help cool the ram?
@ZPD- me thinks, definitely SI 120!!:)
Just guessing from the looks, dimensions and Nikhil's XP120 pics, SI has slightly larger wingspan!!:)
Thanks to Nikhil for his elaborate review and great pics of the XP120!!:hap2:

Its hollowed in the middle, so air blowing trough fins will hit the base and dissipate to the sides, blowing over the ram too!!:ohyeah:
HR, with a fan fitted to it, and eazy's pic doesn't seem to do much!! But will check with the site again!!:S

Plus the weights of the TRs without fan are-
XP120- 370g, SI120- 400g, HR01- 525g!!
Resp heights are 63mm, 90mm, 110mm- if i recollect it right!!
These tthings are like cantilever trusses, fulcrum at cpu socket!!
Longer the lever+farther the load on it= greater stress at fulcrum!!:(
And the HR is tallest==longest and heaviest and will need that fan for decent OCing, if you intend to use it in mumbai heat and humidity!!
Unless you got an AC, set at 20-25degC always!!

HR is more for cool and quiet computing with minimal OCing, for cpus like stock X2 that are hot!! I don't know for sure but heard that X2 slightly hotter and stock heatsink got heatpipes!!

I don't and my gut feeling is XP better than SI in performance:ashamed: , though SI is newer, but i think, SI is primarily designed for Universal compatibility rather to replace XP!! XP renders dimm1 of UltraD unusable, so me getting SI!!:ashamed: :rofl: :cool2:
@Bikey --- Thanks for the compliment.

@Zhop --- Well, The thing is, I am not 100% keen on it in the first place. I am debating with myself.

So, I dont want to hold up you guys!!! you go ahead and order waht you want. I hope it works out for you guys!!!
@Nikhil- This is not about someone's original idea or for some lucky few!!:(

Its about being a part of a WONDERFUL COMMUNITY and
the WONDERFUL feeling of belonging to that COMMUNITY!!:D

i AM KINDA DESPERATE FOR A BETTER HSF coz i hate my stock hsf noise:@ more than the cooling i require and many are aware of it!!
And i believe in starting a new project only when all the right resources are available!!:ashamed:
So no OCing till i get a better HSF and PSU!!:no:
Later Ram and Mobo!!

And me got no one to get me stuff or anything!!:(
Some of our members i spoke to know that i was gonna PM those who had shown interest in SI 120 in the opty pricing thread!!:P

THANKS A LOT to Argus to ask the question and Thanks a lot to our mods who made it a sticky!!:hap2:

I don't want you to drop out- if some stuff is coming, why not more of it for those who need it??:)

Everyone could have been selfish and tried on their own, leaving people like me with no resources to feel miserable about it!!:)

Thank you very very much to funky and Anish who have offered their paypal accounts for a sensible amount!!:hap2:

They have their own reasons- Anish is a very young guy but was bold and impulsive to offer us his dad's account!!:ohyeah: :hap2:

Funky just brought in 2 packages for many, other than himself and still offered us what he could!!:)

To me, its the thought that counts and i am touched!!:D

In the end, it might just work out or might fall flat due to unavailability of Paypal accounts or members dropping out at the last moment or some damn reason:@ !!
But i already owe TE and Members a lot!!:ohyeah: :hap2:

Please don't drop out!!:cool2:

^^ u r right buddy.

but since u dit OC ur rig yet and if the fan noise is troubling u...just enable Qfan in the BIOS.

ur rig will become so quiet that u will start hearing voices in ur head.

ofcourse this comes at a couple of Degrees higher temps..but no probs

I am using Qfan with my OCed rig and it stays quiet till 51C..and thats the max it ever my rig stays silent all the time.
Well, the thing is..... I dont want to buy the NVsilencer 5 now. I am having other plans for my money. Let me see if that works out.

PS: I am NOT getting an Opty guys.....

This Thread has gone dead!!:(

Waahh!! Now who will get me that SI 120!!:(

Please help!!:S


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