Tomb Raider - Discussion Thread

re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread


dude we share a long history from tdf forums.:lol:.:p

On topic
anyways thanks for your agreement.:D Dosen't the thread title also suggests the same.:)

On a serious note megan fox may be hot but she dosent resemble a little bit with lara croft though that is not much of a problem what concerning is the ability to portray miss croft precisely.Just my view.
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

quan chi said:
lol i wouldnt have made this post if it was only for that recent matter.yes in thinkdigit only i have seen some of your it will be difficult for me to search those posts.But i do remember you mentioned about her there more than twice before also, one as i remember after watching jennifers body.and the rest cant recollect properly.But one statement was always common "she is hot":D

what i meant to say was maybe she is for you! but not for all as i also dont find her that much hot.:no::D :rofl: hmm..... i can understand....:eek:hyeah:

sorry i hurted your feelings.:D

ROTFL! Dude, I have mentioned countless amount of ladies in the movies thread, if you haven't noticed. Each time I watch a movie and I find some female character, whom I always tend to speak about (for X reason). Also, I didn't speak on behalf of everyone, when I said "Megan Fox was Hot". I was responding to Aman's comment about Olivia Wilde being hot and hence equals Lara Croft, with an example. My point was just to state that being hot is not the only criteria for the character of Lara Croft. End of story. :p

quan chi said:
1.Lara croft is a character created out of imagination.Every character should have a look to describe something about his/her personality.

2.This personality also plays a significant role in the story which is woven around the character.

3.The dialogues,movement,interaction....etc.everything becomes a function of that charisma.

4.Now a primitive human mind accepts the first projected image of that character as a permanent one.which rebells against any change if made later.

5.But how come it accepts the change if it is compelling enough.

What i want to say is yes appearance does matter but not completely.what matters is how he or she can make that character alive.

Olivia Wilde may not look too much similar to lara.But upto some extent yes she does have that look.Her face from the upper portion to the zygomatic part she has some similarities with lara.

There is no argument against the first 4 points. Video Games are based on imaginations and so are it's characters. When ported to movies, we always have a vision of how they would look in the movie, who would be ideal for the character's role, will they be able to carry the role etc. The first thing anyone would attribute with the character would be the person who would fit the character's physical appearance. You'll see at least one post being made for every game (which has a compelling protagonist) about who should be cast for his/her role, if a movie were to be made. This is where I stress on your 4th point. When we learned that Hitman movie was being made, my mind immediately perceived Jason Statham's character as Agent 47 (so did a boat load of other people). Why? His role in Transporter certified that he has the ability to carry off the role. You should have seen IMDB board being flooded with endless topics on how he would have made a perfect Agent47. Now we come to the 5th point of yours, "the change", which we got when Timothy Olyphant was picked for the role. He looked the part, but the film turned out to be mediocre. I'm not saying it was because of the choice to pick a different actor, but it could have been a weak script or a half-baked presentation. Either way, the movie wasn't memorable, as the games were.

Did you know Jamie Foxx was being cast as Lynch for Kane & Lynch movie? find anything unusual? You won't believe the amount of uproar that the fans of the game have created on this decision. I'll let you ponder on this "change" for a while and decide whether it's good or bad. :)

I'm OK with change. I'm even OK with a new female being cast as Lara Croft. But the question is, would she be able to handle the character of Lara Croft? That's the question. In the games, her avatar is that of a British archeologist who is strong and independent. She's adventurous, ready to face challenges that lie ahead and explores the world in search for ancient artifacts. The games have crafted her really well over the period of time. This new game, which is supposed to be a reboot, would probably explain her early days. We love the whole artwork of the game so far. It goes against the whole un-stained and glamorized look that we have witnessed if the earlier games, but it looks raw. So if a movie were to be made, this is where they should start as well. Olivia Wilde would suit the role of a young Lara Croft, but the one we have seen in the previous games, NAH!

quan chi said:
Frankly speaking I did not liked angelina jolie as lara croft.About her lara croft films i would say it could have been better.Wasnt much satisfying.But still when i was watching the movie i didnt felt like leaving it in the middle.I have seen both of her movies till the end.This is because though those films didn't had much to offer but the presentation wasn't that bad.

To add more I loved legend and anniversary have almost no complaints against those.But i didnt liked underworld that much.It felt like it was missing something which the other two titles had.

Angelina Jolie was pretty good as Lara Croft. She is a very versatile actress and definitely has/had the potential to make a good Lara Croft. However, the movie's script was complete let down. The first movie was average, but the second one was plain retarded. Shark punch scene anyone? :p
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

Actually would prefer they do not make any real-life Lara Croft's anymore. Angelina was fine for the gush factor, but hardly justice. But at that time they needed a popular and 'aheeem' bodied face. I remember the papers clearly comparing statistics of both females. Imaginary vs. real.

Olivia and Megan hardly cut the ice for this role. Though Olivia played the part well, hardly an outdoor athletic structure per say. Megan is far too cosmetic and her freckles and eye color. ways Croft material.
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

For the last time, I never said Megan Fox was a candidate for being cast as Lara Croft. I'll re-quote the previous conversations:

Me: "But would she make a great Lara Croft?" (referring to Olivia Wilde)

Aman: "Great question. But whY not? She's hawt! (sent from his GT-I5801 using Tapatalk)

Me: "So is Megan Fox, but we don't see her being cast as Lara Croft. It's not just about being hot, but being physically flexible and most importantly, having a British accent."

Quan: "i don't know why you are so obsessed with megan fox" :S

Quan_Chi's got a bit confused about me being fixated on her, and somehow now the discussion has gone from her being hot to her being cast as Lara Croft (which is insane).
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

My my my, a bunch of guys fighting over girls. :p

Anyways, I prefer Allison Carroll over Olivia Wilde. It just can't get better than her. It's as if Lara was created by taking Allison into consideration. :p
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

Ethan_Hunt said:
There is no argument against the first 4 points. Video Games are based on imaginations and so are it's characters. When ported to movies, we always have a vision of how they would look in the movie, who would be ideal for the character's role, will they be able to carry the role etc. The first thing anyone would attribute with the character would be the person who would fit the character's physical appearance. You'll see at least one post being made for every game (which has a compelling protagonist) about who should be cast for his/her role, if a movie were to be made. ...................
I'll let you ponder on this "change" for a while and decide whether it's good or bad. :)

I'm OK with change. I'm even OK with a new female being cast as Lara Croft. But the question is, would she be able

Angelina Jolie was pretty good as Lara Croft. She is a very versatile actress and definitely has/had the potential to make a good Lara Croft. However, the movie's script was complete let down. The first movie was average, but the second one was plain retarded. Shark punch scene anyone? :p

I understood your first half very well what you want to express. Frankly speaking even i didnt found him suitable enough for the role (hitman).But when i read from the reviews that it even have a weaker story line etc etc and after going through some trailers. i really had lost the appetite for for this movie.
Same is with max payne. never seen the movie.

As for the "change" you asked me to ponder about.Ethan the example is right under your nose! a very big and a successful example indeed!

Well if you haven't guessed it yet! then what do you have to say about the resident evil movies.Completely different characterization.A protagonist neither matching in appearance with any of the games lead character nor having the same physique,personality etc etc.

While your second half seems like my previous post's lines rephrased.:p

Well don't get confused let me explain it more clearly what i want to say is you will agree that Movies and games are very distinct.Both of them follows a different path to impart entertainment.
A movie accounts for almost everything present in it.
while a game having a excellent gameplay value and a crappy story can get away easily but its not same with movies.A movie even with an excellent story and a bad acting can spoil it and vice versa.

asingh said:
Actually would prefer they do not make any real-life Lara Croft's anymore. Angelina was fine for the gush factor, but hardly justice. But at that time they needed a popular and 'aheeem' bodied face. I remember the papers clearly comparing statistics of both females. Imaginary vs. real.
Olivia and Megan hardly cut the ice for this role. Though Olivia played the part well, hardly an outdoor athletic structure per say. Megan is far too cosmetic and her freckles and eye color. ways Croft material.

Ethan_Hunt said:
For the last time, I never said Megan Fox was a candidate for being cast as Lara Croft. I'll re-quote the previous conversations:
Quan_Chi's got a bit confused about me being fixated on her, and somehow now the discussion has gone from her being hot to her being cast as Lara Croft (which is insane).
Alright i may have been confused!!
But its my bad that you didn't get the joke! man i was just kidding.:bleh::lol:
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

Walls Of Text !!!

I vote Kelly Brook for Lara, she's, umm, better "suited" for the role than Olivia Wilde :)
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

Tomb Raider Debut Trailer

The New lara sure looks HOT! Awesome trailer. Wonder when we will see the actual gameplay footage. The premise of the game looks good though. Stranded on an island with hot lara is going to be fun.
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

Everything was awesome except the ending of the trailer, I mean Fall 2012? :O
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

*jaw drops*

OMG! I don't know about the game, but this trailer made me want a full blown CGI movie with this new Lara Croft model. Props to Crystal Dynamics for making such a stunning trailer and not just giving a shitty 50 sec teaser. :)

Herbst 2012 is a long wait. :(
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

Freakin' awesome trailer! This is one Lara Croft game that am not gonna miss!
re: Tomb Raider (2012) - Discussion Thread

Really nice trailer. But the 'face' is different to the promotional content released before.

True spirit.