Vodafone CC executive manhandled me

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NeXT said:
You are getting confused. See a consumer can do two things :

1) Can go to Criminal Court


2) Consumer Court

When you file an FIR, it becomes a criminal case.
So I will go with consumer court now. Cause if its criminal case I would be dealing with the executive only. Atleast this is what i was told. So now from police side issue is settled.

I will have my lunch now and be back guys.

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mate ya did the right thing and most off all dont think your inaction made ya a coward...well today i got a call from Vodafone CC regarding my experience with vodafone there i mentioned this thread and your incident with the executives. the girl promised me that she will inform her higher ups regarding this hope this helps ya.
nehaladsul said:
Neway, Private Defense is only accepted & condoned when the force exerted in defense is less than or equal to the threat posed by the attacker and not excessive than what the situation may warrant.

So, in this case the OP would go to jail after being charged under Section 304 for Culpable Homicide not amounting to Murder!!

@ OP: Lord's advice sounds really cool (in fact it might help one score great with the ladies!!) but consider the possibility of eating jail food (if I may even call it food!!) that you'll enjoy for a cool 7-14 years or more!! :lol:
What you said is True, but trying to hit the OP with a chair can definitely be seen as an attempt at his life and which he has every right to defend himself from by any means necessary. No court of law would recommend you to get beaten to death before your relatives take the legal route and register an FIR. Of course if you do need to have the proof to back you up.
I would just call the media and report this. Nothing hurts a company more than bad publicity like this.
Mail all your details to :


Tell you are not going to relent untill that executive is terminated from Vodafone :)...also make sure you include your company details and you gonna tell this to everyone in ITPL/Whitefield and get this to media as well.
Also link this thread. Sent the mail from your company/official ID to get more attention.

The least you deserve is that guy to be terminated and you be provided some compensation in cash or kind towards your Vodafone Bills.

Also keep tweeting/posting messages in FB/Twitter continuously.
NeXT said:
You are getting confused. See a consumer can do two things :

1) Can go to Criminal Court


2) Consumer Court

When you file an FIR, it becomes a criminal case.
You are right... But he is a consumer as well as a victim of a crime against the human body.

So, he can resort to both Consumer (civil) remedy as well as a criminal remedy.

Now, it is easy to get the Consumer court remedy but he cannot get any criminal action against the offender in the consumer court. For that he'll have to get a criminal case registered separately which cannot proceed without an FIR.

Only other option for a criminal remedy would be for the OP to file a Private Complaint in the Court of the Judicial Magistrate First Class having jurisdiction in the area where the OP resides.

In this case, the Police will be directed by the JMFC to investigate the matter and report under Section 156 (3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Thereafter, based upon your statements and the investigation reports, the culprit is sentenced to fine or imprisonment or both as the case may be.

If you have any injuries that are visible, it is now the time to go to a govt. hospital and get a medical examination done and certificate for the injuries obtained.

@ Hades.: That's why 'I said I wish I were there...' so that I could personally ensure that the case was not fooled around with. ;)

@ Lord Nemesis: You are correct. But unfortunately, our legal system is a bit biased towards the dead/injured even if they are killed/injured in exercise of right of private defense. People end up getting in big trouble irrespective of it being their fault or not. :(

My Sensei still has a Private Defense case going on (it's been 4 years now) and he had not killed anyone. Just caused grievous hurt in the course of duty. He is with the Airport Security.

I wouldn't be wrong in saying that he is the most non violent and peace loving person I have met in my life ever. Despite being a Martial arts guru, he always advocates peace and use of martial arts training only in cases when you have no other option but to bring down your opponent.

And that is why I said that the OP is no Coward. Coz even my Sensei would say "If you get hit, control the urge to hit back... Remember, if you hit back, he (your opponent) might be in some real trouble!!"

Imagine him causing hurt to someone in private defense and his case still remaining pending... Did I mention that he was under suspension for 3 months following the incident... :(
Can't we move this thread to a public section, maybe "mobile phones"? Even if we share the link outside, they will need to register first...and frankly who will?
virus32win said:
What would be the scenario if OP is in place of CC executive and some one murmur ***hole on face?
If he was at CC's place he'd never replied to customer rudely at first place. Please, don't post replies like this.
@nehaladasul Could you please let me know the ways are any links where to file a case. There are no marks or any other visible marks. NO cctv either. What i had is a comliant number with vodafone which is escalated to vodafone south india head. Since a weekend the process is going slow. May be i would get a response from them by monday. I want to make the vodafone to install a CCTV in every of their store. Lets C.

@mods please move the thread to public section as i want more and more people to know about this.Please do this favour.
Such topics should be in the relevant section so that everyone can see it.

Other than that, companies should seriously need to get their managers keep an eye on their employees. If they cant handle the job, they shouldn't even do it.
Remember under such circumstances:

1. If you think ou are good enough, thrash him. You can get away since it was an act of self defence.
2. If you stand no chance, walk out, dont shout or threaten to instigate the attacker, lest he gets mad again.

Best thing to do is make a complaint of it. I know whats so great about being complain box, but believe me, tis' the most practical way.
virus32win said:
What would be the scenario if OP is in place of CC executive and some one murmur ***hole on face?


So, are you trying to say that verbal abuse done the OP warranted a physical assault on the OP by the Exec?? That the Exec is justified in doing this??

I agree that the OP was wrong in abusing but then, he was already frustrated with the poor service and then the Exec was rude. I know people who would have beaten up the Exec in the first place instead of abusing verbally... :lol:
gursud said:
@nehaladasul Could you please let me know the ways are any links where to file a case. There are no marks or any other visible marks. NO cctv either. What i had is a comliant number with vodafone which is escalated to vodafone south india head. Since a weekend the process is going slow. May be i would get a response from them by monday. I want to make the vodafone to install a CCTV in every of their store. Lets C.

Links for filing a case?? Sorry, we'll need atleast 25 years more for that to be a possibility! :lol:
If there are no visible marks, the medical examination is of no good. Check what the copy of the Non Cognizable Complaint given by the Police says. Does it mention that you were beaten up by the exec??

If it does, you can attach that to a Private complaint and file a private Criminal Case with the JMFC. In case not, you can just go back to the Police Station and ask them to make a new N C Complaint stating therein that the Exec physically assaulted you and beat you up. Remember, it is your right to obtain a NC as per the details furnished by you provided the details are not untrue.

If you think the Police will try to be smart, take along some person who is influential like a local corporator or a good lawyer with you. Sometimes, even good Doctors or other white collar professionals can have an influence on the stubborn cops as the cops fear that the white collar pros might have 'contacts'... :P

That coupled with a well drafted Private Complaint would ensure that the accused (Exec) keeps doing the rounds of the courts for a minimum of 3-4 years and a maximum of infinity!! :ohyeah:

You would be summoned by the court occasionally for giving witness etc. But the Exec would end up having to attend each and every hearing failing which a warrant for his arrest would be issued by the court!

After 4-5 years, if the matter is decided in your favor, the Exec pays fine or goes to jail or both. Even if the matter is not decided in your favor, the amount of mental stress and humiliation suffered by the Exec all those years is sufficient lesson for him. Not to mention him having a Criminal Record in his portfolio! :lol:

I would suggest you get help from a local lawyer if you really want to nail the Exec. That apart, I can provide you any help you need here. :)
You got an apology from the executive. Just purge this out of your system. Is is over. I know you got less in return to what was dished out to you, but I doubt much more will come out of it.

You are hurting yourself more via continuing this thread + hanging out near the vicinity and smoking ciggies.
virus32win said:
What would be the scenario if OP is in place of CC executive and some one murmur ***hole on face?
If someone calls you an asshole it does not give you the right to be one.

Why are you even asking this question? It all depends on the nature of the person who is being called an asshole. I wouldn't respond to the comment, what would you do? Beat the person up for some childish truthful verbal comment?
asingh said:

You got an apology from the executive. Just purge this out of your system. Is is over. I know you got less in return to what was dished out to you, but I doubt much more will come out of it.

You are hurting yourself more via continuing this thread + hanging out near the vicinity and smoking ciggies.

Even I normally advocate settlement of disputes without court intervention but if you read the initial few posts of the OP, you'll notice that he is practically depressed due to the incident.

The sense of revenge is killing. It makes even mature people childish and they end up getting more frustrated. Not that it is abnormal, most people would react in a similar manner.

If he does not get justice, I have a doubt that he'll carry the load on his chest for a long time to come. :(

I have seen mature and well settled people say things like "I don't mind killing him even if it means going to jail for 14 years" when they get involved in cases that impact their egos and pride.

Like they say, 'Sorry cannot bring back a dead man...' :no:
tejo said:
If someone calls you an asshole it does not give you the right to be one.

Why are you even asking this question? It all depends on the nature of the person who is being called an asshole. I wouldn't respond to the comment, what would you do? Beat the person up for some childish truthful verbal comment?

Absolutely reaction depend on the person being called an asshole, in OP' case CC executive overreacted and is guilty of manhandling, should be treated by law. But generally in the first place rather than bad mouthing, irrespect of CC rude behavior OP could have complained seniors to avoid such unwanted circumstance.
Media would have been your best weapon rather than police.

Still i would say, visit that voda care again for paying your bills, approach that same so called **hole :P. Piss him off by asking n no. of questions regarding any offers n finally rip him off when he is about to lay hands on you; Spear him,:cool2: give him rko and finally stfu on his own desk:rofl:. This much damage will be pretty sufficient for such arrogants---lesson given by their own customer--finally murmerise, Thank you, i was happy to rip you.;)

Dont worry as he wont ever call the police coz he will have realized what he repeated himself and got in return.;)

P.S.: also, when he first manhandled you means he agreed he is indeed an asshole which he hates to be. :P
Guys the case with police is settled. The exec said sorry. I jave decided to wipe the issue out of my system.

But what if this kind of incidents happen again. Only thing is I want to know what action vodafone is going to take on this. Till now there is no response from them officially.

I want to deal this with an consumer point of few. I am feeling ok within 24 hrs of incident.after.couple of years I won't even remember. But I shouldn't regret in future that I would have taken the matter seriously. I want that guy to be out of his job

Yes I am rude but I can't help it.

@nehal your post makes lot of sense. I agree with every point of yours. Thanks for the practical suggestion. Media is not interested to help in this matter. They said they want proofs so that they can air the same

As someone asked if I was in the exec positiin I would have told.the customer to speak gently.

Thanks a lot

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