gursud said:Yes On a side note this incident really made me the importance of having a body.
or if one had boobies :rofl:
@gauz88 - I agree with you.
gursud said:Yes On a side note this incident really made me the importance of having a body.
gursud said:While leaving i have murmered ***hole.
You see what the OP has mentioned?? Murmuring is not so serious a breach of peace as to warrant a physical assault on the OP.coolpcguy said:devil's advocate - didn't you spot that OP provoked him first?
Sure. Thanks for the understanding.nehaladsul said:^^^^
You see what the OP has mentioned?? Murmuring is not so serious a breach of peace as to warrant a physical assault on the OP.
And yes, I am the Devil's Advocate. And rest assured that if the Devil is wronged by God himself and the Devil approaches me, I'll make sure that even God loses the case.
@ OP: As you have decided not to take the legal recourse, I am assuming that you have gotten to terms with the incident. Now, the only thing that remains is what you do with Vodafone to make sure the Exec learns his lesson.
DO get a copy of the complaint from the Police Station and attach it to all your communications with the Vodafone authorities. It will give added weight to your complaint.
Wow... Who are you?? Are you Chulbul Pandey?? Coz your suggestion is surely Dabangg!! Lolzzz :lol:pratikb said:best way is to prove in court that you have got injury.
get the injury certificate from local government hospital.
after that documentation.
it gives you solid proof about insult.
also as advised ,take this matter to their corporate office.
get some local help as i also feel that news guys who operate at local level will be more interested.
and do build up a solid body.
that does act as deterrrent.
that cc guy can say he provoked me.
what i suggest is simple remedy,
see what is their response so far.
if no good result,
hit him hard while he is leaving office.
so their will be no records on their office cctv.
and act through their store manager and get him out of his job.
and best remedy is to punish them economically.
that hurts most when they are without job without money.
they should hopefully learn their lesson and get a criminal case against him.
that should deprive him off any new job as he has criminal case attempting to murder against him
so no corporate will hire him.
they do take backgroud clearance for their potential employees.
pratikb said:but slapping in public can amount to personal defamtion?
Whoever, by words either spoken or intended to be read, or by signs or by visible representations, makes or publishes any imputation concerning any person intending to harm, or knowing or having reason to believe that such imputation will harm, the reputation of such person, is said, to defame that person.
exactly,that slow suffering and criminal case would deprive him economically as well.lida said:@nehal: the entire point is not to take some legal action against him but make him suffer slowly... Filing a attempt to murder case will make him take the rounds of the court for a long time though later it will fall in his favor... But knowing our courts he will be tagged to the court for a very long time...