Vodafone CC executive manhandled me

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devil's advocate - didn't you spot that OP provoked him first? This wouldn't have started if the dude hadn't called him an asshole. I'm not justifying, just saying. Agree that Verbal abuse and physical abuse are different, but it is OP's response which started this. Lord knows how much crap CC folks face. Just because he 's a CC rep doesn't mean he has to listen to stuff like that or people should go on abusing them. I'm not justifyng his behavior. Just saying it's incorrect to put all blame on CC rep.
coolpcguy said:
devil's advocate - didn't you spot that OP provoked him first? This wouldn't have started if the dude hadn't called him an asshole. I'm not justifying, just saying. Agree that Verbal abuse and physical abuse are different, but it is OP's response which started this. Lord knows how much crap CC folks face. Just because he 's a CC rep doesn't mean he has to listen to stuff like that or people should go on abusing them. I'm not justifyng his behavior. Just saying it's incorrect to put all blame on CC rep.
Yeah u r right. Its my mistake to call that guy asshole. Anyways the way he replied is so rude that made me to call him that. I already sufferred the pain for calling him the hole. Going to 4 differrent police stations, a slap,2 punches,waiting here and there, embarassment and a peace of mind.

Now I feel its my turn to make him feel the same.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Media will not air such things against such huge companies without any solid proofs as these may effect the relations with the company and vodafone may not be interested in advertising in their channels!
Supra said:
Mail all your details to :


Tell you are not going to relent untill that executive is terminated from Vodafone :)...also make sure you include your company details and you gonna tell this to everyone in ITPL/Whitefield and get this to media as well.
Also link this thread. Sent the mail from your company/official ID to get more attention.

The least you deserve is that guy to be terminated and you be provided some compensation in cash or kind towards your Vodafone Bills.

Also keep tweeting/posting messages in FB/Twitter continuously.
Put this up in the BB on Monday if possible since the store is in Blore. With 10k+ employees in the DC it will get good attention among tech. people
Does this really help? OP you should avoid going to the crowded voda center to pay bills, pay online (if the servers were down they had to waive off the late fee anyway)
ggt said:
post your grudge in their Fb /twitter page for starters. did u note his name because you have lodged an FIR in that case do mention his name.
damn good solution.
Lord Nemesis said:
I think the best defense to save yourself under such an attack would be get one hit on the guy's throat with your knuckles or give a kick in the nuts. That would incapacitate him temporarily/permanently and at the worst kill him. Since it is an act of self defense, you can get away with it.
Looks like the best solution.
Supra said:
Mail all your details to :


Tell you are not going to relent untill that executive is terminated from Vodafone :)...also make sure you include your company details and you gonna tell this to everyone in ITPL/Whitefield and get this to media as well.
Also link this thread. Sent the mail from your company/official ID to get more attention.

The least you deserve is that guy to be terminated and you be provided some compensation in cash or kind towards your Vodafone Bills.

Also keep tweeting/posting messages in FB/Twitter continuously.
gursud said:
Hello People

The incident which happened to me today is the most awful thing i had ever expected in my life.

The incident took place at 4 30 PM today.

I have been to vodafone store, whitefield, Bangalore to pay my mobile bill. As i was supposed to pay late payment charges i though of speaking to them for a waiver.

So when i went inside i have seen notices saying servers are down. I have been this notices from so many days.This servers are down for almost 20 days as this is my 4th visit to them in last 20 days. So i told one of their executive how come the servers are down for 20 days. he replied in a rude and offending tone " No its only for one week". His rude behaviour irritated me and told him to speak normally. He now said "Ok from last 20 days. what should i do". This rude and negligent attitude got on my nerves. So i thought its better to leave the place. While leaving i have murmered ***hole. This provoked him and he started attacking me. I was in a shock and my senses almost stopped working. Before i realized whats happening he has slapped me twice and pushed me. Even he tried to throw a chair on me. We had a few verbal exchange of accuses.

While the entire incident happened neither of the executives stopped him. I have escalated this issue to their manager.Also i have lodged an FIR on him.

Experts please tell me whether this kind iof issues be dealt by consumer forum. Dont know i am in full depression after this incident. I am feeling very low now.

Please suggest whether i can lodge a compliant via consumer forum?


a similar kind of incident happened to me, i was at the vodafone Gallery & as usual i got the token, already some 25 in the line before me, there were some 15 cc executive seats & only 2 or 3 were available & they were taking their time royally & some Vodafone CC bimbos going IN & OUT of the gallery attending their personal calls, suddenly within 15 mins the gallery was full, more then 50 people & still no cc executives in sight other than those 3.

suddenly one old guy started yelling what is happening when there are so many people in the line, why the line is not moving ahead & why there are only 3 CC executives, one guy came in between & said that he was the floor manager or something & rudely told that old guy to shut up, the old guy got very very angry & started teri ma ki....... & one should look at the terror he brought within some time, after seeing at him others started shouting too, it was too crowded & one could hardly see through the crowd & suddenly i noticed that all the CC executives were on their seats & the number started coming fast, i was waiting for 45 mins before all this started & only some 5 or 6 numbers passed & just after this happened my number came within 15 mins.

that old guy called his son from his cell fone & requested to bring the cops along (police station was just 10 mins away) he logged FIR & 2 CC executives were taken into custody in front of me.

my nephew is a freelance press reporter, i am requesting him to put this matter in press as soon as possible, in the mean time do not accept any apology from these buggers until something concrete happens, not only Vodafone, but all these cellfone service providers have taken us for granted, they should know the power of one man.

i do not know where this will go, whether something big will happen or not, but change will definitely be seen.
@OP: First get it out of your mind that u deserve the beating cause you called him ***hole. Ask the people in mumbai how much they abuse while driving in our cities traffic and how much the rick wallas abuse... Does not mean that they all deserve a beating. What you did at that moment was in your mind and u said it softly and u did not yell it out so can be denied...

First go and get a document that says u were beaten. Without that all ur claims/actions taken are useless. As someone said earlier that u go and get that NC thing from the cops that say u were hit.

If u are going to forgive that guy and pull back the case just because he said sorry in front of the police than i think u deserve the beating... If that is the case and ever body becomes like you than there will be violence all around... Someone will walk up to person kill him and go and tell his family sorry and just walk away man... U had the courage to walk away from the fight u are awesome just not ruin your self by doing this $hit... Man u need to teach the fu**** a lessona nd also make an example of him....

So my advice to u is do not let this thing go away... Launch a formal complain and mail the copy to all (vodafone higher ups) and also launch a formal complaint in the Consumer court as well as in criminal court as an attempt to murder cause hurling a chair at someone can kill that person...

I think he will require some kind of proof for the complaint so thats where layer neha(l) comes in... @nehal help him out as to what he requires for this case... This has to be made big and that person has to suffer otherwise this will spread out badly and everyone will start behaving rudely...

Dont let that guy get away that easily...

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

mk76 said:
Where is Vodaphone representative on TE? I saw him replying on few other threads.

BOTS dont work on Saturdays and Sundays...

Have u seen his replies i thing they have made a program that loggs in TE and just writes those replies
@nehal I was not given any document now. I will go and ask about the documents tomorrow.

@lida Its like this, Vodafone will be out of the scene as it will become criminal case. So it would be between me and the CC guy. If that is want i wanted he will be facing the things which he even didn't imagine in his wildest dreams. My concern is to fight with vodafone customer services. A contact who is into this legal thing told me vodafone will be in safer sides if the case is in court. As courts and all is common for them. It would be me who will be screwed up roaming here and there. and yeah CC executive can aaraam se work with vodafone.

One thing guys. Its difficult for me to fight with the courts. Atleast this is how i was brainwashed by EOD.As people suggested me to contact Corpcare, Nodal officer and other officials, the process is going on. I want to get an assurance from the vodafone what security measures they have taken to protect the customers.
Neha is best one answer your queries, but he is offline now.

Rest assured we all here with you to support :)
gursud said:
@lida Its like this, Vodafone will be out of the scene as it will become criminal case. So it would be between me and the CC guy. If that is want i wanted he will be facing the things which he even didn't imagine in his wildest dreams. My concern is to fight with vodafone customer services. A contact who is into this legal thing told me vodafone will be in safer sides if the case is in court. As courts and all is common for them. It would be me who will be screwed up roaming here and there. and yeah CC executive can aaraam se work with vodafone.

Yeah u are right did not think about that... Sorry
But surely you can launch a complain with consumer court... I was too angry when i wrote my last post...
It seems u are more sound minded right now than i am... God I am furious... Neways what ever u do dont let that guy and vodafone get away with anything....
lida said:
Yeah u are right did not think about that... Sorry

But surely you can launch a complain with consumer court... I was too angry when i wrote my last post...

It seems u are more sound minded right now than i am... God I am furious... Neways what ever u do dont let that guy and vodafone get away with anything....

I understand dude. Infact i am happy for your support. I like it. And absolutely dont need to be sorry.
just sent a message to rajdeep sardesai & a CC to Vodafonecare along with this link, waiting ................ will post as soon as i get something, keeping my fingers crossed.
Relax..take a deep breath and zoom out of the situation...Then think again with a chilled mind how you can punish that guy to the fullest without getting yourself into too much trouble..be prepared for a little bit of trouble but don't let that guy get away. A slap or two to that guy then and there would have doused the fire. But pls don't mind my words but the fact that you are asking for advise on internet forums for such issues shows the fact that you are not prepared for such things in Duniyadari. But these things can be rectified. Remember one thing...Darr se mat daro..Darr ke aage jeet hai. How true is that Ad.
greenlobster said:
Relax..take a deep breath and zoom out of the situation...Then think again with a chilled mind how you can punish that guy to the fullest without getting yourself into too much trouble..be prepared for a little bit of trouble but don't let that guy get away. A slap or two to that guy then and there would have doused the fire. But pls don't mind my words but the fact that you are asking for advise on internet forums for such issues shows the fact that you are not prepared for such things in Duniyadari. But these things can be rectified. Remember one thing...Darr se mat daro..Darr ke aage jeet hai. How true is that Ad.
Yes On a side note this incident really made me the importance of having a body. The policewala today said on lighter note if you got muscles he would not dare to think to touch you. Damn me.
Sorry to sound rude but i don't see a rajdeep sardesai taking any interest in this issue. Its more like a local issue. would rather suggest approaching something like a bangalore mirror. journos might take interest if you are able to back your story with some sh!tty experiences people may have had at the store previously and/or pictures of the exec who misbehaved or perhaps proof of the servers not working and people being forced to pay late payment charges.

This is just my take on how the media works with half a years of experience in the PR industry. You got to look at it from their perspective too and have some masala for the story to appear in print.
gursud said:
Yes On a side note this incident really made me the importance of having a body. The policewala today said on lighter note if you got muscles he would not dare to think to touch you. Damn me.
i get those remarks to but the other way around from your position :ohyeah:
though i am a non violent person people do not talk rudely to me and friends attribute it to my large frame :P
Dude the best way i shall suggest is go back to the CC center and hit the guy hard!
wtf !take some bouncers along .
Trust me,this is totally absurd.

i might sound a little immature but if you hit someone back ,it has a more prolong effect.
ggt said:
i get those remarks to but the other way around from your position :ohyeah:

though i am a non violent person people do not talk rudely to me and friends attribute it to my large frame :P

Dint i say before, go running straight inside that cc and spear that guy and then watch the effect. You dont want to have any muscles on your body apart from being an average person. Watch lots of wwe for this, will motivate you in the long run for similar incidents.
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