Storage Solutions Western Digital Issues, RMA problems, Service deficiency Thread.

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Today they should collect it as scheduled date is of today. If they fail to do so i will personally go and deliver it on monday. #[member='CA50'] Do i need to call them and tell them i would personally be going and delivering the HDD or should i just go and do it.
#[member='rajveersingh09'], as expected

just hand-deliver it
^ no prob mate. Well even i don't expect any (Indian) courier to go for a pickup, because now-a-days, most of the courier, usually call me and ask me to collect the item from their office, rather then home-delivery
Will be going today to drop it. Had a talk with both AFL and WD CC. Lucky me and AFL is pretty nearby my place

Edit : The AFL just called me and said they will be picking it up

Edit 2: Drive was just picked up. Very good guy
^ Its nothing like that. Getting better drive is purely on your luck

Well my luck is awesome then. Just got a mail that my drive had been shipped and i checked rma status and the drive model number sent was a 750GB Passport SE

I sent 320GB getting a 750GB wow!
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