What does "your hindi is very sweet" mean?

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Switch said:
Here is an interesting thought:

A geek looking for advice in a tech forum about love and relationships where most of the members are either geeks or wannabes or geek/wannabes + Nymphomaniacs.

I was asking for relationship advice since I knew we geeks think on the same wavelength. So, I was gathering some pointers from experienced campaigners.
Read lots of horror love stories in this thread.
Now i am having second thoughts about having a relationship. Maybe I was better off with my laptop, PC and mobile.

But then, I look at her and I forget all about those. :huh: :(
hotshot05 said:
blah blah blah blah blah.......

But then, I look at her and I forget all about those. :huh: :(

Thats the most beautiful feeling bro .....the one which leads the man to his downfall :eek:hyeah:

But you can go ahead without any second thought, its a worth having experience for sure :).
harryneopotter said:
Thats the most beautiful feeling bro .....the one which leads the man to his downfall :eek:hyeah:

But you can go ahead without any second thought, its a worth having experience for sure :).

I am playing it safe.
Chatting her up through sms's mostly.
Finished my sms balance and her's too.

I am very bad at reading signs though.
In one message she said that I will have to teach her if she just orders me to do that. Now I dont know if she knows that I am so smitten by her that I wont mind if she orders me or not or maybe she was pulling my leg. This girl is so different, I can't say if she was joking or not.
No girl is different mate, dont think like that ever. And play safe, if you really really really want to get this girl, then dont let her know that you are going head over heels for her, i repeat DONT let her know. Just show that you are interested, but she is not the only fish in the sea. Keep her guessing, and just play along. it will go well, all the best !
ultimabasher said:
Lol lets all stop, the best way to learn is experience it and this guy is in for one of hell of a ride :p

Actually I am in no hurry to experience it. I'll take it when it comes.
But all people, keep the suggestions pouring in.
Got a lot many laugh's and learnt a lot from the stories posted in this thread.

Anybody know of any other thread in this forum or in another forum where I can find such stories???

P.S: This girl thinks that I am studious(and that I study all the time) when in reality I dont study at all. More time is spent on net and with PC, mobile etc.
Any suggestions how I can change this stereotype???
I couldn't go through the whole thread, but no girl ever liked my way of talking :p :(, unless situation makes her to talk to me for a bit long period(I mean in days :p, though I'm not that unlucky ).
Okay some questions. May sound bad and stupid but dont worry they are all valid for you.

1) How much time you spend on your computer.

2) After coming to your home, what is the first thing that you do?

3) Which is more important, girl or computer? Dont look at it from a sexual point of view. Just judge them on equal grounds.

4) How much time do you give to people other than your family? Like your friends?

5) Are you a loner or do you enjoy company?

Be true to answer those questions and not thinking from the point of view of getting the girl.

Lemme know all those.
hotshot05 said:
I am playing it safe.
Chatting her up through sms's mostly.
Finished my sms balance and her's too.

I am very bad at reading signs though.
In one message she said that I will have to teach her if she just orders me to do that. Now I dont know if she knows that I am so smitten by her that I wont mind if she orders me or not or maybe she was pulling my leg. This girl is so different, I can't say if she was joking or not.

Wow, jus hang in there mate, one fine day she'l suprise u with a strapon..:p
ultimabasher said:
Dont look at it from a sexual point of view. Just judge them on equal grounds.

The PC or the girl ? :rofl::rofl:

sorry , couldn't resist. :p
The girl :p. Whenever a girl is involved, the first thing that goes to our brain is about sex. And that is true, no need to resist or detest cause even I have that :p
harryneopotter said:
No girl is different mate, dont think like that ever. And play safe, if you really really really want to get this girl, then dont let her know that you are going head over heels for her, i repeat DONT let her know. Just show that you are interested, but she is not the only fish in the sea. Keep her guessing, and just play along. it will go well, all the best !

Possibly the only useful advice available in this thread. No one wants a desperate fool in love. Everyone wants a person with a sane head on his shoulders. Personal experience. :ashamed:
This thread is sheer entertainment. It should be stickied...! From "sweet" ---> "strap on". Wow...! :)
ultimabasher said:
Okay some questions. May sound bad and stupid but dont worry they are all valid for you.

1) How much time you spend on your computer.

2) After coming to your home, what is the first thing that you do?

3) Which is more important, girl or computer? Dont look at it from a sexual point of view. Just judge them on equal grounds.

4) How much time do you give to people other than your family? Like your friends?

5) Are you a loner or do you enjoy company?

Be true to answer those questions and not thinking from the point of view of getting the girl.

Lemme know all those.

1. Around 2 hours everyday(6am-8am). I have BSNL BB.

2. I eat something. By the time I return home, I am completely famished.

3. Of course the computer. If the PC was not more important, I would not have had been on TE anyway.

But on second thought, she is no less important.

4. I spend a lot of time hanging around with friends. Dont feel like returning home once class completes.

5. I am not exactly a loner. I have a lot of friends, but most of them are from school and college. I spend so little time at home, I dont have too many friends in my locality.

@PartyMonger Why exactly a strap on? What is the connection???
I missed the joke there. :(
Thanks for the answers :) Had I met you in person I couldve said something more but judging from your answers, you are gonna have a tough time doing 2 things

1) Getting the girl

2) Keeping the girl.

The thing is you are between geek and social person. You are kinda stuck midway which is kinda bad for getting and keeping girls :p

Girls are like pets (no offense read on). They require a lot of love, care, affection, attention and time. If you cant give that, you are gonna have trouble. 2ndly, they call a lot and expect you to do the same which I believe is not much of a problem cause you are smsing anyways. When I had a girl, i had so much tough time smsing cause i just cant do it :p/

Anyways, try it, but give it time, and try to make your mind if you are ready for this or not. Cause once you are into it you have only 2 options, make it or break it, there is no escape out of that any other way.

Thanks for the answers :) Had I met you in person I couldve said something more but judging from your answers, you are gonna have a tough time doing 2 things

1) Getting the girl

2) Keeping the girl.

The thing is you are between geek and social person. You are kinda stuck midway which is kinda bad for getting and keeping girls :p

Girls are like pets (no offense read on). They require a lot of love, care, affection, attention and time. If you cant give that, you are gonna have trouble. 2ndly, they call a lot and expect you to do the same which I believe is not much of a problem cause you are smsing anyways. When I had a girl, i had so much tough time smsing cause i just cant do it :p/

Anyways, try it, but give it time, and try to make your mind if you are ready for this or not. Cause once you are into it you have only 2 options, make it or break it, there is no escape out of that any other way.
^^ What you've said is partially true and is valid for those typical type of girls ..but other than that , each case is different (since almost every girl is different :p) . I do agree ,it's difficult for geeks to score girls but all you need to do is come out of that geeky world for sometime when you are with her .. ;)

@ OP. Best of luck mate..Keep posting about your progress .:p
this thread is incomplete without pics :p

this story has a bad ending written all over it ...i understand you are taking some class and she complimented you ...end of !!! shes going to say " i only meant it as a friend " :p
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