Whom are you going to vote in India in 2013-14 elections?

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I would like to see Manmohan without being bogged down by coalition politics OR by the Gandhi family. In each and every major issue, we had someone or the other playing the walkout threat and thus he looked like a puppet.

My other choice is NaMo. Yes, but I dont think what has happened is going to happen again. He has good ideas. And seems unafraid not to toe the party line.

Arvind Kejariwal would be my ideal option, but chances of him are almost non existent. And, I feel with power comes corruption. Its just that how much corrupt does anyone become.

However, irrespective of whoever becomes the PM and all, I would like them to:

1. Respect the other side for the good they have done and despise them for the bad.
2. Try to improve on the good and avoid repeating the bad. Work towards a common consensus for good things. Do not try to put a spanner in the works just for votes.
3. Take credit wherever is due only.
4. Stop plastering the cities with posters because some big shot is coming.
How is it insulting for the current PM? He's already served for 2 terms.

It's best to vote for the better candidate in your constituency and not look at which party he's from.

Manmohan never said he is tired of "serving" and if the recent media reports are to be believed he is quite prepared to go for another term if the need arises. Care to explain how it was not humiliating? Keep in mind there is no limit on number of terms.
Manmohan never said he is tired of "serving" and if the recent media reports are to be believed he is quite prepared to go for another term if the need arises. Care to explain how it was not humiliating? Keep in mind there is no limit on number of terms.

I don't think it is humiliating for a PM who has already served 2 terms. If it was the first term I could've agreed, but the party believed in him and hence gave him the 2nd term too, that's 10 years being a PM of the largest democratic country. If there are other party members who are calling for a change in leadership, it's rightfully so. He might be standing again or not for the third term, but there is nothing to be humiliated about for our current PM, he's done his duty and is mature enough to understand the situation.[DOUBLEPOST=1365616858][/DOUBLEPOST]
And also keep in mind he is a forced pm since he is not an elected representative.

Does it say anywhere in the constitution that only a Lok Sabha member can be the PM?

When you are corrupt and conniving, people say that you are powerful and know how to be a political leader. But when you maintain your integrity and don't get involved in dirty politics, people blame you for not being cunning enough and being weak.
I don't think it is humiliating for a PM who has already served 2 terms. If it was the first term I could've agreed, but the party believed in him and hence gave him the 2nd term too, that's 10 years being a PM of the largest democratic country. If there are other party members who are calling for a change in leadership, it's rightfully so. He might be standing again or not for the third term, but there is nothing to be humiliated about for our current PM, he's done his duty and is mature enough to understand the situation.

I would understand and buy your logic had it been another senior person like maybe Pranab or Chidambaram or even Sharad Pawar but being pitted against an inexperienced guy like Rahul, I won't. On what basis you concluded that 2 terms are enough for anybody's satisfaction?
Here are a few names who should lead the nation.

Shashi tharoor (great thinker, excellent Orator and person of international Appeal)

Ratan Tata ( also a great person who has lots of experience from industry and since he is otherwise retired)

Montek Singh Ahluwalia (another learned and smart personality)

I know these people have bleak chances but people of such intelligence must lead this nation.
I don't remember rest of the past Prime Ministers stepping down out of satisfaction..Lets not go OT anymore...

What was OT about that? I just answered your question.

Serving 10 years is a big feat indeed, and he might or not serve another term, that's his and the party members choice, but there is nothing to be humiliated about not being given the chance again. He is still the best PM after Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi according to me, and a far better Economist than anyone else.
What was OT about that? I just answered your question.

Serving 10 years is a big feat indeed, and he might or not serve another term, that's his and the party members choice, but there is nothing to be humiliated about not being given the chance again. He is still the best PM after Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi according to me, and a far better Economist than anyone else.

That is a really bold statement and I am sad to say that I cannot refute you strongly except maybe a few names like Atal Bihari Vajpayee because there are very few people who deserve such strong accolades.

But, what I want to point out here is that in India at least, a PM is the most powerful guy and the person who actually leads the country. I am not sure what you find remarkable about his tenure except the fact that he served 10 years. I believe he is a good person, with probably good intentions, but he is no more than a puppet.

The Congress led UPA government has caused more damage to our country than any other till now; just taking the last 2-3 decades into comparison. They have adopted a simple policy - just be quiet and don't respond and keep repeating lies until they start sounding like the truth. There has been a rampant increase in corruption, inflation, lawlessness and more sadly, leaders who boldly blurt out lies and generally act like goondas with no regard for the people or the law.

Look at the different scams that were uncovered. In almost each case, it took the Congress years to acknowledge that something had happened. Be it the CWG or the 2G scam. BJP are no saints here but Congress has taken it to another level. You just have to see the arrogance on the faces of people like Rahul Gandhi, Manish Tiwari, Salman Khurshid, Renuka Chowdhary (argh, I really dislike that woman) etc. to realise that they take the phrase "ruling party" a bit too seriously. During the gangrape protests in Delhi, one of these had said a statement to the effect "Jab Soniya ji jaisi shaksiyat inse milne ke liye ready hai, toh inko aur kya chahiye?!". Just an example, but not a trivial one.

Just for reference - http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?270152

Coming back to the main issue -
Manmohan Singh has proven to be an ineffective leader. He has no say in the decisions taken by the government, he is not inspiring as a person or a leader and he has no vision for the country. He is used as a shield behind which Congress does all the dirty work.

Narendra Modi on the other hand has now become bigger than the BJP. If you notice, all the other prominent leaders of BJP have simply stopped showing themselves in media; keeping a low profile. They know that they have a bad reputation as a party which has a lot of infighting and no clear leader. With such a person, things can go two ways - either we have a strong government that takes positive steps for the country (along with being a bit corrupt on the side) or a strong government which takes decisions which might be positive in some ways and negative in others. In either case, we will have a strong government which can take decisions. It will hopefully not be the inactive and unresponsive government we have right now.

I would prefer the latter than the former. It may be the lesser of the two evils, but it is lesser by a huge, huge margin.
@Sei But he is no more than a puppet. Narendra Modi on the other hand has now become bigger than the BJP.

It may be the lesser of the two evils, but it is lesser by a huge, huge margin.

Why is he no more than a puppet? When you say puppet, every decision on his should be from somewhere else and I know what you're implying, but that would be said for any UPA leader if he was in his place.

And why is Modi a superhero bigger than the party itself? - Is he better than Sushma Swaraj or Arun Jaitley? If yes, then how?

And why does Manmohan Singh not have any vision for the country? What made you decide on that sentence?
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i would prefer jaitley or someone else other than modi to lead bjp and take charge of PM , giving another 5 years to congress or to modi ,i cannot imagine where it will go
@Sei But he is no more than a puppet. Narendra Modi on the other hand has now become bigger than the BJP.

It may be the lesser of the two evils, but it is lesser by a huge, huge margin.

Why is he no more than a puppet? When you say puppet, every decision on his should be from somewhere else and I know what you're implying, but that would be said for any UPA leader if he was in his place.

And why is Modi a superhero bigger than the party itself? - Is he better than Sushma Swaraj or Arun Jaitley? If yes, then how?

And why does Manmohan Singh not have any vision for the country? What made you decide on that sentence?

I'm not sure what was misleading in my post. It was quite factual. I'll answer one by one.

Firstly, it would not have been the same if, say, Sonia Gandhi was in his place. 10 years back, they realised that they can play the sacrifice card by letting Sonia Gandhi "give-up the PM seat"and run all their dirty tricks keeping him in front. And no, this is not a conspiracy theory. Read the Outlook link I gave to see what they have pulled off in the last 10 years. In all the scams and other unfortunate events that have taken place, have you ever seen him taking any decisive action or addressing the nation reassuringly? Like I said earlier, he might be a good and simple man, but we need more than than that in a leader. Look at any president of other countries and look at the authority they command.

You didn't understand what I implied. I never said he is a superhero! Relax. I am a very big fan of Arun Jaitely and would love to see him in command. But, what I clearly said was that he has become bigger than the BJP because the BJP PR is pushing/promoting him that way when there are other prominent leaders like Arun Jaitely, Sushma Swaraj and L.K. Advani present. His visit to West Bengal was a clear indication. It seems that BJP has realised that this is their only chance of coming in power.

For the last question, I think I would like an answer from you on what he's done for India in the past 10 years that makes you his vehement supporter.
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For the last question, I think I would like an answer from you on what he's done for India in the past 10 years that makes you his vehement supporter.

Firstly, I'm not a vehement supporter, I am as much a critic as much as supporter.

Now some of the things I think were notable in the past 10 years:

- NREGA - National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
- UID (Aadhar) - A very bold undertaking in spite of the current hurdles being faced.
- Indo-US nuclear deal- India got the better end of the deal, even though it hasn't signed the NPT. The deal would allow India to more than quadruple its energy production in the coming decade.
- Metro in 13 cities
- Indian economy expanding at over 6%, the highest being 9.6% in 2006-07. It has slowed down now to around 5% now.
- RTI Act
- Growth of Indian Railways - even though IRCTC is cringe-worthy at times and some trains are still horrible when it comes to sanitation.
- Right to Education - though there is still some work to be done to achieve complete primary education objective.
- Sixth Central Pay Commission - thanks to this, central govt. jobs have become attractive again (most importantly the defence jobs which had decreased participation)
- Chandrayaan - Finally, India makes a mark on the moon. Willingness to fund basic science research is also welcome.


- High corruption and many scams.
- Inflation of necessities, affects common man the most.
- Lack of security (many terrorist attacks, both from inside and outside the country)
- Unwillingness to come to common terms between the alliances in the ruling party.
- Vote-bank politics (the future votes are kept in mind while taking a decision, let it be right or wrong, though this is even across all parties)

I'm sure there are many more negatives, and maybe some more positives too. I just don't get it when people say that he hasn't done anything at all out of their own ignorance. Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a good PM too, but I would still rate the current PM higher than him.
Arvind Kejriwal for sure !
His party won't be winning as early as this but lets give AAP a start ~ some seats in the Parliament.
Firstly, I'm not a vehement supporter, I am as much a critic as much as supporter.

Now some of the things I think were notable in the past 10 years:

- NREGA - National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
- UID (Aadhar) - A very bold undertaking in spite of the current hurdles being faced.
- Indo-US nuclear deal- India got the better end of the deal, even though it hasn't signed the NPT. The deal would allow India to more than quadruple its energy production in the coming decade.
- Metro in 13 cities
- Indian economy expanding at over 6%, the highest being 9.6% in 2006-07. It has slowed down now to around 5% now.
- RTI Act
- Growth of Indian Railways - even though IRCTC is cringe-worthy at times and some trains are still horrible when it comes to sanitation.
- Right to Education - though there is still some work to be done to achieve complete primary education objective.
- Sixth Central Pay Commission - thanks to this, central govt. jobs have become attractive again (most importantly the defence jobs which had decreased participation)
- Chandrayaan - Finally, India makes a mark on the moon. Willingness to fund basic science research is also welcome.


- High corruption and many scams.
- Inflation of necessities, affects common man the most.
- Lack of security (many terrorist attacks, both from inside and outside the country)
- Unwillingness to come to common terms between the alliances in the ruling party.
- Vote-bank politics (the future votes are kept in mind while taking a decision, let it be right or wrong, though this is even across all parties)

I'm sure there are many more negatives, and maybe some more positives too. I just don't get it when people say that he hasn't done anything at all out of their own ignorance. Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a good PM too, but I would still rate the current PM higher than him.

some clarifications from my side

NREGA : tool for corruption at the grassroots. labourers are not given their due, there are fake additions to the labourers only adding to corruption.
this has resulted in lowering the average road construction per day which was some 11kms / day to about less than 2 kms /day.

UID : there are no background checks done to acquire them. there was good long documentary on NDTV which have shown how bangladeshis living along slums of mira bhayander along mumbai have had it for as cheap as Rs. 1200.
which begs the question the need for UID since the illegal immigrants are the beneficiaries

INDO-US nuclear deal : no progress after inking of the deal. like many of their projects.

the economy was booming around 10 % or higher before the UPA came to power, the rampant corruption and the resulting cost rise has only dragged it back.

Metro : still dreaming to see one in mumbai which was proposed to launch by 2005.

RTI Act : was forced upon by the UN and activists like anna hazare to be passed. else you wont have seen it come up and yet many queries are rejected out right which expose corruption atleast in MH.
the RTI activists are shot in broad daylight and nothing done ( that is another part of the story)
the economy was booming around 10 % or higher before the UPA came to power, the rampant corruption and the resulting cost rise has only dragged it back.
Which country are you talking about? The only time it has hit close to 10% is after the UPA came to power. Also you seem to think that inflation is only bad for the economy. Why is Japan battling deflation?

Source : http://databank.worldbank.org/data/views/reports/chart.aspx
@Crazy_Eddy It's cool to hate on the current govt. in all instances, didn't you know? Don't go with facts, go with emotions - play to the gallery.
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