Windows 7 RC Observations & Screenshots

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Nearly done dling the x86 version for my EEEPC 1000H with 2gb Ram. Will post feedback later on. In the meantime, any advice on any troublesome drivers for the eee in case anyone else has tried it out?
my win7 x64 RC got crashed with BSOD :@
when i tried playing h264 encoded avi file it shows it for 2-3 seconds and then blue screen :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
bloody media player... tried k lite codec pack and win7codec pack from sharky forum but same error :(
however i can play same movie without any blue screen with KMplayer :S
dont know its media player / driver / codec bug..... any guess ?????
w1nD said:
i guess its windows 7 because my 3dmark score also increased a bit :P

yup it prolly is!!

Rockfella said:
:rofl: us using fraps to bench? man lucky u!

no rocky bhai within tf2 there is a command to show you the fps, used that, havent used fraps, but i can do that with crysis and try!
Naga said:
Nearly done dling the x86 version for my EEEPC 1000H with 2gb Ram. Will post feedback later on. In the meantime, any advice on any troublesome drivers for the eee in case anyone else has tried it out?

hey naga, did u increase 1gb ram on ur eeepc?? much did it cost?
avi_avadhut said:
my win7 x64 RC got crashed with BSOD :@
when i tried playing h264 encoded avi file it shows it for 2-3 seconds and then blue screen :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
bloody media player... tried k lite codec pack and win7codec pack from sharky forum but same error :(
however i can play same movie without any blue screen with KMplayer :S
dont know its media player / driver / codec bug..... any guess ?????

probably windows media player is still unstable :)

funny how still in this day and age a normal user app can still cause a BSOD...

it may just be due to unstable graphics drivers since they run closer to the kernel i believe and are able to cause BSODs if they are not solid...
Well, in my case, WMP12 used to run all files including h.264 encoded avi's without any problems. In Win7, it just plays any files without a issue.

Also, it used to play 1080p MP4 videos without any lag, while in Vista even MPC-HC was not able to. :ohyeah:

Probably something went wrong with the drivers or the codecs...Try to go back to some old restore point or if u can try re-installing, it should be resolved. :cool2:
+1.. win7 wmp 12 plays all hd video on my comp smoothly...

although i can get this to work.. my monitor is Widescreen but my erception for windows media center is 4:3.. how can i get my WMC window to show in 4:3 ratio..???

Also it keeps recording or timeshift details ON by default.. un-necessary using my HDD.. how ot turn it off..???

neomustdie said:
+1.. win7 wmp 12 plays all hd video on my comp smoothly...

although i can get this to work.. my monitor is Widescreen but my erception for windows media center is 4:3.. how can i get my WMC window to show in 4:3 ratio..???

Also it keeps recording or timeshift details ON by default.. un-necessary using my HDD.. how ot turn it off..???


R u talking about seeing the TV reception in widescreen rather than 4:3?
If yes, u can just change the Zoom settings and it will scale to 16:9 or there is a Dynamic Zoom option which keeps the aspect ratio to some extent while zooming and hence looks good.
U can try both...:)

And the timeshift is for good na. U can go back, pause Live TV. If u don't want Timeshift i am not sure whether u can turn it off but u can change the time for which it timeshifts at one go from Settings.
Though, it hardly takes any CPU usage while timeshifting...:P
I installed Windows 7 64 bit today itself......:clap:
Though the installation was all smooth I am having problem here with some software.......:@

1) First of all I faced problem with Google Chrome v1.0.154.48....It was not at all working ...then I found a small tweak to run it by changing something in its target in Properties...but still Chrome is very unstable..and crashes frequently...

2) Then again I faced issue with KM Player V ...... its album art is not working at all and gives away error on every well as whenever a new file starts playing...... Though I went for disabling album art and it worked fine ........... There is still some instability....

Rest of is quite really beautiful....has very good response time......and much faster than Vista..........Though much stabler what it could be in RC Stage, still they should look forward to some of the instability issues cropping up here and now.....

:cool2: :cool2: The most Imp. thing why I installed 64 bit Win 7 ha been succesfully full filled... Now I can fully utilise my 4 Gb Corsair Ram here...And even my score for Ram improvised to 7.1 from 5.7 in Vista 32 Bit......That I feel really proud about.....

Will play some game and test it then...

As actually speaking game tests the limits all possible instability of OS...upto great extent...Thinking of Playing Dead Space4 or I have not completed these two game...Rest of new release finished....However Looking forward to test it using Crysis Warhead as these are benchmark game...

Downloading 3D Marks Vantage... I assume that will finish by today night.......Then I will get the points as well.....
Installed the RC on a amd anthlon 3000+ with 1gb ram, its smooth as silk..very very fast..

Can any one give the link to ati drivers for onboard video for WIN7, it has msi rs482 m4-ild motherboard..
Though the installation was all smooth I am having problem here with some software.......

1) First of all I faced problem with Google Chrome v1.0.154.48....It was not at all working ...then I found a small tweak to run it by changing something in its target in Properties...but still Chrome is very unstable..and crashes frequently...

K....I went for Beta version of Google Chrome 2.0.1..... Its working quite fine .....But I cant import my saved password from Mozilla Firefox(though earlier I could.....I am using Firefox 3.5 Beta)...
K i th Went for Chrome 2.o.1 Beta version ..Ts working fine now....

Though I am having problem in importing passwords from Firefox, which was not an issue earlier.......

Seriously need chrome`s Online Bookmark/Password Synchroniser...Kya kare addicted to Chrome...... Would have better of Used Safari 4.0 as it is even more faster...But then lack a lot in terms of feature...which atleast chrome provides./....
Jasku said:
hey naga, did u increase 1gb ram on ur eeepc?? much did it cost?

Ya, I did but not much of a difference in performance. I upgraded mostly for Firefox but it still takes too much time to launch (using Opera right now). Got 2 2gb Corsair ValueRams for the 2 eeepcs in the house from PhOeNix but don't remember the cost. The original 1GBs I disposed off in my shop.

Coming back to Windows 7 installation, waited ages for the dl frm MS to complete and then spent couple of hours trying to make a bootable pen drive as my external drive was in the office. After repeated installation errors, did a hash check and found the iso was corrupt :@ ! Re-downloading a torrent right now. Will update thread with impressions on the eeepc 1000H.
Whoohoo :hap2: ! Everything running fine on my eeepc 1000H! All drivers and utilities working fine (multitouch track pad, webcam etc.).

Everything works faster than the default XP SP3. And I'm back to my fav Firefox as it loads fast enough. Used to take ages to load on XP :hap2: !

Had some problems with the grafix with some error about a file missing popping up. Installed the older Intel graphics media accelerator and then updated to the latest driver from Windows update to see that error disappear :) ! Thanks to all the info on Windows 7 available all over the net :hap2: !

Only downer seems to be the battery backup. On XP I used to have a backup of 8 hrs + and here it's showing as 7hrs approx. Just the notification as I haven't tested it yet. Have the ACPI driver installed and power saving plan optimized. Thank god I'm such a "I want more" guy that I got the RAM and battery upgraded :P !

I'm gonna buy a license as soon as 7 launches :ohyeah: !

Edit: I just noticed that I've used the max smileys ever in any of my posts :P
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1) K another problem caught here.....

I getting problem when I connect to Internet via my Broadband Modems.......

Initially after getting connected it takes time to Open uTORRENT and Chrome and they even tends to hangup some time......

However after some time it tends to become stable here.......

I dont know, but all these Instabilities where not there back In vista...

2) Also Tera Copy v 2 beta 4 is not working on Win 7 64 bit.... I loved it man, it was my most favourite copy handler...Will be missing it for a while here.....

Everything works faster than the default XP SP3. And I'm back to my fav Firefox as it loads fast enough. Used to take ages to load on XP

Thats true I know,....And i suppose Firefox is the only stable good browser for Win 7 (As IE 8 is still a crap)....However for speed I will always prefer Safari and then Chrome
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