Your PC Picture

sorry, i was chnaging stuff should definet ly work now :)

WOW, my rig looks so crap with a really cant capture the UV affect
Why don't you use Imageshak to post your thumbnails?? I like links opening in a different window and opening 2 or more files at the same time.....

Pics are too small... try taking them with a standard digi cam instead of a webcam and uploading them to Imageshack
Nice :cool2: ..............Bottle:) (S) :P
(You had to include ur copyrighted trademark):ohyeah:

Exclusive Fuel (for thought or Gin / Vodka) for each m/c ...;)
nice setup.....Tell me when you guys are gng, will join you to raid bottle's place....
Duh--how did you manage to keep the desk so clutter free,
@ superczar - didnt u read this ;)

bottle said:
cleaned up the room last week so can dare to post a pic

BTW bottle , some stunning hardware and very clean.

2 Wavamaster , 2 LCD's , Altec lansing MX 5021 , and that logitechs 10K kbd. wooooooooooow

Just cant stop looking at ur desktop.

some posts of the inside u cabby plz.
BTW, why are the MX5021's offset to your left. Shouldnt they be in front of you? :D

And careful with that pink cellphone, else Masky will be after you too :P
Crazy_Eddy said:
BTW, why are the MX5021's offset to your left. Shouldnt they be in front of you? :D

And careful with that pink cellphone, else Masky will be after you too :P
no space to put the mx in front :( anyway have gotten used to listening with one ear :bleh:

pink phones my moms old one , using temporarily since my regular one is in service :(
Crazy_Eddy said:
And careful with that pink cellphone, else Masky will be after you too :P

thats quite understandable.. i guess u are already after him.. :P some birdy told me she found bottle irresistible.. same goes for u too i guess.. :P