Your PC Picture

THis is as neat as my desk as ever been :p
Here is my crunching mini farm :D

VX2025 goes out from here sometime next week when I can personally setup the sparkling new dell :p

Spare my 2nd cruncher. Its workhorse. Its dirty and ignored. Does what it is suppose to do :)

^Basically this thread was started before Rig Gallery was opened. Now all the PC pics are posted in the Rig Gallery and very few are posted here ;)
Very neat, I like... instead of compromising on image quality, downscale the size a bit and retain about 70% quality in PS. Everyone's at least on a 128kbps connection these days, so 250kb per image wouldn't be that bad ;)
Thanks..:) Actually something was terribly wrong with my sify 'broadband 256 kbps' line yesterday..i cudnt upload pics even larger than 200 and photobucket wud just remain stuck after i clicked the upload button..but as i reduced the file size, they wud upload just fine..:no: Damn sify broadband...the worst isp i've ever seen...unfortunately, its the only service provider in my area..:mad:

Okay here are the smaller res but better quality pics..:p

i got E228WFP as a 2nd monitor quiet a while back.

I shifted 2007WFP outside on the HTPC rig which i use to edit the surgical videos and photos where i need accurate colours. This was ordered through Raghu a while back. Thats system is under some sweet mod. Will post those pics when its complete ;)

I prefer E228 for gaming which is primary use of this PC.
Funky said:
i got E228WFP as a 2nd monitor quiet a while back.

I shifted 2007WFP outside on the HTPC rig which i use to edit the surgical videos and photos where i need accurate colours. This was ordered through Raghu a while back. Thats system is under some sweet mod. Will post those pics when its complete ;)

I prefer E228 for gaming which is primary use of this PC.

but isn't a e228wfp (tn) a downgrade from a vx2025wm (p-mva) ? :S

have you used spyder express on both?
YOYOYO homies check out my gaming rig :rofl::rofl:

thats me playin NFS Porsche 2000 on meh lappy with a Xbox360 controller :D check out the 120gig external drive on the left too :D and the uber sexy speakers..stereo? :rofl:

nice rig sunny :D

laptop brand?

change the speaker placement :p

why are you not using the atp3? :huh:

you should have got a laptop with a gfx card :)

wouldn't the game look better on your desktop which has a ATI 9600pro? :S