ZTE Blade aka DELL XCD 35 aka Orange San Francisco Thread

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I have a Gen2 Blade. I can't boot into CWM recovery menu. I did the following

1. Permanent root using 'Z4root'
2. Installed Rom Manager
3. Flashed CWM recovery (

When i boot by pressing vol down + power, I get 'FTM' on the screen. If I select the option within Rom Manager to reboot into recovery, I get what I think is the stock recovery menu.

Please help.
Ok so i installed the CM7 and re-installed most of my apps from market / alternate market and things seem to be working fine. There is a new type of lock screen in this and new way to unlock (new in effect, not in functionality).
The UI is reasonably fluid (not iOS Fluid) which i am ok with and lagging is something which frustrates me a lot. After checking lots of recommendations here, i installed the Link2SD and it works well. I also moved the supposedly non-movable (receommended not to move) apps to SD.

One think i am confused is some apps not showing up in market. I wanted to download the Bank Of America App which i had previously but it does not show up in my search results. Not sure why. If nothing works, i might have to request someone here to download the app and send me the APK. I should have saved it using titanium.
Rest all is fine, no issues as such. Did not tinker much yet.
pageisgod85 said:
You haven't? :O That was the first app I installed once I rooted my phone.
xtremevicky said:
It would be the best app ever if it can store everything by a single click :P

Dunno, for some reason i've always done all my backup/restore manually.

melv1nratedr said:
When i boot by pressing vol down + power, I get 'FTM' on the screen. If I select the option within Rom Manager to reboot into recovery, I get what I think is the stock recovery menu.

melv1nratedr said:
never mind. Installed CWM manually and it worked :)

I've never had much luck with Rom manager, as above, always done recovery and flashing etc manually. Actually uninstalled Rom manager from my cm7.
raksrules said:
The UI is reasonably fluid (not iOS Fluid)...

I don't think android will ever match ios' fluidity. As much as we all hate apple, their product is just awesome as usual. just too restricted to justify using. even android apps are miles behind their ios versions even though they may look the same.

raksrules said:
One think i am confused is some apps not showing up in market. I wanted to download the Bank Of America App which i had previously but it does not show up in my search results. Not sure why. If nothing works, i might have to request someone here to download the app and send me the APK. I should have saved it using titanium.
Rest all is fine, no issues as such. Did not tinker much yet.

Try searching for it in your android market account on your pc. It's possible it's somehow listed as non-compatible with your handset which is probably the only reason it won't show in your search results.
xtremevicky said:
Recommended App : Milocker

Customizing lock screen. Decent app with wide variety.

Didn't understand your post mate...
xtremevicky said:
Recommended App : Milocker

Customizing lock screen. Decent app with wide variety.

Been using Widgetlocker since ages and it is the most customisable lock screen replacement out there. Have also tried other apps like Go Locker, LockBot and another one whose name I can't remember right now. For some reason, I keep coming back to Widgetlocker. Here's how it generally looks on my phone. I keep changing the look of the widgets and sliders every 4-5 days.



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pageisgod85 said:
Been using Widgetlocker since ages and it is the most customisable lock screen replacement out there. Have also tried other apps like Go Locker, LockBot and another one whose name I can't remember right now. For some reason, I keep coming back to Widgetlocker. Here's how it generally looks on my phone. I keep changing the look of the widgets and sliders every 4-5 days.

View attachment 19178View attachment 19177

Downloaded the Android 4.0 today and told some friends that I got the ICS update and showed them the lockscreen.

No wonder after that all were behind me :D . Its nice to play with them xD

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Are you talking about this App ?


Links will be appreciated :P
xtremevicky said:
Downloaded the Android 4.0 today and told some friends that I got the ICS update and showed them the lockscreen.

No wonder after that all were behind me :D . Its nice to play with them xD

I got those looks when I changed everything on my phone (CM7 ICS theme, ICS live wallpaper, ICS icons, widgetlocker ICS lock, ICS keyboard, etc.) to make it look like a true ICS build. I get the same questions/stares when people see WP7 on my phone currently (yes, I've been bitten by the WP7 bug again.

xtremevicky said:

You've got PM :P
pageisgod85 said:
I got those looks when I changed everything on my phone (CM7 ICS theme, ICS live wallpaper, ICS icons, widgetlocker ICS lock, ICS keyboard, etc.) to make it look like a true ICS build. I get the same questions/stares when people see WP7 on my phone currently (yes, I've been bitten by the WP7 bug again.

You've got PM :P
Thanks man :)
I logged into android market on my laptop and under my user id and it shows the Bank of America app as Installed. Now it does not show up in search results on my phone. How do i install the app again ?

There was another app i wanted, "Places Directory" which did not show up in android market so i downloaded it from somewhere else.

But with BOFA being a bank app, i do not want to risk downloading from after market sources.
just press the installed button again on the PC app market and see if your phone comes up on the supported devices list.if it comes then install it :) . BTW Guys try out airdroid :D
^^That does not work. It lists my blade and HP touchpad (on android) as two devices under my user id but when i try selecting the blade it says "This item cannot be installed in your device's country" :S

For the HP touchpad, it says it is already installed.

Also something happened yesterday after i installed the new ROM and accessed the market. It initially showed me the apps priced in INR but then today it is showing apps in USD.
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