ALPHA17 There are many affordable ways of downloading too. If low costs implements and suppose retail goes away. Users will be downloading the game. Then Routers with a prob of downloading directly to External HDD(I dunno what it is and how it works i was suggested such a method once) and like download rigs will be built by people for downloading those which consume much less power. I hope.
See if one game is priced at ~3.5k. If prices go low suppose to 500(Just assume) then while downloading, rig to be built just once may cost 5k. but downloading 3 title which were priced at 3.5k each = 10.5k whereas if prices go low then 3x500=1500 + 5k Rig + max you take 1.5k bill for download(only because of this rig/router) + 1k net connection = 9k. I guess 1.5k still saves up. I know its like "Hawa mein Pulao Pakana" but still its a way i want to put forward my point. Don't take any thing said above too Seriously.
i just put forward my view, the prices may change err..whatever.
Definitely agree with you on this. Prices for console is a bit high but imo PC owners spent a lot on PC upgrades. So i guess pc owners must get some slack? I guess. I dunno anything about all of this much but which costs more releasing game on a console or PC(making a game all included) Do tell me please. Thanks
See if one game is priced at ~3.5k. If prices go low suppose to 500(Just assume) then while downloading, rig to be built just once may cost 5k. but downloading 3 title which were priced at 3.5k each = 10.5k whereas if prices go low then 3x500=1500 + 5k Rig + max you take 1.5k bill for download(only because of this rig/router) + 1k net connection = 9k. I guess 1.5k still saves up. I know its like "Hawa mein Pulao Pakana" but still its a way i want to put forward my point. Don't take any thing said above too Seriously.

My friends OTOH keep asking me all the time, "Oh how do you spend so much for console titles? Like 2.2~2.7k a title? Are you crazy?". What they don't realise is, after playing the title I sell it off for a 400~500 Rs discount which is like a good discount to the prospective buyers who weren't willing to shell out the retail price for the title during the launch. And a good price for me as well. A win-win for both the parties. And come on isn't a title worth at least 500 Rs? Maybe i am wrong about what all i said in reply to you thats why i am asking.![]()
Definitely agree with you on this. Prices for console is a bit high but imo PC owners spent a lot on PC upgrades. So i guess pc owners must get some slack? I guess. I dunno anything about all of this much but which costs more releasing game on a console or PC(making a game all included) Do tell me please. Thanks