Search results

  1. R

    Suggest me some trance tracks

    Get some good mixed sets/Podcasts like ASOT/TATW
  2. R

    English TV series discussion

    Re: Please suggest an english TV series Weeds is going OK OK! just done with Ep 6
  3. R

    Encounter with Noobs !!!!

    9th Class in school there were 2 instances of a guy, made me LOL so much that whenever we have a reunion we pick a lot on him (Hez a teacher in C-dac now :P) Roadrash was very uber those days, so he promptly brought a Floppy to my place and transferred the shortcut which was like in Kb's and he...
  4. R

    Car & Bike Second Car ideas

    i20- Diesel +1
  5. R

    Need a good chinese phone

    a friend wants to sell his sciphone, should i ask him to PM you? Edit- LOL its replay only
  6. R

    Made an iPhone Game

    Dude Check PM
  7. R

    Does anyone still play ut99 online ?

    Im in ...weekends/weekdays after 10 PM
  8. R

    Is Rakhi Ka Swayamvar a reality ?

    mabe divorce will be season 2, then kids maybe season 3, then extra marital affair maybe season 4 who knows :P
  9. R

    Gannus getting hitched !

    In other news Icefusion is getting married next month :P
  10. R

    Listening Electronica

    BT- Mercury and Solace 7 min masterpiece! The track which got me interested into producing music in the first place
  11. R

    Michael Jackson has died, reports say

    R.I.P. MJ :( Long Live the Moonwalk
  12. R

    UFO Hunters

    Ok ive been trolling around these days with nothing to watch so i got hold of 3 seasons (UFO Hunters) from the history Channel now what i wanna know do we have any more docs/shows on this topic please post em here and btw how much truth is this, i found UFO hunters a bit staged and discussing...
  13. R

    Any softwares to manage ipod

    In my experience, dont use anything other then itunes sometimes dats is corrupted while using 3rd party apps which is quite frustrating. anyway its just my opinion, ive tried Sharepod btw
  14. R

    Hiring Game Testers

    yea, its in Noida :)
  15. R

    TE improves english

    I haz de TE'ictionary
  16. R

    Hiring Game Testers

    ^ Depends on which Publisher your Client is, so far ive had nothing but awesome fun testing games
  17. R

    Car & Bike Best Car under 15Lac

    Honda Civic Hybrid About time we start embracing technology also it's evenly priced and FE is good too Skoda - Expensive Service or id say go classy and get an Altis