Search results

  1. J

    PC Peripherals What exactly is a credit note?

    I.O.U = I owe you .. its note stating that dealer owes u the said amount ...
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    PC Peripherals My lamington experience

    ^^ +1 to magnet's advise .. always do u r homework before going to buy anything.. and go to the shops and ask for the product at specific price, dont ask the price of a product..
  3. J

    CAT Result Out???

    lookie lookie wat i got .. dint study at all :ohyeah: :ohyeah: .. Section - I Quantitative 10.00 (out of 100) 56.79 Section - II Logic & Data Interpretation 12.00 (out of 96) 57.77 Section - III Verbal 96.00 (out of 160) 99.94 Total 118.00 (out of 356) 97.77
  4. J

    Storage Solutions External hdd problem

    looks like some issue in usb port .. are u connecting it to the front panel of desktop or back panel ?? Try plugging it in a different usb port ..
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    FS: Orig. Ubuntu Cds, Old 4gb seagate hdd

    when i read this i was like wtf , someone can stoop so low,selling a linux distro and that too Ubuntu :no: .. i had got these four years back and got some 20+cds sent to me free of cost from UK .. seriously dude this is height .. wait till darky reads this :ohyeah: :ohyeah: ..
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    FS: Core Xbox360

    ^^are you interested .. if yes then pm me else dont post here .. :)
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    FS: Core Xbox360

    I have one month old core xbox360 for sale.Its my friend's and he had won it in a contest so no bills . Its not yet registered for memory upgrade program so buyer can register it.For Bangalore Buyers only.
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    Graphic Cards 17" crt monitor + 4850?

    ^^ OP listen to the wise man.. get a sonic 4850 or if u can afford it gt260 is it and u r done for 2 years .and regarding the display dont worry abt it .. my bro still games on a 15"crt .. i gifted him a 4850 and he is good to go for next 3 years :P ..
  9. J

    Storage Solutions Possible Hot Deal - LG GGWH20L

    ^^ hehe i can confirm jerin's story .. that lucky bastard got it for 5900/- and got a blank sony bd free .. so effective price is 5750 and he is getting the media at 150 a piece from japan .. damn !!
  10. J

    PC Peripherals Need a good yet cheap cordless mouse

    @greenhorn: i bought it for 1.1k about two months back .. oye roman check it at ur local shop and haggle a bit ,u may get it for 1k and its a kb+mouse combo . I have been using it for two months havent faced any issue mouse is decent enough .. as good as a regular optical mouse .And one more...
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    Need game recommendations from the past 2 years

    :rofl: hehe i missed that "except "..
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    K-lite Causing Nightmares!

    ^^ install vlc.. say bye bye to codecs .. :P
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    Need game recommendations from the past 2 years

    games like sins of solar empire : galactic civilization 2 + expansions civ4 + all expansions Hearts of Iron2 + expansions Europa universalis +expansions another genre which i m fond of dunno wat do they call it .. Heroes 5+expansions King's Bounty Disciples 2 i guess these turn based...
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    NFS Undercover thread: Post your game impressions

    ^^kindly read the posts above urs.. was going to dl it but now i wont..
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    Graphic Cards Most powerful card in history?

    ^^ err same applies to you .. :tongue:
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    Piracy : Hot or Not

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    Piracy : Hot or Not

    see jerin given the chance they all will turn into pirates ,iff xbox360 sumhow magically turned into sumthing reliable and MS stops banning ppl from xbox live.. and ps3 gets hacked .. and dude watever they say doesnt meant shit to me coz 90% of them use torrents and watch dvdrips and running a...
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    Piracy : Hot or Not

    @cool1: PC games r already selling for peanuts ,, 699 to 999 for new one and 299 for old one .. hell i bought prince of Persia trilogy for 399 bucks.. same thing for ps2 games, but yeah xbox 360 games are costly .. but even its lower to 699-999 range ppl will keep on pirating stuff coz not all...
  19. J

    eclipse crashing a lot

    i have been using eclipse as java ide but recently its crashing a lot specially when working on a java code with 2000+ lines .. it says stackoverflow exception and asks to exit .. has anyone else experienced this issue .. or else tell me which is the most stable release of eclipse im using...
  20. J

    Miniature Nuclear Reactor

    vault 101 anyone ??