Anna Hazare's fast against corruption

Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

Very few I guess otherwise how would they be replying here :bleh:
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

^ Err, from the phone may be? :) I know one guy who went for the India Gate march yesterday.
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

blr_p said:
That means you would agree to anything, to achieve your aims.
You read it out of context.

What I said is, I'm in favour of disregarding the democratic practices if it means to prosecute a corrupt democracy.
A corrupt democracy is not a democracy.

blr_p said:
Its too one tracked & uncompromising, this is why there has not been a successful lok pal act to date.
I don't expect the powers to hand me the key and request me to jail them. That's not going to happen. The point is to push as much as we can. That way we compromise less and get more in the bargain.

blr_p said:
The methods used are curucial if you desire to establish a justified, legitimate & enduring insititution.
This govt is legitimate but that does not stop it from refusing to prosecute some of it's own people because of this "coalition dharma" concept they prescribe to. We need to change with circumstances. We need to be pragmatics in this regard. The people of india will still get to vote and choose their leaders. This watchdog does not change that setup.

All we are doing is appointing a watchdog(which is neither the bjp or the congress) and giving it powers to establish order in the administration department. Surely, you can agree with me that lokpal will be free from influence from any of the political parties. You are aware that I lean in favour of NDA simply because I see congress as the greater evil. This new authority not only threatens UPA but NDA too. The difficulty for me is to make you agree to compromise on your part because I've compromised on my part by taking a stand.

blr_p said:
you said you did not care about democracy earlier, thats another win for the dissenters.
That's complete false cause its out of context. See above.

Parliamentary democracy stays. That's important.

blr_p said:
Those that would sacrifce democracy for the sake of tackling corruption are not fit to represent such a movement. They would have no qualms tearing up the consitition to acheive their aims.
I don't think they have any intentions to abolish democracy. All they want is accountability.

In fact, I think an independent authority(with powers) overseeing govt administration is a f@#king awesome set up.

blr_p said:
No he hasn't but he's justifed the govts actions pretty succintly there, as someone like you is partial to his views i would hope the point has sunk in by now.
I've disagreed with raman on many views in the past.

blr_p said:
Its not about taking the side of govt, its about how you fight. How you fight speaks volumes of who you are and what you represent.
We have to agree to disagree on each others views on this point. Democracy is not god's word. I'll compromise some of it (but only to make things better)

blr_p said:
Irrelevant, we don't follow a jury model in our courts. We follow the british system.
That's was in context of what kippu try to imply

Jan Lokpal Draft on selection process
Broad based selection committee with 2 politicians, 4 judges and 2 independent constitutional authorities.
•An independent search committee consisting of retired constitutional authorities to prepare first list.
•A detailed transparent selection process with Public particaipation

Government Draft on selection process
•With 5 out of 10 members from ruling establishment, 6 politicians in selection committee, ensured that only pliable & weak people be selected
•Search committee to be selected by selection committee
•No selection process provided.
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

how are the judges and the independent constitutional authority chosen? ...when did judges become non-corrupt?
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

A friend asked me .. Are student unions supporting too - the ABVP, NSUI, others? No news about them.

pepps3484 said:
I went and 2 of my friends as well...

^ Did you came across any representations?
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

Just had 1 query?

How is the jan lokpal committee\ lok ayukt going to find out where exactly corruption is happening and how can they prove that corruption has indeed occured?
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

^ Simple I should say if we have RTI with Jan Lokpal, it will be atleast easy to see how much funds are being diverted to their accounts.
Funds released by government for development in constituency subtracted by Funds used ( which you can get by filing RTI) = Funds in their Swiss bank accounts...

Also with the people filling complaints with proof they will track it.
But the biggest thing is punishing them.. If Kasab can appeal in Supreme court for mearcy Plea :mad: :mad:, Damn who knows where these Corrupt officials will end.
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

is it also true that they are going to use CBI for their investigating work, the same CBI which is doing the work now?
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

broadway said:
What I said is, I'm in favour of disregarding the democratic practices if it means to prosecute a corrupt democracy.
A corrupt democracy is not a democracy.

Thats totally retarded. I dont even know where to begin...
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

Shripad said:
As far as bribery goes. We have reached to the bottom limit of the sinkhole. A honest man or businessman cannot start or run his business these days without bribery because without paying bribe, he cannot work. This has to stop somewhere and it began with RTI. It needs to get stronger and the next step is lokpal bill. After that the system needs to filter down to all government departments with stronger system at state and municipal levels.

Take a example of this, getting a simple VAT number for a local business. It should not cost a penny over the voluntary charges of Rs.5000 or 25000 (advanced tax for voluntary registration). Or Rs.500 is you are filing the VAT after turnover of 500000. Its very essential thing for any business doing retail or wholesale business. But you have to pay close to Rs.2k to get the damn form submitted and signed by the authority personal. Otherwise they will keep bumping you for days or will delay you to the end where you will get frustrated and end up paying whatever they want or will have to keep making multiple trips to ST office.

Widening the scope of Lokpal to cover such low end instances would make the workload impossible to handle; where are they going to find people to do the job of following up on the hundreds of thousands of complaints that will immediately crop up? What about the institutions that will become redundant because of it; will the people working in those departments be absorbed into lokpal; wouldn't that mean they inherit all the failings of the previous system? imo the only way is to have a lot of scrutiny and accountability at the absolute top i.e. the centre alone rather than have a comprehensive scope as the jan lokpal.
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

broadway said:
You read it out of context.
No, i haven't

broadway said:
What I said is, I'm in favour of disregarding the democratic practices if it means to prosecute a corrupt democracy.
the rule of law matters not to you. Ergo, you will do anything if it means prosecuting a corrupt democracy.

This is pretty much what the leader of every successful coup d'etat says..

broadway said:
A corrupt democracy is not a democracy.
Explain that one to me ?

A corrupt democracy is still very much a democracy. there is corruption everywhere, in fact a great deal more in non-democracies because there isn't any representation nor accountability. If you still disagree then India is a non-democracy for you which would be absurd.

broadway said:
I don't expect the powers to hand me the key and request me to jail them. That's not going to happen. The point is to push as much as we can. That way we compromise less and get more in the bargain.
Push as much as you want but within the rules. Don't break them for the sake of a PR coup.

broadway said:
This govt is legitimate but that does not stop it from refusing to prosecute some of it's own people because of this "coalition dharma" concept they prescribe to. We need to change with circumstances. We need to be pragmatics in this regard. The people of india will still get to vote and choose their leaders. This watchdog does not change that setup.
i have no probs with that. I'm not against an effective lok pal.

broadway said:
All we are doing is appointing a watchdog(which is neither the bjp or the congress) and giving it powers to establish order in the administration department. Surely, you can agree with me that lokpal will be free from influence from any of the political parties. You are aware that I lean in favour of NDA simply because I see congress as the greater evil. This new authority not only threatens UPA but NDA too. The difficulty for me is to make you agree to compromise on your part because I've compromised on my part by taking a stand.
no probs with this either especially the independent part.

broadway said:
I don't think they have any intentions to abolish democracy. All they want is accountability.
they may not have intentions to abolish democracy but their actions amount to it, especially in this latest instance. If they're ready to do it so early, i'm not going to feel very confident about the future. Common sense.

broadway said:
In fact, I think an independent authority(with powers) overseeing govt administration is a f@#king awesome set up.
then go about it the right way. i also think we need something like this.

broadway said:
I've disagreed with raman on many views in the past.
As have i, but he's laid down the legal reasons for the govt to act as it did. if you still disagree then you believe the govt has no right to enforce its own laws. That would be an interesting position to be in.

broadway said:
We have to agree to disagree on each others views on this point. Democracy is not god's word. I'll compromise some of it (but only to make things better)
i mean just look at that bolded bit, and the joke is you said that with a straight face. no respect for the rule of law.

Just admit you want license to break laws to get your way.
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

i always felt broadway was a pro-military / pronaxal person / anti administration ? .. i guess his arguements always veer that side
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

chiron said:
Widening the scope of Lokpal to cover such low end instances would make the workload impossible to handle; where are they going to find people to do the job of following up on the hundreds of thousands of complaints that will immediately crop up? What about the institutions that will become redundant because of it; will the people working in those departments be absorbed into lokpal; wouldn't that mean they inherit all the failings of the previous system? imo the only way is to have a lot of scrutiny and accountability at the absolute top i.e. the centre alone rather than have a comprehensive scope as the jan lokpal.

Makes me realise, considering grass root employees too, I alone would have 2 cases at the passport office, 2 at the police station, 4 at the RTO, 3 at the Civil Supplies office (ration card), 1 at the Voter ID card office, 2 at the Department of Publication's office, 1 at the electricity office. There definitely are more, but don't strike my mind. I have listed, let me see, 15 cases just for me. If I count the ones for my family separately, that number might touch 40. Assuming 1 in 5 people is impacted by this (very optimistic really), that would mean 24 crore people filing an average of lets assume for ease of calculation 10 cases. 240 crore cases would be with the Lokpal. They are going to have to be super staffed and super efficient to address these many issues.
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.


why are you jumping the gun.First you need to get the lokpal made into a law.As with all it will slowly evolve.What we need is a deterrent for the crimes committed.Right now there is no fear of the law as the law is a tool used by the high and the mighty.


I just read a gist of the comments made by you so not an answer to a specific bit but a general one.Yes I agree we should follow the rules and all but what if there is one set of rules for the powerful and another for the weak.Should we follow the rules?.As of now the executive,the judiciary and the executioners(read police etall) are all corrupt.Barring a few honest souls which i believe you can count on your fingers the whole system is rotten.So should we not overthrow the system and bring in a fresh system.Does not the end justify the means?.

The corruption rite now affects us all.For eg take a small case.The bus fare in my state for eg was rs 5 for going from one point to another point.The same one is now 9 rs.A massive increase of 4 rs almost a 100 percent increase.Now could we have prevented it ie the fare hike.Yes if there was no corruption.The primeminister waxes eloquent saying the petroleum subsidy is taxing the exchequer and hence no solution except to increase the price.If the billions looted out of this country was utilized properly then there would have been no need to increase the petrol price or even if increase is needed then a small hike is needed.

So its affected everyone.Its squeezing the middle class to which i belong very hard.

If the govt cannot control inflation and does not want to tackle corruption(throwing kalmadi and raja out does not count)then this govt must go.
@chiron, read my post,again. I said such things need to filter down to state and municipal level over time. But it has to start with strong law at center.

Many states already have lokayuktas, but most are seriously crippled in their scope and power. That is why this bill is important. It will make way for changes downstream.

Sent from my Motorola Atrix using Tapatalk Pro.
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

blr_p said:
A corrupt democracy is still very much a democracy. there is corruption everywhere, in fact a great deal more in non-democracies because there isn't any representation nor accountability. If you still disagree then India is a non-democracy for you which would be absurd.

Per me it's Kleptocracy as of now in India.
Re: Anna Hazare arrested by Delhi police ahead of today's fast.

johnie1 said:
I just read a gist of the comments made by you so not an answer to a specific bit but a general one.Yes I agree we should follow the rules and all but what if there is one set of rules for the powerful and another for the weak.Should we follow the rules?.As of now the executive,the judiciary and the executioners(read police etall) are all corrupt.Barring a few honest souls which i believe you can count on your fingers the whole system is rotten.So should we not overthrow the system and bring in a fresh system.Does not the end justify the means?
I would say that is even more reason to follow the rules as the legitimacy of this movement derives from holding the moral high ground. Its very easy to attack this movement otherwise, once legitimacy is lost it can be difficult to regain. It does not matter what Hazare's record has been upto now, he will be judged on his actions in this particualr case. Its a gamble for sure.

Just look at the reaction here, quite a few have opposed on these grounds, expand that up for the rest of the country and the reaction might be no different. You want as much support to keep the movement going as you can get not jeopardise it. Not give your opponents cause to spread FUD.

johnie1 said:
The corruption rite now affects us all.For eg take a small case.The bus fare in my state for eg was rs 5 for going from one point to another point.The same one is now 9 rs.A massive increase of 4 rs almost a 100 percent increase.Now could we have prevented it ie the fare hike.Yes if there was no corruption.The primeminister waxes eloquent saying the petroleum subsidy is taxing the exchequer and hence no solution except to increase the price.If the billions looted out of this country was utilized properly then there would have been no need to increase the petrol price or even if increase is needed then a small hike is needed.
So its affected everyone.Its squeezing the middle class to which i belong very hard.
If the govt cannot control inflation and does not want to tackle corruption(throwing kalmadi and raja out does not count)then this govt must go.
So you're saying this govt isn't legitimate then ? i dont know if you can make that assertion.

Because its not clear to me what the support for lok pal even is.

But you will get your chance to make that choice when elections are called.

Until then its important to keep this movement clean. The more support there is the better the chances are of getting a lok pal.

If the govt had refused outright to even consider lok pal, if we lived in a dictatoship then things would have been different but as it stands thats not the case. The issue is that the govts version isn't tight enough. Well, then negotiate those differences away.

I'm not in a position to comment on either of these bills yet as i'm still making my way through them, so don't know if there is any truth to either parties positions.