Most people here are too young to start participating in corruption themselves
Real world is harsh.
Most salaried people will be as honest as they can be as they have very little choice to avoid taxes these days.
Majority crowd here is now using S&S for imports where you cannot cheat customs. They ask for paypal invoice now if one is not included with your shipment.
Medical industry have tightened up last year after major insurance procedure overhaul that took place recently. And btw parallel import and grey market industry is perfectly legal. There is nothing legally wrong with it.
And this whole argument is void. There is no reason not to support the anti corruption movement regardless what you have done in past. The current system is totally broken. Even tax system is broken.
When VAT came, we were promised it will replace all other taxes. And what has happened? We here in Mumbai have to pay double tax even today in the form of VAT and on top of that Octroi.
Octroi was suppose to be banished, they promised it will be, and nothing happened and nothing will happen anytime soon from the looks of it. This kills the margins of a honest businessman as he has to compete not only with Mumbai dealers but everyone outside as well for the price in the modern era where logistics is no longer a big hurdle. You can order online these days easily from a seller from Delhi or Chennai who sells same thing at 5-6% lower cost than Mumbai seller. If Mumbai seller is to compete, he takes hit in his margins or cheats by maintaining stock outside mumbai and getting it in illegally without paying octroi. How can I call him a cheat knowing how thin margins he has to work on thanks to flawed tax structure.
Why is my city still not getting as much funds as it should from the amount of tax revenue generated from here?
And when this is happening we are facing multi billion rupee scams at the centre. Major chunk of that money is eaten by corrupt government officials.
I have seen to what sickening level the corruption can go. I have had pleasure and horror of witnessing it first hand when I voluntarily worked at a government hospital as an intern to gain some experience and to do whatever little I can for civic body. You do not want to know what kind of $#it happens even in hospitals. I have some horror stories that will leave most people speechless and disgusted.
Most people dont get to see the dirty side of corruption, what we face daily is nothing compared to what happens in the background. What I have stated here are just couple of things. The monster of corruption goes way beyond this and to the top.
A common man would not have to cheat in ideal world. Or even in a honest world.
But sheer amount of corruption we face is the reason there is this much support for this now. Most of the people are simply sick and tired of it and these protest became channel to show that anger and disappointment.
This notion of one has to be saint to even begin supporting a good thing is ridiculous. Mistakes are always tolerated in society, its when these things go out of control, then one fine day it irrupts like it has done.